I think that's a good idea. Aleksey could provide the names of the assets being used and exercise strict quality control. Reserving this for once a week side quests would limit the dependency on players but still give them a shot to do something fun and see their art in a popular game.
It also introduces sex games into the BB world breaking down Ann's resistance and making it a two front battle instead of Kira having to do all the convincing herself. Ann could rationalize the later porn with thought that it really isn't that uncommon, look at how many people play Max's games. Max could even craft a game on his own family and we could see Ann, late at night, playing alone leading the Mom character into having sex with her son, also named Max.
While I do like your idea of having Max use his computer skills to work on getting the ladies (mostly Ann/Mom) more open minded, my original idea was MUCH more basic. Basically the images would be smiley faces and similar pictures (which is why I added the comment about lacking skill in drawing them). For myself I think it would be funny seeing such crude drawings in a game being praised by the awesome character images/models made with the GREAT skill
Aleksey90 has.
As to the idea of fan participation, it MIGHT be possible to have some sort of submission system where fanart (3-5 images) get shown on the big TV in the games lounge, so the ladies can judge how Max is doing. As the game progresses the images could get naughtier (and maybe increase the number to 5-8) with a reward of a guest (or Fan) artist page in the main menu listing the names of the creators.

I do NOT know how this would work (maybe a fanart page here or on discord) but it might interfere with or slow the main game development. Another issue is using images created by other people, things like that can get nasty as some people will complain when there work doesn't get picked (or some might want more than a simple name on a list).
With the idea of including some sort of 'Game' for Ann/Mom (and maybe others) to play, well that would be harder. There would also be the matter of how long it would take for something like that to be included. If you consider that we would see the idea of games being introduced, then a progression of several games (images and dialogue) that get naughtier, concluding in some reward or new opportunity, well a path like that would probably require at least 4-7 updates just to reach a basic level of corruption. I think it would take longer than that since it would just be one of several opportunities being included in each update. Sadly, I do not think a path like that would really work in this game, or it would require MOST of what happens to be off screen so we wouldn't see what is happening. It IS an interesting idea, but at this point in game development the work needed is probably to large (and would take time/effort/work away from the other WONDERFUL paths).
Sadly I don't know if ANY of our ideas would be possible to put in the game now. I know NOTHING about the programing that would be needed to include any of these things, but imagine that it would take a LOT of work and time.
Just a thought
P.S. Insert REQUIRED Chocolate Chip Cookie Content begging here.