6. Best camera placement and web add buying for max money, in my opinion.Okay not sure if this has been asked before, but as i read it we should not spend more than 200 on buying adds for the website, is this each time we buy adds or is this total per week? just wanted to be sure i was reading that right
When talking to Lisa about Courses, pops in to attention that this is the end of part of the currut of versionThat never got finished so don't worry about it.
Post #2 has all my mini walkthrough even this one is there.Help me Quest: How to watch the porn movie on Friday night with Ann and Kira.It's been 3 weeks and I'm still not done
eric blocks a lot of sex through out the game while he is there so the sooner you get rid of him the better you are for sex with the family, players only keep him around when they love ntr, me I hate it and found out ways to block him from all girls but for Ann/mom which is his girlfriend.Hello, Im new to the game (Day 46). I have a question.
- I have new OP "Cunning Plan" should I start this right away?
- Is 2 camera enough? Pool/Lounge
- When to buy Advertisement properly? currently I'm doing 2 packs every Sunday/Wednesday 8 PM
- When to get rid of Eric? I know about the wallet OP, but are there any other OP needs to be done?
- Also what's the best way to get rid of him? content wise Hacker or Kate's mom?
Info for my OP:
Mentor: I'm at early party of Practice kissing with Lisa (Already blackmail Eric with photo)
Blog: I'm at you need to wait a week after giving her the black lingerie and black body.
Sacrifice: Eric started sleep with Aunt, and talked to him about that he'll stop if I give up Alice. I didn't talk to him since then, except the give me money part.
V.13 and no more will come its been abandoned.What is the latest version of the game and are there upcoming releases?
I noticed in my game that buying 4 ads in the same turn (date + time) has the same effect on viewers and income as buying 3 ads, so ads are probably stored in kind of a size 3 ring buffer where the newest add overwrites the 3rd one. Buying 4 ads so results just in a loss of 50 $.6. Best camera placement and web add buying for max money, in my opinion.
Well I tried it that way and got less money per week.I noticed in my game that buying 4 ads in the same turn (date + time) has the same effect on viewers and income as buying 3 ads, so ads are probably stored in kind of a size 3 ring buffer where the newest add overwrites the 3rd one. Buying 4 ads so results just in a loss of 50 $.
Can't really tell you without your save game for this, make a new save with the regular save option and up load it here.I'm playing v13.0.007 which is the last version I assume.
Aunt Kira wants my mom to play BDSM movie but weeks have passed and nothing happened.
Lisa promised me her virginity but no progress. We stopped to go Vicky coffee with.
Also, Lisa promised me to inform about being bartender but no progress. Therefore, I cannot go further with Vicky.
Clinic wants me to come every 3 day, I did for weeks but no progress.
Olivia's mother also blocked me to come their home so one more no progress. (I believe there won't be any progress here)
What am I missing? I'm in a loop for weeks.
Edit: I searched post history of this thread. They were told to do these
15. How to unlock v.12 new content.
17. V.13 new content. (Looks like another long grind to get it unlocked.).
However, I really have no idea how to do these. "Do Kate in every hole during...." How, I select kate option three times in a row in Alice and Kate night. But it's in loop too. I can only do one hole of Kate. It is not changing. Also Eve doesn't ask me to bring my girlfriend. How do I reach the point Alice spanking Lisa and me? How will I being caught by mom pleasing Alice in the lounge, what do you mean by pleasing Alice. I can only offer her a feet massage and can get a blowjob, if I can persuade her. I'm sorry if I'm asking too much but I was feeling like I'm close to the end of the game but when I read these I felt like an alien, didn't understand anything.
If this is your first time playing I would recommended you play without any mods.$990 for a cam?? its f ing hard enough as it is, any mods to reduce the cost ofcams?
It only comes up if you did not get Lisa spanked right after offering to help her for free.uumm... what was the homework bug again? I don't seem to have gone through it. Maybe because I followed your guide to the t?
I attached my save game. It would be great if you can tell me how to trigger further progress.Can't really tell you without your save game for this, make a new save with the regular save option and up load it here.
Just know that you never get Lisa's virginity in this abandoned game.
You never get to do the barkeep job because it never was finished.
Olivia path is over because it was never finished in this abandoned game.
Clinic is just for extra money if you needed it.
It will take many weeks to get to do Kate in every hole.
BJ, pussy and ass.
As for Alice I have no idea where your at so need that save game to tell.
1. When a quest is done it will tell you so like this:I attached my save game. It would be great if you can tell me how to trigger further progress.
Also, there are tons of images I haven't seen\Images folder. It's so sad we will never know the story connection. I heard some mods or unofficial sequels. Are they use these images? Do they worth to play?
I mean what happens when that bug triggers...It only comes up if you did not get Lisa spanked right after offering to help her for free.