Unreal Engine - Bioasshard Arena [v1.0.241 R3] [VersusX]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    [Review of v0.5.328 on 3/23/2022]

    Huh, so this one is still kicking around. Neat.

    Patreon posts for Versus X, the developer, go back to before 2018 on this one, and I'm not surprised. I remember playing an older version of the game, once upon a time, where there was only one level and maybe four animations. I think it was around the point when the cynicism regarding Ren'Py and RPGM started to first kick in, which made the slim pickings on offer in this little project very appealing to me, despite how early in development the game was.

    Of course, even though the ratio of bad to good porn games has stayed roughly the same since that time, my eye has gotten a little more critical and less forgiving.

    So how does Bioasshard stack up? Honestly... it's okay. It makes a good approximation of the mechanics in the game series that it shamelessly rips off, although there's something to be desired regarding enemy collision.

    I think that the developer doesn't want to have to account for enemies crowding the player and making their situation inescapable, but unfortunately it is still quite possible to be stuck if the enemies stack their attacks the right way. In particular, the new Mission 6 is just downright awful; good luck moving before the roof tentacles, ground tentacles, and Boss' room-long tentacles all get one turn spanking you for having the temerity to walk into the room.

    Speaking of levels, how are they designed? Well... they function. The biggest highlight is all the assets that are in place; the textures, modeling, and lighting are all quite tonally accurate to the kind of places you might find a Christine Maroonplain or an Adelle Wang. The level design itself, however, is not exactly mind-blowing. I could do without the single-braincell deep backtracking of collecting the keys and circular devices of Mission 3, or trying to get all the lights aligned in... was it Mission 4? Eh. Whatever. The annoyingly long mining tunnels that you have to backtrack through. Backtracking is not usually a good game-design choice, but a choice born of a desire to save time and artificially increase play time; there's seldom a game that takes advantage of this concept in order to create a unique experience on a player's return journey.

    Really, the highlight of Bioasshard are the enemies and animations. You have zombies, crawler zombies, big zombies, zombie dogs... and Mission 6 has 4 different tentacle monsters. Hm... I guess it could do with a bit more enemey variety, but it's the thought that counts, right?

    Teasing aside, what's impressive is that each of these enemies have a decent selection of animations, with the standard zombie I believe supporting the most. The animations themselves are quite good, and there's free camera control available during such sequences, giving you a breather to touch yourself before continuing on with the shooty-shooty bang-bang. Additionally, animations are dependent on the level of destruction suffered by your clothing. It's a nice touch in this game; despite being a standard mechanic in many RPGM games these days, it's still somewhat refreshing in the third-person shooter context.

    Icing on the cake is that enemies will ejaculate, and there's even a cum inflation mechanic that slowly rotunds our poor protagonist's womb. Beautiful.

    Sadly, Bioasshard is very limited in content. You might get 6 hours out of this if you're really dedicated to actually beating the levels, but it doesn't take nearly that long to see all that is on offer sexually. Additionally, you shouldn't hold your breath for more in the near future; at the developer's current pace, this will probably be finished sometime around 2030.

    Still, if you haven't tried it out, you really don't have much to lose other than a little time, and if you're reading someone else's review of a porn game's beta, then you probably have the time to play this game. Give it a whirl.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I have decided to change my review.

    The game has gotten worse with so few updates and no new animations other than a Boss with tentacles.

    This game will never be finished and it has been a huge letdown, hopefully, 2023 will be a better year, and maybe the developer with listening to feedback for once, if not then at the very least the little we got over the past few years was at the very least pretty good.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    ( v0.5.328) I like this game overall, but there are some issues of course mostly level design, some levels are just a runner simulator especially level 4 I think where you need to connect beams. Also it is really easy to avoid enemies and melee kick is pretty strong dunno why would anyone cheat. The only danger is a big fat guy. Optimisation is also fine I have stable frames with near potato pc(GTX 760). I played for about 4-5 hours and it crashed once. I also liked attention to details like when she covers her head during the rain.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    A Resident Evil parody game that possible has the BEST POTENTIAL to be the greatest hentai 3D game that anyone would've come across, but that's what it is right now... potential.

    You play as Julia (default name) and roam around the apocalypse and trying to survive and not be raped by zombies that have a no pants rule. And that's it for the story since its only version 0.5.328. It Julia going from to sewer to mansion then back to sewer, then to an abandoned factory, and to the mines, and then a boss fight.

    The gameplay animation and combat is from the 2009 game: Resident Evil 5. You can shoot, kick, do QuickTime events and have an inventory, has simplistic puzzles, flashlight, and variety of weapons.

    However the only way to get weapons is to the first mission and do the target practice mode (one with time limit and scores) to obtain them (Ver. 0.4.252)

    The Hentai scenes are interesting. You get hentai scenes when you fail at a quick time event and get grappled. At the beginning it started out weird and hard to look since it's necrophelia but it became much better since the sexy and the alluring body of Julia is very pretty and hot. They also range from fat zombie, dog zombie (bestiality), zombie (normal necro), and the boss (Vore).

    There are issues with this game, a couple of minor and 1 major issue:

    The minor issues I have is the zombies, Nearly 40% of the zombies are wearing baseball caps, 25% wear helmets, 20% wear police outfits and 15% are naked as they all look like they're from Shawn of the dead movie. The Kick and melee animations don't register as the zombies won't feel like they're effected and won't stagger. Zombie AI is all over the place, like doing nothing or not giving you a chance to do something.

    The Major issue that I'm pretty sure everyone has is the poor optimization/performance since the game runs like the Walking dead walkers (SLOW as fuck). And the very slow updates that take 3-18 months to update.

    We're still hoping that this game will be finished and could still be great game. VersusX studios promised a lot of features and other variety and content later on in the future. (The one I'm excited to see implemented is to play the male character and face female zombies) Fingers crossed if this game is more optimized and finished. (I wont change my review but i'll change my rating once it gets better :)
  5. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2018405

    So this one is 3 stars so far, but it's not as bad as it sounds on the tin.
    I'll explain.
    This is a game with a good core gameplay loop, interesting mechanics, and enormous potential. There's a lot of good stuff here, and I want to like it more than I currently do, but it's held back by some big issues.

    The H scenes are great (always important) and has some environmental interactions with regards to how the scenes play, which is especially good.
    The gameplay is decent and entertaining enough, and the overall execution of mechanics is good. You can do quite well once you work out the gameplay loop while still being challenged at times, which is a good sign for things to come.
    There are unlockables that call back to various RE games, there is VA, though not extensive, and the beginnings of decent puzzle systems and interesting design choices that leaves room for more development.
    The game has some pretty good atmospheric design at times, particularly in the rainy mansion mission, which is one of the better levels generally.
    Generally, this is a better offering than most (say, 90%) of the H-games on the site, and probably worth your time if you like the gameplay style, Resident Evil, and (and this is important) you don't mind so much the issues I list below.

    There are some things holding it back. Optimisation is, I'd say, very poor. I have a good machine, but even on the lowest graphics settings it sometimes chugs hard for a few seconds at least, if infrequently. Higher graphics settings, which I have no problem running normally, has more frequent and longer-lasting slowdowns. Lower graphics settings still get these (and don't look anywhere near as nice) but not as badly. If you're here for gameplay, this isn't a big problem.
    Additionally, there are issues with balancing (too many enemies in some areas, plus invincible enemies). While it usually works out fine, there are some occasions where it can feel un-fun, particularly with the placement of the invincible enemies.
    Re-used assets are also an issue, as is some of the texture work, though this is less important in the areas so far, and will no doubt change down the line.
    Also, and this is a big one for me, there are no fetish controls. None. Nada. If this was a normal game with some side H content, this wouldn't be a big deal, but as an H-parody of a real game series (and with any H game), I feel fetish controls are extremely important. While this might not bother some, this is what holds me back from rating the game higher or supporting it on patreon, as the cumflation in particular is tied into the core gameplay (as a punishment for getting fucked) and unavoidable without using cheatengine or some similar means of avoidance. I support the idea behind it, which is punishing the player for losing and getting an H scene, but there's no way to enjoy the game without it appearing, unfortunately.

    This all being said, the game is still under active development, which is a big plus, given that many promising projects are ditched after a while, and there is more content being added and updated. This review might change in the future, and I hope it will, because it has the potential to be something special (more so, that is) in the vast sea of H-games. I'll be keeping tabs on this game, and you should too.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a 5 star game in terms of quality but it loses a star for the reuse of assets and repetitive gameplay. There are I think 5 levels and in the first couple you encounter new enemies. This made me think each level would have new enemies and new areas, but there weren't. It's just the same content, but stretched out. This is easily avoidable. Other than that, this is a VERY exciting project that I hope will continue to get more content.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Games like this just increase my H game standards, making Subverse look like shit. I haven't played this well since my first pc is not so great, and I came back here to play this with a decent one

    I can easily say that this is the best H game I've ever played (bugs excluded)
    Decent parody
    Unlockable weapons and costumes
    Can take 2 to 3 hours straight if you're just starting
    Pretty fun and unforgiving
    Animated and voiced scenes
    Feels like a real game
    Still alive

    The accuracy sucks
    The guns suck
    The H scenes are like a waste of time doing nothing to the player
    Takes a lot of time to view scenes
    Not easily fappable
    Requires a decent pc build

    Still one of my favorites (y)(y)(y)(y)(y):coffee:
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a very good game, still in early alpha but I definitely recommend it, there are more features incoming in the future, the devs are really invested in this project. And there are many things to do in it already so give it a try
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Church the Cat

    Review for 0.5. Had a blast running through the short campaign, animations aren't bad. Can't wait for the full game and more enemies and bosses to fight. Would like more customization on our character, like skin color, makeup, eye color and tattoos. Nice work, so far. Level three in the alley ways, has some buggy zombies stuck inside scenery, but I learned how to kill them anyway. Still had a great time.

    (Update) New 0.6 update level adding inconvenient metal detectors and poor lighting makes me need to lower my original five stars to three.

    (Update) New 1.0 update added nothing noteworthy, but poorly made levels harboring tedious gameplay. With not much more than endlessly wandering level by level and room to room looking for blink and you'll miss them artifacts, keys and keycards. No new sex animations, the minimal edits to the BJ animations aren't worth mentioning. As such, I've lowered my review score down to two stars.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The short way: "game" part of the game is terrible.
    The long way:
    Graphics is ok-ish, it's not bad, not good, but the performance is awful, yes it's something you would expect from such a game, but it doesn't even change with the graphics level, it's always about 30 fps at max.
    Location-vise we've got a big manor which is just a big room with 4 corridors, you go into one, collect key for another, go to the other corridor and so on till the end.
    Gameplay is the most basic it can be: you run around collecting keys(very original and fun) and shooting zombies that die only after 3-4 shots and you've got around 60 bullets for the whole thing which is not enough, because there are more zombies than bullets and you can't aim with such bad performance. Sooo, what do you do? You just run around mashing F(the dodge button) Amazing!
    Animations? Maybe, maybe, but that's not the whole part of the game, you can't judge only by them. The best I can do is one pity point.
    Well, well, well, overall it has some potential I agree, but in the state it is right now it is very close to being literally unplayable.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    FUCKING amazing. There needs to be more scenes but this game has SO much more potential than WhoreCraft et al. This developer should make Samus games and add way more creatures to this game... facehuggers etc <3
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Good game with good animations.

    I withdraw 2 stars because of archaic controls which gives a big impression of heaviness. If the dev change and modernize that and modify my review :)

    But overall the game is well followed by its developer.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay wise its really good, RE4/5 style, alot of potential! The sex scenes fused with the gameplay is really rare to see since its either badly made or none existent on some other adult games. This one did it right.

    But it needs alot of polishing and more regular updates. Since its just a few ppl working on this project, its understandble.

    Gameplay: 5/5
    Graphics: 4/5
    Sex Scenes: 5/5
  14. 3.00 star(s)

    Joe Brass

    Bioasshard was a really fun game for me, it took a long time for me to complete, which is rare to me. Throughout the game there have been things I liked and disliked.

    Let's talk about the cons first:
    1. Graphics. My computer isn't the best, so I can't play on the highest settings, but something that REALLY bugged me is I couldn't change things individually... for example, I couldn't lower the shadows. The only thing I could change was the overall.
    2. Not a lot of sex scenes in my opinion, but I know the game is still very new.
    3. Some missions are super annoying to play.

    1. The game does look nice even though I can't run it.
    2. The sex scenes are really good, just wish there was more.
    3. The gameplay is really fun at first!

    Overall I do think this game has a ton of potential, and I rate it 5/5

    [Edit]: Dropped the rating to 3/5 for now, because there's tons of missions that aren't really that fun to go through. (Like come on! Mission 3 is just Mission 2 but a bit longer. This makes no sense). Because of the "lack" of sex scenes, it's hard to push through.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    This game legit gave me motion sickness. How am I supposed to jack off if I get nauseous? The gameplay is poor, the controls are clunky, and the animation is very chunky. Overall, I would not recommend anyone play this game
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    nice gameplay , models and animation! really enjoyed the game.
    what i dislike is sometimes the control is unresponsive had to reboot the game multiple times just to get the jump key (F) to work.

    definitely recommend this to everyone!
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    SINtax EroRR

    There are many things that this parody gets right, and a whole bunch of things it gets wrong as well. I get that it's still in development, and I am actually impressed by what I see so far, however...

    1. Graphics are terrible by today's standards. It may look good if we're in 2012 but honestly, I've seen a bunch of other games made with Unreal that have far superior character models and environmental props.

    2. Speaking of character models, the MC's model is inconsistent. The boob jiggle is great after the update, but the ass is still glitchy as all hell. Its a pity, considering Skyrim loverslab has achieved proper nude models and bounce physics long before this game existed. Different game engine, sure. But the principles and application of said principles are the same.

    3. Enemy movement is clunky as hell. MC movement is much smoother but that only makes it all the more noticeable.

    4. When sex animations are playing, the shadow/silhouette of the enemy penis sometimes shows through her flesh, which is likely a glitch since I'm sure the MC isn't translucent. Also, her vagina glitches out when getting dog fucked.

    5. U.I. is ugly. I get that you're emulating the old-school feeling of Resident Evil, and maybe taken some inspiration from arcade horror games as well, but the multi-colored all too bright U.I. ruins the immersion for me. If you're gonna emulate a classic U.I. from the RE series, I feel RE 4 might suit the tone of this game more.

    Alright, that's enough of the cons, let's look at some of the things this game did RIGHT.

    1. The atmosphere is captured well, especially the mansion. Its the only area in the game that has decent graphics and actually feels like a modern game. Compared to everything outside the mansion that is. The lighting, mood, and general feel of that particular area is very much reminiscent of RE.

    2. I like how much inspiration you've taken from the RE series to make it feel like an RE installment. From the knife, herbs, and movement, to the spray first aids and the item puzzles. It's clear that you care about making this parody be as authentic as possible out of respect to the RE franchise, and that's commendable.

    It might seem odd for me to give this game a 4/5 rating considering the Cons outweighing the Pros but I see great potential in this game, and many of my complaints aren't game-breaking. The main problem with this game is how outdated it feels. Other than that, it really isn't bad. True RE fans and porn lovers alike should give this a chance.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay feels nice. Models are okay, and the animations are great! AI needs lots of polish, and there is clearly a lot more that can be done, but this game has a LOT of promise, and I hope one day we will be able to see it to its completion.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Bioasshard captured that RE feeling, and added plenty of lewd monster scenes to the mix. Even the grab attack is reminiscent of the original, which works really well as the initiation for the rape animations.

    I found Last Barbarian somewhat similar, a fantasy action rpg.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Better than any other game you would see in this website. Still got a lot to improve, but has a lot of potential.
    Nice graphics, good mechanics and sounds. Its actually very immersive, and you will certanly cum for that bitch being fucked by zombies.