Big Brother: Walkthrough & FAQ Thread

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Mar 12, 2022
My first run against Eric he could not sex Alice, but Kira it seems he can sex once before you can stop it. During my second run now, I still play aginst Eric but have taken some other choices, he still can't have sex with Alice. Kira on the other hand...still that one time. One time to many. There are some ppl saying that is also avoidable, but don't know how.
how to download big brother updated version please send Android link


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
any new update after version 0.07.p2
please send Android link
This game is up to v0. so have no idea what you are asking for. ""version 0.07.p2""

I only play on PC so have no idea about any android links.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
how to complete this questline.Eric out of can't understand how to complete View attachment 1856071
That is not this original game but a mod or another one of the fan made remakes plus.
Go to the thread where you got this mod or what ever from and ask there.
We only help in this thread for the original version of the game.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Hi,I am using the cheat mod ,and I wonder if there any event about getting money that should'n be skipped?:)
Only cheat money to the web site and not to Max's pocket until after he is accuse of stealing eric's wallet.
The trigger for eric to accuse Max of stealing the wallet is 500 plus Kira's photo shots.
Do not have more than 450 in Max's pocket and move time forward 1 hour or more before he is accuse of stealing eric's wallet or the payback will be well over the 1000 normally needed.

If you need to buy something and cheat the money to the web site just make sure that the money left in Max's pocket is less than 450 until after he is accuse of stealing eric's wallet.
After he is accused of stealing the wallet then you can have all you want.
Make sure you have more than 1000 in Max's Pocket to pay eric, this is after he is accused of stealing the wallet.

To sum it all up before Max's is accused of stealing the wallet keep less than 450 in his pocket.

I forgot the trigger for eric and mom accusing Max of stealing the wallet is 500 so the above should be kept in mind until ready to go to war with eric.
4.00 star(s) 1 Vote