I must mention two things.
1, Until the veins within the normal, acceptable, appealing level even better it's a thing you can turn ON or OFF in the customization then it's okay. If it's a thing you cannot disable even worse looks disgusting then its a game-breaker and ruins the gameplay.
I must mention the screenshot shared shows it on a normal level, I don't find it problematic
If they add veins as an option and a
slider so you can increase or decrease it or even
turn it off completely is the best solution I think.
2, the thing about losing control..
' MC stops resisting fighting of the infected as the H-Virus slowly takes over her body making her a mindless fuck machine. '
' The "game over" would imply that you become one of them and just wander around looking for someone else to infect. '
Some might consider these as improvement. I don't..
Many people things the devs should add more animations, and I agree they should work on that and not making the game worse as you lose control over the only thing you can control in this game the main character.
If you acknowledge implementing more ways of 'bad ending' that tied to H-scenes. If players can only access those H-scenes by losing/dying that means you need to restart which is extremely annoying. just like with the fatty. one bad ending is more than enough..
No I don't find a solution for this to implement a gallery for animations. That's the best way to make a game like this dead.
You will just download the game, download a savefile and NEVER play the game itself.

Anyone looking for that should just go to pornhub or a similar site and help yourself.