battered47 : I really love this game and I think that I might as weel give a quick review and advices to you, and particularly with what you've with the last update.
What I love in this game is that we have a developed story, and characters who are not just vanillas protagonists. Each one has a story, and each one wants to become a bimbo for a good reason (at least, from their point of view of course). I love the fact that they are not brainwashed : they choose to do extreme action and to modify their bodies with their own free will !
The gameplay is simple and that's great, I hate porn games that try to be as complex as AAA games : it just doesn't work. If I'm playing a porn game, I don't want to play 5 hours with RPG mechanics.
The models are well chosen. We have a MILF who looks like a MILF, a sexy teenager, an asian repressed woman. Plus, the minors charcaters are interesting too, and I find myself more interested in some of them that I am usually in this kind of games (especially the sexy neighbour named "Elayne", if I remember well enough...).
The steps in the protagonists' transformations are progressive enough. Especially for the daughter, who by her 3 changes in appearance keeps the player horny in an expectation to discover what will physically become of her.
But now, of course, there are other things that I find annoying, or that could be better.
First of all - and I think that everyone will agree with that statement - some actions require way too much grind. The money income is ridiculous in comparison to the total needed for the female's surgery. Especially for the daughter : 20000$ when we gain less than 1000 in one week ? Just no, it's way too grindy. I hope, in future updates, to see some way to gain much more money.
The whole development of Stella was perfect. I love that she has "homeworks" to do : it gives some extra insight on her development into a nasty bimbo.
But, as soon as she goes through her first body modicication, her development nearly stops completely. It seems, from then, that she exists as a secondary protagonist for her daughter's story and even the choices that the player has with her are, from this point, extremely limited.
It's disappointing that, as it is right now, Stella is "stuck" with her first bimbo surgery and nearly no options when her daughter can endure a second, goes or not to college, make porn shoots, etc...
Maybe she will further be developed in the next update. In fact I really hope so.
Now, let's talk about Hang.
I really like her story as she wants to become a bimbo for different reasons than Stella or Charlotte. Plus, the steps needed to finally make her accept the player's coaching are slow enough to make this somewhat believable.
But there are three things that don't work with her :
1) When the player is given the choice to make her a bimbo or make her stay with her husband.... Well, seriously, who will choose the second option as it is presented right now ? In fact, the only appeal to make her stay with her husband would be the choice to make her a dominatrix bimbo (with latex, high heeled boots, etc...) so that she makes her husband a submissive at the end. So to resume, the choice should clearly be told to the player : "Make her stay with her husband as a dominatrix bimbo". Thus, in my opinion, each of the two options would have a different appeal.
2) In comparison with Charlotte and even more with Stella, her "training" is way too linear and not really exciting. Currently, we only have one lesson once a week, and no multiple choices. I suggest giving the player option, just like you did with Stella, to call her for "services", or to make her do special "homeworks", or to lead her into becoming attracted with her female friend, or whatever.
3) And finally, I think that the model chosen for her transformation when she's back from Thailand is really not appealing or even "bimbo-esque". Hang now seems to have become 10 years older, and this new model has no bimbo looks. I was expecting an Asian girl with big fake boobs, heavy makeup, and a flashy taste of fashion. But what Hang becomes is... well... bland. To be frank, I think that Hang looks much more like a bimbo during the session where she has her purple lipstick than with this "new" body.
I think that there is, on Internet, a consequent choice of Asian girls that would be better choice than this one.
As I love Stella and Charlotte's develoment into bimbos, the "important" choices given to the player (the ones that makes you decide if, yes or no, you want to lead them into porn or body modification) are, just like the choice with Hang, not really giving much options to the player.
With Charlotte, we have the choice to lead her into porn industries and bimbo surgery... against abandoning her training, make her go to the college, and that's all ? Why don't you give choices that are equally appealing ? In order to let Charlotte goes to college, then you should mention an explicit sexy goal like "Transform her into a lolita bimbo who will go at college and seduce her teachers to build a successful career." Or if she choose to remain "normal" (no bimbo) and be studious, then maybe make her do this because she admires her mother... An admiration that will evolve into incest relationship. So, once again, a choice that is appealing like "Make her obey her mother's wish because she loves her more than anyone on this Earth". Thus, the player would clearly understand why this choice is as exciting as the other one.
Talking about choices, as it right now there is no really difference if Stella is made an assistant or a house bimbo. Her appearance should change to reflect her duties (house bimbo = another surgery, for example). I suppose that future updates will develop on this ?
And finally, one little thing : the notification on the left are not visible enough. When I discovered the game, I didn't understand that I had to see Stella one specific day to continue the story... because I didn't see the hint on the left.
These notifications should maybe be written in red, or in bold.
Thank you for this wonderful game, that shows through its story and characters that you really are investing your time with it.
I really hope, though, that you will take into consideration some of my advices in this feedback.
Now, I hope that the next update will come soon enough !