VN - Others - Completed - Bishoujo Mangekyou: A Girl's Cursed Legend [Final] [wstar]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Sometimes after reading a VN, you may find yourself thinking that with just a few tweaks, things could have been so much better. That's what happens in this iteration of Bishoujo Mangekyou, with a bit more story/creativity (exploring the themes that already exist), and 2 distinct routes/mindsets (of relevant content), this could become one of the best short VNs ever. That didn't happen, but this is still good thanks to the Loli (petite stature, dressing style, technicalities are annoying, it's a Loli) vampire heroine, being very appealing (to the right crowd), and the 18+ quality.

    - Lots of good H-scenes (it's the whole point, and they have animations); Heroine has a lot going for her (looks, personality, supernatural, some backstory, voice acting, tame fetish scenes); OST is good for a short VN; Dominating a powerful vampire is a good concept for adult purposes (not much done with it, unfortunately).

    - It depends on where you stand regarding VNs with a lot sexual content. If the writing doesn't matter, no problem. If a balanced mix is your aim, this will only work partially. If you feel like what really gets you going is the scenario, narration, build-up, favorite tags (psychological elements, if you will), and the H-scenes are the "cherry on top of the cake", this will be disappointing.

    Score: 7/10. It's a VN that has tremendous potential, and fails to deliver something great. It's disappointing, but that's no reason to avoid this. The H-scenes and the heroine, are covering for any flaws, and this is highly recommended if you want a nice Nukige.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Officer i swear shes a century old vampyre and not a child please take off the handcuffs. Kirie is an A tier waifu, great art design and a interesting character. The novels story is not really for me considering i dont really like the setting. But the sex scenes make up for the settings failing, because this shit is amazing quility. It has good kinks and an enjoyable dialogue
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Really cute vampire girl, amazing art, voice acting, music and 3d animation, nothing really interesting story wise this is all about the porn, mc is boring but that's the usual for this kind of vn.

    Would recommend for the high quality girl and porn !
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Bishoujo Mangekyou is a visual novel about you, a popular teacher at an all-girls school and a beautiful yet mysterious girl. Honestly this was my first time playing a native Japanese visual novel and it was a very different experience to the other games offered on this site. In saying this I am no stranger to anime and manga tropes, so none of the content came as a surprise during my 6-8hr first playthrough which is considered short for a visual novel. Due to the linearity of the story your mileage should be about the same.

    The visuals was the aspect that drew me in. I usually avoid Japanese VN due to the length of them. (I don’t have a long attention span) but the artwork was amazing. Simply breathtaking! The 2D models of the girl were probably the best I’ve seen so far in my short adventure through 2D games. The background added a nice touch to the scenes however after 4-5 hours of the same backgrounds I was left wanting more (this is probably something I’ll see more of when playing other Japanese VNs). The H-scenes were beautifully crafted, the animations were smooth and everything seemed to work well. The inclusion of a gallery really helps relive those awesome moments!

    Not much to say on the gameplay side of things. It’s a visual novel that works. There are a few small choices sprinkled lightly through the story however they are few and far between and feel inconsequential. The fully voiced female character was something refreshing and different to what I am usually used to but presume it is the same for most visual novels these days in Japan.

    The story is predictable and definitely feels a little drawn out. Although I make it sound bad, the journey was mostly enjoyable. The MC is a little weird for my taste but fits pretty well into the story and the relationship he develops with the girl is sweet and endearing. The girl is your typical tsundere with a small twist. She’s a vampire. MC freely becomes a servant to the vampire girl just to stay close with her and that’s when the story really starts moving. The ending was satisfying and touching but again predictable. I keep using the word predictable because the story is really generic. But the scenes which are accompanied by the awesome score really make it for me. Along with the love-hate relationship between the two main characters, it’s just nice. One more thing to add, this all happens as a dream/vision for a journalist who is investigating supernatural events. This part was pretty forgettable which is why I nearly completely forgot about it!

    A word of warning for players: save file is a bit wonky, but there are instructions to fix this.

    Also: there is femdom and some other kinky stuff in this. So go in cautiously!

    • Artwork is amazing, character models, scenes, background all beautifully crafted
    • Relationship between the two main characters is really nice
    • Music score and voice acting was on point!
    • Gallery!
    • Save system is a bit wonky
    • Story predictable and isn’t ground-breaking
    • Apparent overarching story which doesn’t really explain enough
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Really if I could put more than 5 stars I'll do it.

    This game is the best VN I have ever played so far.

    it feature everything we wants in a VN,
    -a complicated relationship with consent that make the sex scenes rewarding.
    -The female have a personnality, she is not some stupid doll waiting to be fucked or some sort of advanced hyper slut like many others VN.
    -the Main Character have default and qualities. he's not just some stupid ass pervert that miraculously get all the girls. he feel more like a real human.
    - there is a LOT of sex scenes.
    -the art quality is top notch
    -And it's well writen and well translated

    In conclusion this game is perfectly balanced in every aspect that's what make it one of the best VN games out there.
    I strongly suggest that you should at least try it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A high-quality VN, focused entirely upon the relationship between a loli (with a secret) and her teacher.

    The art is great, the voice acting is quite well-done, it has a nice classical soundtrack reminiscent of Rondo Duo Yoake no Fortissimo. The translation is professional (or seems to be), with only a couple of minor errors.

    There's some fem-dom, male-dom and BDSM, but it's fairly tame and vanilla overall, so don't let that stop you from giving it a chance. There's no shortage of scenes, all of which are between the same two characters, though there's a little bit of exhibitionism.

    I'm not a fan of VNs, nor do I have these particular fetishes, but I still enjoyed this, and appreciated the quality. For what it is, I have no complaints and would recommend it.