3.40 star(s) 29 Votes


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May 7, 2019
+5 if the player has the Gorgeous Trait.
+1 if the Player has the Pervert Trait.
+3 if the player has the Virile Trait.
+4 if the Player is still a Virgin.
Whelp, now I really know why I had to savescum. At least Aria will take 4 points out of that. Eventually. Holding hands is a bit too much for her at the moment :whistle: But I'd like to get her Ultimate Headgear™ before I actually woo her.
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Apr 12, 2018
Whelp, now I really know why I had to savescum. At least Aria will take 4 points out of that. Eventually. Holding hands is a bit too much for her at the moment :whistle: But I'd like to get her Ultimate Headgear™ before I actually woo her.
Well for me the V-Card went to our Queen Lapis, yet I also have the:
+2 if the Player has the Noble Background.
+2 if the player has the Goblin Breeder Title.

For now I don't mind their Night raids as long as I can collect the 4 Goblin Panties (so far I have the Goblin Breeder and Gobllin Virgin Panties... missing the normal Goblin Panties and the Goblin MILF panties)

Btw. I found 4 of the 5 level 1 recipes in the Goblin houses (Orange Juice, Meat Stock, Mixed Nuts and Dandellion Salad), but I am supposed to find one more Goblin house (apple Juice)... anyone know wether or not that's Saffrons house?
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Active Member
May 7, 2019
the 4 Goblin Panites
Cease and desist, you have mispelled Goblin Ultimate Headgear™ .

The apple juice recipe is supposed to be in the house East of Gob merchant, and only to appear if you have the tree. It never worked for me though. Neither did I get any recipe from goblin houses, but I was blaming my pickpocketting Skyrim™ ways (and I still haven't got Saffron's accessory...).

Is there any way to deal with morality? My virgin MC is running dangerously low on it, despite all the generous donations to the brothel being jackasses. Happy ones, at that. I could sleep through one week but that's only 21 Morality; I'd rather cheat at that point (which indicates a grave flaw, the way I play games).


Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
Cease and desist, you have mispelled Goblin Ultimate Headgear™ .
a sacrilege that shall be corrected... and done
The apple juice recipe is supposed to be in the house East of Gob merchant, and only to appear if you have the tree. It never worked for me though. Neither did I get any recipe from goblin houses, but I was blaming my pickpocketing Skyrim™ ways (and I still haven't got Saffron's accesory...).
Actually that's the place I found the Orange juice in
The Meat Stock was in the central double house
The Mixed Nuts in the house south of the well
and the Dandellion Salad in the double house in the south
There is still the empty house at the village entrance, Saffrons house, the 3rd and 4th floor of the tower (being occupied by my Goblin kids) and the brothel ofcourse
Is there any way to deal with morality? My virgin MC is running dangerously low on it, despite all the generous donations to the brothel being jackasses. Happy ones, at that. I could sleep through one week but that's only 21 Morality; I'd rather cheat at that point (which indicates a grave flaw, the way I play games).
Captureing the thief and hand him to the soldier for +10... but I admit, that in order to get the Oni Laid title I used Cheat engines to replenish my Morale
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Active Member
May 7, 2019
Actually that's the place I found the Orange juice in
Same place for apple juice. The recipes appearing are luck (and LUK)-dependent (5% increments).
I haven't checked where the tree variable comes from, but it's number 240 (1=apple, 2=orange). If you REALLY don't want to brew cider instead, my guess is: try cutting down your orange trees, leaving only the apples ones.

edit/hotkeys FeyRing I'm not sure I'll have the time to fix the hotkeys the way I intended (namely, a fix for the search function's display). In the meanwhile I could recommend using the search funtion for "" (blank/all) as a replacement for the 'Hotkey' command. It is suitable for the purpose - category sorting and all. If I come around I'll either tag you again, or send a PM; again, no promise. But I didn't/won't forget either :p
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Nov 17, 2019
EDIT1: About bed in Aria's house. I think that you could emulate family living - how couples behave when child is born? They have double bed always for themselves and add bed for child/children. Lets allow MC to upgrade double bed and to build bed(s) for child(ren).
There's not a lot of room to place a bed in her house, I didn't really design it with that in mind initially. Theoretically, kids can sleep on the couch too, but I don't think I'll have time to work on that any time soon.

once you understand the syntax of strings (using double \\, how to call variables and such). You'd really save yourself a lot of work and effort; that can be learned in a day or two.
I'll probably set some time aside to delve deeper into it after the Hellhound, otherwise I might get to caught up with reworking other old events. I already plan to rework a lot of the Sex events to truncate the redundancy so I'll likely group these two together.

The most obvious issue is Aria's "get out I'm closing shop" timer: you can spend the whole night reading if you have the WP and click fast enough. I can't say I've mastered RPGM's priority system either :(
Ah, that one... I was initially hoping people wont try to cheat it but I guess I might need a better solution for that later.

PS: I really dislike when people try to push a fetish on me.
It wasn't my intention, what part are you talking about?

How do I progress with Saffron once I've gotten told her about the pelts?
Give her Gifts to raise her Affection.

The point being: you need only a single line to return the foraged result. Conditional branches before are used to determine what we stuff in it (node, item, extra items, etc.). A dev should only write the data by hand himself as a last resort only - or it's a line or three at most.
I agree, I have been truncating stuff recently, and once I get some basic grasp of the above, I will start to rework my earlier events as well.

Okay, so there's a few things that I'm wondering about. The goblin chief (stand-in) Saffron has asked me to give her a comfy bed for her noble green ass to sleep in. Unfortunately, I haven't found *any* trees that can be cut down so far in this game.
You can give her a Normal bed too, you will just get a bit less Affection and Reputation for it. Trees that can be cut downhave their Crown move from side to side.

and ended up running into Aria completely be accident in my quest for darkwood trees.
Darkwood currenctly only comes from Mushroom Trees in Quartz Caverns.

How do you have sex with werebats and blue slimes?
Lose to them. Werewolves are the only exception right now where you can have two different scenes from Losing and Winning against them.

I'm actually quite surprised you found the winning scene before any of the loss scenes! :LOL:

Finally, how do you lowers your submission stat with the goblins?
You can't... but this stat does nothing in game right now. Once I find a use for it, I will add a way to remove it too!

Well, I really appreciate the help, but now unfortunately I have to ask... Where do you get mithril ores, and how to you refine it into mithril bars? I have the anvil with a decent smithing skill, but I've never seen any kind of option to smelt ore to bars - is there some kind of smelter in the game?
Opal Grotto and Quartz Caverns. You smelt it in Thunder Forge. For basic Iron and Copper Ores, you can smelt in the Smelter found in Goblin Smithy.

Also, I would assume that you would at least need an iron pickaxe to mine mithril ore, but I've never seen any for sale nor have I seen any crafting recipes for in the smithing recipes - could you please tell me how to get those?
It's just the normal Pickaxe, I just sort of messed up the naming, I'll fix it eventually for clarity! :eek:

Mythril Ore is in both the Coral Cavern and the Quartz Cavern,
Opal Grotto! :p

eventually have to save up sex exp to get rid of the Femdom fetish
Currently, it's the most dangerous Fetish... and one that's the easiest to get...

@FeyRing btw... I tired searching the Wild and Caves for that new Plant from the Changelog and couldn't find anything... could you hint in which areas that Plant grows dureing the night so atleast I can focus my search there... sppending a week out without seeing as much as a glimpse is kinde disappointing
Not in caves! It grows on all maps where plants spwan normally, but it only spawns at Night with a very low chance.

Does anyone know where i can get strange fluid, or strange dust?
Fail an Alchemy experiment, some recipes give Strange Fluids and some Strange Dust.

It has 5% chance at most to spawn at night. With my luck I won't see it in my lifetime either :LOL:
Its flowers have no actual use in game yet, I introduced it early to ensure that player worlds get at least a few spawned in before its use gets added to the game. Similar to Fulgurite.

By the way, I never found a single magic bean. Where to find some?
Rare drop from grown Coffee Plants.

You can only buy finishes products from the travelling merchant just now (3 items so far), though the Magic Beans are still a great motivation to plant those beans
I actually forgot to add the Recipe book Item into the game, I even made it, just didn't implement it anywhere! :oops:

EDIT: @FeyRing found something I'd consider a bug.... in order to break the giant steaks into 5 red meat you need to "use" them from the inventory, though that also adds to the Gluttony score.
Maybe add that Option to the cutting table so Gluttony won't be a problem... makes more sense anyway
I'll fix this, it's indeed a bug.

Whelp, now I really know why I had to savescum.
You can sleep for less than 8 hours or time the sleep so you don't wake up at Night nor go to bed at Night. Mithril Lock prevents raids as well.

Btw. I found 4 of the 5 level 1 recipes in the Goblin houses (Orange Juice, Meat Stock, Mixed Nuts and Dandellion Salad), but I am supposed to find one more Goblin house (apple Juice)... anyone know wether or not that's Saffrons house?
Orange and Apple Juice recipes are mutually exclusive, you find the one that corresponds to the dominant Tree variant in your world. I'll add the other Recipe later... maybe as a reward of some type.

Neither did I get any recipe from goblin houses, but I was blaming my pickpocketting Skyrim™ ways (and I still haven't got Saffron's accessory...).
Recipe Sheets don't spawn when Goblin Reputation is under 100 :p

Is there any way to deal with morality? My virgin MC is running dangerously low on it
That's some twisted Virgin MC...

Sleeping is the only way, though you can donate a Thief to a Soldier, but that's very unreliable. I'll probably need to rethink the system a bit, I didn't expect anyone to drop so fast in Morality.

If you drop below 0 then you get a stack of Depravity (-5WP), you can remove it for 100 Combo EXP though, so it's not the end of the world technically.


Missed these points somehow :oops:

I'm well-aware. I might write more about this, but in this one case:
That's an issue with how you write scenes. You're supposed to do every rolls first , which give you a roadmap. You'll then follow the roadmap, either through conditional branches or by Labels + jumps.
What I mean is, you're complicating your life quite a bit. I seldom see such huge common events, and making rolls in the middle is awfully inconvenient for you, should you wish to check the overall map, or make a change here or there.
I already use Labels and Jumps quite often. I know the scenes become a complicated mess but I haven't found a good way to do this while offering players some sort of choices during the actual scenes.

Neither do I. Why not simply draw a new tile (say a brown one in my HM example)? The brown tile would revert to the original tile after 1-2 days without a new seed planted.
Plants are just events that get copied over from another "Special Map" and are deleted once they are gathered. I would need to do a significant rewrite to the farming system then (which I want to do eventually).

Ideally you'd create an array or a class for that; in this case one for each gift-able NPC, where you'd also store their text. Think about the next NPC you'll make: you'll have to go through the same nightmare of writing a new huge common event. Again
I would need to learn how to do that first! My understanding of Arrays is VERY limited, I only store Names of people, clothes and relationship tags in it so far!
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Active Member
May 7, 2019
It wasn't my intention, what part are you talking about?
No no no, that absolutely wasn't directed at you! :ROFLMAO: But to the people making insistant, selfish demands.
I'm grateful there's always a way to "choose our path". Like the recent padlocks show. Or Saffron's quest branch. A good H-game mustn't force the player; and you don't. We wouldn't be holding this conversation otherwise.
That's some twisted Virgin MC...
Eh? But he's only helping out the poor helpless greenskins, out of the goodness of his heart? Helping himself to some bags of coins is natural, since the greenskin dimwits won't even pay him back properly. He's basically a saint. Street urchin saint :LOL:

I thought 0 morality = game over... But 100 combo XP is definitely a very small price to pay, I'm alright with that, if that allows me to go against 'the way you should play the game, sex-wise' :p

In general I quite agree with the direction you're giving the game. Freedom's the keyword. HM-like.
Script-wise, there are some holes to patch. That's not an issue if they don't show, but further the line it'll get more and more difficult to patch them up. Aria's house warrants a warning, in my opinion. But in general again, it's more about helping you gain time and save efforts, for further down the road. I wouldn't raise a red flag yet :LOL:
I also realize and appreciate the development is getting faster.
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Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
Sleeping is the only way, though you can donate a Thief to a Soldier, but that's very unreliable. I'll probably need to rethink the system a bit, I didn't expect anyone to drop so fast in Morality.
With a single Oni encounter costing 5 Morale and there are 6 Oni's a time you'll drop 30 Morale per "Shopping Event" easily, you can trigger those visits up to 3 times a day so 90 Morale lost and 1 Morale gained from sleeping 8 hours...
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Apr 12, 2018
Orange and Apple Juice recipes are mutually exclusive, you find the one that corresponds to the dominant Tree variant in your world. I'll add the other Recipe later... maybe as a reward of some type.
So planting 5 apple trees won't change the recipe drop?

Also Dandellion Salad is also obtained via the recipe books of the travelling Merchant so that one could be replaced
What triggers them dropping those?
Girl needs to wear a sexy Babydoll and crotchlesspanties
Girl needs to have piercings
MC needs to impregnate Girl dureing the scene
(MILFs and Breeders at Minimum steal a Ring from MC to mark their conquest)
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Aug 24, 2018
Girl needs to wear a sexy Babydoll and crotchlesspanties
Girl needs to have piercings
MC needs to impregnate Girl dureing the scene
(MILFs and Breeders at Minimum steal a Ring from MC to mark their conquest)
Neat, thanks. Is there a title/trait related to that like with the Oni or just more gear to equip?

Edit: Hmmmm. Nope. Babydoll + chrotchless, piercings, impregnation, was a breeder goblin. No drop. Is this one of those things where you have to choose to resist or go after the tits instead?

Edit2: Either it's random or you need to resist to trigger. Don't need piercings to trigger (at least for virgin).
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Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
Neat, thanks. Is there a title/trait related to that like with the Oni or just more gear to equip?

Edit: Hmmmm. Nope. Babydoll + chrotchless, piercings, impregnation, was a breeder goblin. No drop. Is this one of those things where you have to choose to resist or go after the tits instead?

Edit2: Either it's random or you need to resist to trigger. Don't need piercings to trigger (at least for virgin).
I tried different combinations... one thing I didn't add as I manage to get that by default by now is that you need to rock the girls world via intercourse (i.e. have a perfect sex encounter).
Any Girl without Piercings would just jump and run the moment the scene is over, only those with Piercings remained to exchange their panties for a ring
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Aug 1, 2019
Ask about the ThunderKristall i was cave found the way to top on enter right . the left side the two caves with Cupper and coal and the orang part. second part copper behind and the spidernet cave. The traveling trader never meet.. so far. i miss the beans and other. the magik bridge i found the hidden acidcave was the second i found. but 2 water kristall i found but 0 thunder??? where is this ?


Active Member
Aug 24, 2018
I tried different combinations... one thing I didn't add as I manage to get that by default by now is that you need to rock the girls world via intercourse (i.e. have a perfect sex encounter).
Any Girl without Piercings would just jump and run the moment the scene is over, only those with Piercings remained to exchange their panties for a ring
Yeah, "best sex she's ever had" or something along those lines. I had girls without piercings stay... Virgin gave panties without taking a ring. When I've had the
pregnancy now I haven't had any fail to give panties, so maybe it was a fluke at the start, or maybe it's a RNG check against stats similar to if they break into your house, and my stats are high so they're more likely to leave panties than not.
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Devoted Member
Apr 12, 2018
Yeah, "best sex she's ever had" or something along those lines. I had girls without piercings stay... Virgin gave panties without taking a ring. When I've had the
pregnancy now I haven't had any fail to give panties, so maybe it was a fluke at the start, or maybe it's a RNG check against stats similar to if they break into your house, and my stats are high so they're more likely to leave panties than not.
I think Virgins are special, as they don't have any conquest up to that point and only wear the piercings as they think they'll make her look cute. The other Goblin types I encountered however were different


Nov 17, 2019
Or Saffron's quest branch. A good H-game mustn't force the player; and you don't.

Exactly! I always get frustrated when I get thrown into rail roaded sex scenes in some games with characters I don't even like! o_O

Script-wise, there are some holes to patch. That's not an issue if they don't show, but further the line it'll get more and more difficult to patch them up.
I'll start working on these :p

With a single Oni encounter costing 5 Morale and there are 6 Oni's a time you'll drop 30 Morale per "Shopping Event" easily, you can trigger those visits up to 3 times a day so 90 Morale lost and 1 Morale gained from sleeping 8 hours...
This a good point... I will see how to lower this, maybe have the player only lose Morality if their Gangbang Fetish is low or something.

What triggers them dropping those?
She must be wearing a Babydoll, plus:

For Goblin Virgin: getting her Pregnant.

For Goblin: She will leave her panties if she took your Virginity or if you get her Pregnant with her first baby.

Goblin MILF and Goblin Breeder: Depends on her criteria for wearing Piercings. If she takes your Piercing she will leave her Panties in your mouth. She will also leave her panties if she took your Virginity.

So planting 5 apple trees won't change the recipe drop?
It wont, Trees are set at the start of the game, same thing with Lemon/Grape Bushes.

Also Dandellion Salad is also obtained via the recipe books of the travelling Merchant so that one could be replaced
Some stuff crosses over, it's similar to some Skills and was intentional!

but 2 water kristall i found but 0 thunder??? where is this ?
Thunder Crystal is dropped by Mimics (25% Chance). They also form very rarely when Lightning hits the ground.
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Active Member
May 7, 2019
So planting 5 apple trees won't change the recipe drop?
Well, if there's no in-game way, you can use
It's Variable#240. Mine is 1, so I was an apples guy. I do like them firm :sneaky:
Oranges are 2.
And melons are not implemented yet. Not that I'll ever be in a hurry to see any.
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3.40 star(s) 29 Votes