
Jul 7, 2018
First off, once you've enabled the console, press shift-o to open it mid game. All you have to do is type in something like:
credits = 20000
Then, simply press enter.

This is what I know about individual variables:

simply money. Can change this with no problems.

I'm not sure how certain gym scenes are linked to this variable, in terms of being able to see the scene. I do know that 20 seems to be the highest you need for strength. I would recommend grinding for strength, rather than cheating.

Same as strength. 20 seems to be the highest you need. recommend grinding rather than cheating.


Theses 4 are all related to the bitch status screen. The attitude and responses of pennyworth seem to be dependent on these variables, i.e. high submission and high arousal has different responses than high submission and low arousal which is different than low submission and high arousal, etc...
19 seem to be the highest you need to go with them. If you set submission to 19, there seems to be an error with the sprites in the bitch breaker screen. I would recommend using the following line (including the semi-colons):

tension = 0; anger = 0; arousal = 19; submission = 18

Hope this helps ya.
here's the better exemplification...


Sep 15, 2017
Thank You for this update and letting us know what was going on. I usually check his Patreon about once every other week but I was really getting worried that this game might get abandoned (especially understandable in these times of a global pandemic and everything else that's going on).
This sounds like it might actually be worth the wait though except for the new more fit Ms. Pennyworth. I loved her looks the way they were, although I love the pubic hair upgrade (and future pregnancy options..?! Hell YES!) I could also possibly see her with some new hairstyles/maybe as a blonde or longer hair or maybe even thicker (possibly leaning towards the milf side) but the muscles shown in the screenshots a page back in the post are just a bit too hard/masculine for me.

edited: But she does remind you of the young HardBodies* of Susan Powter and Brigitte Nielsen from her Beverly Hills Cop/ Rocky 4/Red Sonja days...
Young Hard Susan Powter.jpg young hard Brigitte Nielsen.jpg black-w-gold-metal-chains-playboy-cover-vintage-rare-brigitte-nielsen-leather-2pc-ensemble-0-3...jpg
Although they were never one of my 80's dream girls like Farrah Fawcett, Phoebe Cates, Molly Ringwald, or Chrissy from Three's Company, etc...

But man; salute to Unknown... I'm a self-confessed perv, pirate, and all that but man I admit when I read about his situation you can't help but care at least a little. Especially when its someone who has actually lifted your spirits or gave you a break from all this turmoil during this pandemic. Really admire him though, hearing how him and his wife have been going through it with work and real-life money concerns and how he's still managed to keep working on the game. I hope it's also a little bit of a fun escape for him like it is for us. I guess my hope in writing this is that if he reads this one day he'll at least see that quite a few of us REALLY LIKE and ENJOY his game and REALLY APPRECIATE his vision, and humor and definitely his perseverance during these tough times and facing the hardships that have came at him and his family.

I for one think his labor of love is a fantastic homage to everything I loved about growing up in the '80s and it really takes me back with nostalgic shades of Michael J. Fox in Secret of My Succes to Tron, The A-Team, skinny ties, neon phones, Debbie Gibson and Jane Fonda, WWF, Jovan Musk, Playboy vs Penthouse magazines, action figures from Toys R' Us and playing Leisure Suit Larry (and Infocom's Leather Goddesses of Phobos) on our totally-radical Apple IIe's... With genuine smirks appearing on my face while playing, and chuckles and everything... But thank you again Dom for our update, really do appreciate it.(y)
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Aug 4, 2018
Update from Unknown Error. Sound like he's hurting. If anyone can spare some cash...

There are three parts to this update: Complaining about Covid-19, Mod Support, and Previews.
Complaining about Covid-19:
Covid-19 sucks. It really, really sucks. Like a hell of a lot of people, I’ve been dragged into a shitty financial position, and things are bleak. I’m barely scraping by. Debt is mounting. I'm Working more, sleeping less, and getting less time to work on side projects. Stress is high and...well you guys are probably going through the same thing I am. So...yeah. That’s all I’ll say about that. We’re all going through some shit right now, and you’ve got your own shit. I feel you. You feel me. Things suck.
Mod Support:
I’ve said it before, but once again, I apologize for how long these updates take. Know that I haven’t forgotten development, nor have I been taking breaks. I’ve been putting in the hours, working on the game as much as possible, often more than is perhaps healthy. I know it really sucks to wait for a game to release(looking at you, Cyberpunk 2077), but I’m trying to avoid the pitfalls of most games in this genre by creating a solid, enjoyable experience that doesn’t feel like series of stitched together “episodes.” While it’s true that it’s much faster to create updates by just stacking new content onto the existing game, that tends to feel disjointed and, frankly, exactly like a game cobbled together in someone’s spare time. My goal is to create an actual game. A single, cohesive experience that feels less like the now hundreds of -insert popular IP- trainer games with predictable, by-the-numbers content loaded with quick and dirty pygame powered, time-wasting minigames and more like an actual game worth your time and attention. To that end, incorporating new features and content requires ripping apartthe old code and integrating those new features into the game at appropriate points. This really doesn’t lend itself to piecemeal updates. Most systems in the game are integrated with one another and that means that concurrent development is faster and easier than working linearly. Faster, small updates are appealing to the side of us that craves instant gratification, but ultimately they’re harder and more time consuming. And make no mistake, there have been a lot of missteps. I have honestly spent hundredsof hours writing code and making art assets for things that just don’t work, or for systems that seem fun early on but are terrible when actually implemented. As much as I wish I could pull the game together faster, actual development takes time. You guys have shown a lot of faith in me, and I really don’t want to let you down. I’m pushing myself to finish the game as quickly as possible.
All of that said, my policy on posting updates here is that any update I post should be something worth your attention. Countless times over the past months I’ve had lengthy development updates ready to post that I’ve had to put off at the last minute because features and content I had been working on just didn’t work. There’s a lot of really cool stuff that I’m not ready to show you. The Deepthroat Training System finally works, the Work feature is almost ready, and the Enhanced Physical Discipline System is finally coming together. There are still a lot of issues that need to be resolved with those systems, but progress is being made. What I can show you is a larger system that has take a ton of time and work: Mods.
For the past few months I’ve been rewriting the code for the majority of the game. This was necessary to accommodate the new character image system, which supports custom clothing. As per my last update, you know this, but what most of you don’t know, is that while I’ve been working on the clothing customization system(which has gone through many iterations), I’ve also been building a unique mod system for Bitch Breaker. This system makes it possible to easily and seamlessly add clothing mods to the game. Automatically. It’s drag and drop.
Before I get into the details, and there will be details, I’ll tell you a bit about the history of the mod system, because it’s one of the reasons why this update has taken so long. As you know, I have been rewriting the game’s code base from the ground up to accommodate customizable clothing options and (later) body modification. During this long, mind-numbing process, my wife happened to ask me about the clothing system and how I had implemented it (at the time I considered this feature close to 100% done). My original implementation simply used brute force coding(an old friend), utilizing Ren’Py’s inbuilt menu system to just provide players with a list of simple clothing choices, all hardcoded into the layered images that make up the character sprite, utilizing a ton of conditional statements (and it worked really well!). But my wife, quite innocently, asked how I would add more clothing to the game. I replied “by adding it to the code, of course!” This seemed like the logical way since adding new clothing in this way was fairly simple at this point. She then asked if the players could design and add their own clothes(she’s a fan of The Sims), and if there was a limit on the number of clothing options. My immediate response was, “I don’t see why not,” and “the limit is likely what the menu system can display” But then I began to seriously consider what that would entail. As development continues, I’d obviously be altering the .rpy file where the layered images were coded, which would mean effectively destroying compatibility with player added clothing at every update. The alternative would be isolating the relevant code to a .rpy that I didn’t edit, but this would likely be impossible as development moved forward and would limit my ability to add clothing as a developer. More than that, it would mean that anyone building a clothing mod would have to manually add code for every clothing item to each of the layered images and make significant adjustments to the code, altering variables and adding new conditional statements, and even then the modded .rpy could only support whatever clothing was added to it by the coder of the modpack, meaning that players could only use one at a time, which is...well dumb. I then began to experiment with the python code I used to build the email and furniture systems. That’s when I came to three simultaneous realizations: I was an absolute idiot; I had been doing things wrong; and finally, building a broadly compatible modding system would be not only possible, but simple! Simple, but not as easy as I’d thought and not as quick as I’d hoped.
The greatest challenge with building this system has been creating something would be easy to use for almost anyone, regardless of their knowledge of python or coding in general. My goal was to create a modding system that would allow easy installation and removal of mods, and provide broad compatibility between mods. Something that doesn’t force the community to wait for a modding guru to create mod packs specific to each version number that only add a handful of clothing options to the game. I’m talking real goddamned mods. And that’s precisely what I built.
The mod system uses python objects to store the information for each clothing item, allowing the system to automatically add the mods to appropriate inventories. The game then populates in game menus with the clothing, seamlessly incorporating the added clothing into the game in a natural way (that is, in a way that doesn’t expressly feel like modded content). When the player selects a clothing item from the in game clothing customization menu, the code assigns the data from the python object to variables which are linked to the layered images which are then linked to the main layered sprite system. This system allows for surprising compatibility. It is fairly complex, but a lot of work has gone into making sure that modders don’t see most of that complexity. Adding a mod is as simple as dragging the mod file into the Bitch Breaker folder and dropping it in. That’s it. The game code automatically grabs the necessary data and adds the clothing to the in game shop and the game itself. You won’t need to wait for me, or anyone else, to add your stuff to the game’s code, even better, updates won’t break mods.
While I don’t have the latest update ready for you guys to play yet, what I do have is a detailed modding guide and significant modding resources to get you started making mods so you’ll be ready to add your mods when I’m done with the latest version of the game. Inside the linked archive you’ll find detailed instructions; .xcf files to relevant in game assets including base body images; examples for each clothing type; menu images; additional example images; code templates; a sample mod to give you an idea of how a finished mod should look, and finally a mod testing environment that will let you test your mods. In fact, there’s probably enough assets there for you to make your own game, if you’re comfortable using the crayon scribbles of a drunken primate.
Oh, and one last thing, I don’t plan to stop with clothing mods. I’m currently working on a broader modding system that will allow pussy mods, tattoo mods, body mods, full content mods(including ‘favors,’ work events, and random events), and possibly even total asset replacement mods. If you’ve ever had a thought for a cool scene, or really wanted to see a fetish explored in the game, you will be able to add it via modding. For each new mod type, I plan to create detailed modding guides, resources, and instructions to make the process as simple as possible. When I’ve finished, you’ll be able to mod the game to your hearts’ content and add significant custom content to the game with relative ease, and most importantly with limited knowledge of python. Any beginner with a basic knowledge of Ren’Py will be able to create and share mods as simpleor complex as you want to make them.
You may be asking yourself why I would expend so much time and energy on things like modding, or rebuilding the games codebase when it would be much easier to just keep stacking half-baked slideshow content. The answer is simple: I genuinely want to create a good game. By now, you’re probably all painfully familiar with the same copypasted Ren’Py UI with a cellphone, a map, and a backpack inventory in the upper right corner of the screen, with the same “town map” that leads to the same empty locations, click frenzy gameplay loops where you click from room to room aimlessly looking for the next trigger for the next linear slideshow to play until you hit the end of that update’s content. I’m tired of those experiences. They’re boring. It seems like it’s always the same stuffover and over, and that’s...fucking lame. My goal is to create something truly special for the community that has supported me, to give you all something you can really enjoy, something you can make your own, because as much as Bitch Breaker is mine, it’s also yours. I want you to feel that. When the game is finally completed, I want you to be able to tear it apart, take whatever code or assets that are mine to give and make something of your own with it, something as incredible as you are.
Here’s a quick look at a couple of new systems. These aren’t quite finalized, and there’s a lot of work left to be done, but they’re close. Here you can see how these systems look in action.
First is the Character Customization System. There 8 total clothing slots that cover most basic types of clothing: panties, bras, leggings(which includes stockings etc), pants(which includes skirts etc), shirts, jackets, dress (full body clothing that occupies both the pants and shirt slot), and masks(which includes glasses, masks, bunny ears etc). As you can see, it deviates greatly from traditional, prebaked Ren’Py menus. You can check it out for yourself with the Bitch Breaker Clothing Mod Tester. For potential modders, it may seem intimidating, but the Mod Guides should make things fairly simple.
Next is a very early look at the Gloryhole system. As part of the “Shared Favors” and “Deepthroat Training” systems, you’ll be able to force the character to use a gloryhole. This system utilizes a new location, the Gym Bathroom. The Gloryhole System itself was surprisingly difficult to build, mostly because of the new Character Customization System, which I’ll talk about a little more later. (This system was originally designed to make use of an adaptive NTR System that worked in conjunction with the current Whore Level system to seamlessly -more or less- enable NTR scenarios, for those interested in such things. Unfortunately -or fortunately depending on how you feel about NTR-, the original system proved to introduce too much complexity -full implementation would have slow development of the game- and the simplified NTR System lacked the appropriate punch to satisfy fans of the fetish. It would have been boring for fetishists and annoying for everyone else. At the moment, you should consider the NTR Feature scrapped.) When the player initiates a gloryhole event, he is given the option to observe from his office. This brings up a “live feed” from a camera hidden in the bathroom. To preserve the 1980’s aesthetic, this camera feed is designed to be low-res and monochrome. At the moment, the character model used for the animations displayed in the gloryhole camera does not support customization (which is why she’s wearing the gimp mask). This is a direct result of Ren’Py’s limited Image Manipulation code. There’s nothing I can do about it. I’ve tried. If you want a more detailed explanation, you’ll find it along with information about the new CG system below.
Here’s another quick look at the updated character models. Sugar got a makeover as well. While I was reworking Claire’s assets, I took another look at Sugar Brown and realized...well she looked weird. I’d made her torso too long, and now that the Clairewas more muscular, I had to add a little more definition to Sugar. Sugar’s initial design was supposed to be more bottom heavy than Claire, and because my redesign had given Claire such a juicy ass, I needed to give Sugar a bit more and in the end...well, Sugar’s got a real dump truck of an ass. I mean, she’s so thicccccc I’m worried I might break my c key.
While reworking Sugar’s art assets, I’ve been really tempted to re-examine a lot of Sugar’s content as well, which in retrospect feels fairly weak, but doing so feels dangerously close to feature creep, which I already feel is an issue. For the current update, I intend to stick with the core mechanics and focus on properly reworking the core game. If there’s enough interest, I may rework Sugar’s mechanics later and maybe include more customization. However, I still consider Sugar a secondary character and she probably needs to stay that way. I will say that if I do end up adding FFM threesome content to the game involving Sugar, I’ll likely add more Sugar content anyway since most of the asset creation necessary for FM Sugar scenes would need to be created anyway.
Lastly, the new CG System. It’s simple enough to create CG’s for scenes, but adding character customization required building a new CG system that would properly display the newly customized character model. Ensuring mod support for these tied systems creates an additional layer of complexity that makes everything much more difficult. Any additional customizations, like custom hair, tatoos, or clothing layers, that appear in a CG require that modders create additional content to accommodate these systems, which can easily double the amount of work required. This is only exacerbated by the continued development of the game. Not all CG’s are completed (obviously) and it’s likely that I’ll continue to refine the CG’s as my artistic skills develop. For that reason, I decided to limit the amount of customization that will display in CG’s. Currently, any hair, tattoo, and piercing mods will require additional assets for CG’s, but not clothing items. CG’s utilized after the player has access to the Character Customization System will have the character completely nude. I consider this less than optimal, but the alternative would make mod creation that much more difficult. If this becomes a problem in the future, I may revisit the mod system to add support for modded clothing in CG’s.
For those of you interested in a more detailed explanation of the Gloryhole Camera and how it works(or more accurately how it doesn’t work) with the new CG System: Variables. That’s the issue. Every image defined in Ren’Py is a variable that points to a file. The new CG System uses layered images to place customizations at the appropriate place in the image, but the layered image itself is still just a defined variable. Ren’Py has a relatively simple image manipulation system in place, which seemingly could be used to automatically resize and adjust the existing CG images to create the camera images. However, Ren’Py’s image manipulation system cannot work with variables. The system requires that the code point to a specific image file. Now, I could build a system to work around this limitation for the specific content that I create for the game, since I could write additional code for each image and create new animations, but that would be much more complex and wouldn’t work with mod support, since it’s simply not possible to point to image files that do not yet exist. At the same time, it is true that modders themselves could define their own images in their mods, or create additional image files specifically for the camera, but doing so further increases the difficulty of creating mods and the mod creation process is already complicated enough. My solution for this is to simply have Claire wear a mask for all gloryhole camera scenes. Players may still notice a lack of tattoos or piercings, but it shouldn’t be too distracting.

Deleted member 361485

Active Member
Jan 4, 2018
I only read about 1/3 or that, but still what a champion this guy is. I saw him saying something about not being happy with the Sugar content? I really liked it, she felt like a very 3d character, super believable, made the dates special. IDK tho seems like he has very high expectations of himself.


Sep 15, 2017
Wow! This really sounds AMAZING! For a developer to take the time to write such a detailed and descriptive update and lay out his plans and articulate everything the way he has is OUTSTANDING. Thank you guys again for sharing this update and keeping the rest of us informed.

If we take nothing else away from this update maybe we can finally put to bed the notion (or deep-seated concern) that he could just be another lazy game developer or that his heart isn't "TRULY" into making this game. It sounds like he's definitely at the least, as optimistic and enthusiastic about this game as we are. And him taking the time to write all of this at the very least shows me he genuinely cares about this game, and that if he can write all this for us, this is probably just the tip of the iceberg as far as the type of time and serious work he's putting into the actual game.

Even facing this economic recession/apocalyptic nightmare we find ourselves living through, he still wasn't begging anybody for any money, but instead informing us that he does hope people like us and fans of the game will jump in and create mods of our own liking where his game's direction would have almost limitless new possibilities. I won't call this a labor of love again because he clearly could use the financial help that can come from this game; but its dope to think that something that started out as his pet project to entertain some geeky pervs into adult games has turned into this game that could truly be something that exceeds all of our expectations, especially during a time when we needed something like this the most. Where all us Die-Hard lovers of Bitch Breaker can take a little heart knowing how we were in on this from the ground floor and spotted something brilliant before it was some huge thing. How we were rooting for this one and kept patiently down for it even during the Great Draught between updates. Probably for a lot of us because we really loved his talent in translating the 80's theme into this game and how it brought us back to simpler times while also poking fun (well deservedly) at our "Simple Minds" back then.

So anyways, thanks again for sharing this update; I think I am going to go ahead donate a lil something tonight or tomorrow for my first time ever after playing these games on F95zone for all these years usually just happy to be getting a chance to play some of these games. Just thinking it through that maybe being a pirate is self-defeating if what I plan on pirating isn't worth paying for to see get finished. And if a broke old Prior Service Grunt like myself (living like a hermit) feels this inspired after trying to scrape up money for a pizza for a splurge, I can almost bet I won't be the only from F95zone trying to help out a little.


Sep 15, 2017
P. S.
As polarizing as this may sound, amongst guys I consider friends and my fellow pervs here on F95zone lurking this thread like myself. I have to admit I do hope he figures out a way to get the NTR system to work in his code and stuff. That really sounded revolutionary and like it would be amazing in this game.

The one thing I really hope for is that along wit being entertaining and as on point nostalgically as Bitch Breaker already is, is for MORE Eroticism and SEX and fap-worthy content.

We were the kids that grew up in the "horny" decade with all of our T&A laced "coming of age" movies like Revenge of the Nerds, Hot Dog, Porky's, Flesh Gordon, Private School, Stewardess School, or any of those old Joe Bobb Briggs B-movies that you could catch late night on UHF uncensored. Where we could hopefully catch a glimpse of some staticy tits before we had "skinamax" or VCRs or Betamax in our bedrooms. Desperate enough to risk it all to get our hands on a Penthouse Magazine or a Cheri... Or to try and slip into the "Adults-Only" section behind that green curtain of our local Mom and Pop VCR rental stores before Blockbuster took everything over, just to gaze at those glossy porn-o box covers with all those sexy buck-naked blondes in all their glory like Nina Hartley and those beautiful whores of our youth in nothing but their stockings and high heels during the Golden Age of Porn (young'uns can reference Boogie Nights...) Point being, even back then we had our mildly risque Leisure Suit Larry games and such; but 2021 I want some HARDCORE Bitch Breaking.

So yeah, as much as I love the game and the humor and everything, I hope he cranks up the heat a few more notches and has a game that is really XXX, X-rated, where we can fuck the dog shit out of Claire in every position possible and then some in our little neon lit dungeon; before Sugar or any other ancillary characters. And then once we personally put that "Bitch" through her paces and got her fucking like a champ, whipping this pixelated 80's dick on that pussy and had her squirting and queefing and thoroughly dickmotized by the dick and done knocked her up once or twice; then yeah some filthy nasty freaky NTR or corrupting her even further would just keep the excitement going (imho). Especially after gloryholes and adult theater fun by having her get really trashy and fuck some old ugly fat bastards like the old Japanese businessmen in Tom Hanks Bachelor Party or Charles Bronson's Kinjinte; during the "Japanese invasion" of the 80's. Where Claire could even outwardly express some dislike towards the Japanese buying up all the American companies and Sony and Mitsubishi opening American offices and all the blustery bravado they were woofing in 85 only to see her secretly deep down a wanton Japanese geisha-slut! Think the Micheal Keaton movie Gung Ho; Sean Connery in Rising Sun, Made in America and "I think I'm turning Japanese". Now that would be totally F'ing AWESOME to me.

Maybe even a Playboy Mansion like scenario where old Hugh Hefner himself could introduce her to the Playboy "Lifestyle" in a grotto scene or that famous round bed... Hugh could even connect her with some sleazy old Los Angeles porn producers, perhaps even sell her off to some fat bald Saudi Sheik; and think of the adventures she could have then... Especially if we could ride off into the sunset with Sugar or some other sweet little piece of ass that's the proverbial "good girl" what would be wrong with just having the options to turn the "Bitch" All the way out, to The MAX...
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Jun 21, 2018
P. S.
As polarizing as this may sound, amongst guys I consider friends and my fellow pervs here on F95zone lurking this thread like myself. I have to admit I do hope he figures out a way to get the NTR system to work in his code and stuff. That really sounded revolutionary and like it would be amazing in this game.
I hope he doesn't. It's not good for your soul.

Deleted member 2738

I'd say it's pretty ok as long as it's something players can opt into or out of. No big deal as long as there's choice.
As much as I hate NTR I have to agree here.
Tired of seeing some of my fetishes get voted out because some people don't like them.
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Oct 1, 2017
Look at it this way, if he does give this game mod support like he plans to or not then adding NTR or not won´t matter, someone will just add it themselves and people can download that if they want it.
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Jun 21, 2018
I don't care if he ads NTR on principle, he's free to do what he want, but I'd rather not have him waste time on side-content I'm not interested in.
Which is probably the case for most people when they are for or against something being added, most just aren't honest enough to admit that they'd rather just have creators cater to their preferences.
Of course, NTR is mental poison if you're in the cucked position, but I don't think moral concerns make a large difference for UE.


Aug 21, 2016
UnknownError added a download link for modding ressources.
It will support custom clothing, and custom hairstyles.
He also added a testing enviroment to try them out.
Do we have talented users to create some before the next release?

I created a mod thread just for that. All credit for everything goes to UnknownError!

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4.40 star(s) 21 Votes