First of all... I come in peace. I'm not your teacher, or a figure of authority: when I do criticism, it's to the work so it has a chance of improving, not to make you look bad.
In parallel, I often collaborate, work, and meet IRL with slavic people (which I infer you are too), and I notice a pattern that they become defensive over mild criticism, which would oppositely be thanked for in western Europe or the US. It's cultural...
Anyway, you don't need to get all soviet on me, lol
. Everything I say is an opinion, subjective (but as valid as I can make it), and only meant to help. With that in mind:
the silver text of thoughts appeared only in the new version of the mod - in v2, and it applies to the thoughts of the characters from the very beginning of the game, not just to new scenes. This is such a new style of game design. In version v0.22.0.022, in the topic of which we are, (as in the original game), there is no such design - the thoughts of the characters are displayed with their words in the same color. The only difference with words is italics.
I'm not deploring that thoughts now appear
silver... I'm criticizing that you've displayed the thoughts of Ann, Lisa and Alice. And THIS doesn't appear from the very beginning of the game, only the new scenes. I don't like the idea, and it objectively breaks the homogeneity of the game.
As for Max's long dialogues, given that his influence on women is constantly growing, his dialogues and their semantic load are growing - otherwise, he would not have achieved anything by silence.
I believe that Max dialogues weren't made longer out of necessity for character growth. But because you write differently than Dark Silver, the original developer, and you haven't managed to fully imitate his writing style. At least for the English translation.
The long dialogues are only a symptom, the tip of the Iceberg, that makes us notice: "I'm playing two completely different games simultaneously".
As for the possible change in the character of the characters, there is nothing surprising here, because under the influence of Max and other circumstances, the character of the characters inevitably changes.
If it's meant as character development, I find it a lot worse executed than the original game's character development from the beginning to v13.
And in general it has too little coherence. Here, Ann has been shooting porn twice a week for about a year and her honest thoughts about the a basic porn plot is to be fascinated:
. Nobody reacts like that ^^ And I infer that this is not the Dark Silver's Ann I know, which I believe would rather say out loud: "This is not the most original plot but I see it works to captivate you, Max!"
Other example:
. "Mighty cock", it's like Ann's personality been reduced to a porn movie character.
Max uses everything to woo women-he uses their fears, phobias, blackmail, flattery, sympathy, and bribery.
That's a good analysis and a direction to keep pursuing.
The thoughts of other characters that have appeared in fashion, not just Max, only indicate that women are becoming more and more depraved over time.[/quote]
Certainly my gripe with it.
1) if thoughts of other characters appear after a certain point, it's not a sign that these characters became "more deprived"... it's a sign Max or at least the player became omniscient. This is a disregard for a timeless rule of narration, misunderstanding of the original game's established patterns, and never works to make a scene good.
2) you can show realistic deprivation like Dark Silver was doing, but I find that the new scenes represent cartoonish flanderized depiction of depravation.
This is not the Lisa I know. There's 0 foreshadowing that Lisa dreams about licking her mom's pussy. And even if there was, it would be out of character for Lisa's first cunnilingus ever... to her mom no less. It would be so much more in line with the original if she was at least a tiny bit reluctant and did it because Max coerces her, or gives her the last push, and she's realizing it's gonna change their relationship forever but goes with the motion because she's horny... My proposition: "Okay Mom, I'm going to do to you what you've allowed Max to do for a while now." - "I can't believe I'm about what I'm about to do, please don't be be mad at me, but I think you want it too, Mom".
I didn't quite understand your complaints about the end of the game, but the bulk of the new scenes appear AFTER the end of the base game, since the mod CONTINUES the abandoned game and brings it to its logical conclusion. If you mean women's thoughts, then I answered about that a little higher.
My opinion boils down to this: the writing takes a noticeable dip of quality with the scenes introduced by the mod.
Mainly because characters do not behave like what I would expect them to. This is a common fanfic problem:
I would be glad if you agree with my point and simply being made aware of the problem encourages you to write things more in line with the original game. I can help, either by rewriting a couple of scenes you have in mind, or pointing out problems in scenes you're about to rewrite yourself.
In all politness,