
Aug 23, 2017
I can't believe they allow race play but ban incest. This game goes to far with that and come on beating the s out of a lady in the boxing ring. I have just found the first game in all of whats on this site that goes just to far.
I can't believe it either since F95Z has no rules against incest, you might be confusing this site with Patreon which the game is not even on. Game contains alot of edgy shock content that upsets many. I suggest reading the tags before trying in order to find games more to your liking.
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Game Developer
Jul 4, 2017
oh, forgot to mention i really love the mind control bit. that was the best part of Bully too.
Ahh interesting I forgot I did do that in Bully. But that was really just to the antagonist in the story. But ya I think that part has turned out well. The idea being that the BNWO is really turning people into something like slaves. I don't think you could get that with them just being obsessed with BBC.

Thanks!! luv ur games!! will this later have any Dog or maybe even Horse stuff if u know what i mean??;);)
Bestiality is an interesting one. It is very polarizing. It's surprising how many people really don't like it. I think I said it long ago but I think it's because a lot of people have dogs. There is an affinity and an association with their dogs so they don't appreciate bestiality.

I could see some bestiality in Chapter 2 but right now I don't have any specific ideas for it.

How far developed is the sissifation in this game currently? Is it hypnosis based or just simple forced into? Going by the sample pictures I would never even guess there was any in it.
I'm always open to including more of this content but it just never seems to resonate with people. I have no evidence but I'm guessing maybe 10% of the people who play the game would want to see it.

The man, the myth, the legend!
Jobeo is back.
Any plans on continuing the other two games or is this your main project now?
I don't rule it out but I think I'll be working on this game for now. I like the story in this game better.

the MC feels like a background character compared to Billy.
It's definitely true and I thought this many times while working on the chapter. This is one reason I labelled the game dual protagonist, because truly Karsyn is a female main character of the game.

Bentley's storyline will continue and evolve but I like having multiple strong characters to generate content.

The lesbian twins part is interesting, I wonder if they will form a resistance group to oppose the BNWO or if they will eventually become their breeding stock.
In general I feel like it has a different feel which is probably closer to bully than reparations which is too bad for me but im hopeful for chpt2.
I see the twins as a major storyline. There is just so much potential with where that could go.

I agree the game leans much closer to Bully and personally I think that's a good thing. Reparations felt a bit safe to me, this is taking things back in an different direction.

Plus wasnt a fan of the white male disposal angle. Ward is a likeable dude unlike the reparations dad so the angle just made things depressing up until the very end but yeah not a fan of that part.
The father can/will play a huge role going into future chapters so that is something to be happy about


May 13, 2019
femdom as tag looks funny. where are the scenes where the Blackies are dommed by their black Girls?
Please. Ive been duped by games with femdom tags with maybe one femdom scene in them. At least this has lots.

Please ignore the haters jobeo the world needs more of this! For great justice!

Also in BWNO terms its usually

Black Male
Black Female
White Female
White Male
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Active Member
Sep 30, 2021
Dear Jobeo

as fans of your work, we want to live in BNWO world, as well as our wives, girlfriends and sisters too.
do not let already scripted negative reviews influence the game development, if fact, we are eager
to see you pushing even more hard content in the next update since Jobeo vision's and games date releases
are best days of our lives


Engaged Member
Aug 2, 2017
Good start
I liked very much
I loved MC's sisters, all 3
Karsyn :love:
Karina :love:
Marlena :love:
I hope that in future updates he has sex with his sisters.
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Game Developer
Jul 4, 2017
Interesting, do you ( Jobeo ) plan to add pregnancy content ???
Good question. I'm not sure about that one. The problem with pregnancy is that it takes too long. There could be some opportunities for it though. Definitely have to be careful with that content, of course.

im wondering what your plan for Quaylon's first wife is.
i hope it's a black girl, because that adds in so much more room for black femdom.
This is another good question. I went back and fourth whether or not to include that reference. Thing is, with the twins taking off, you remove 2 girls from the house. And of course you have the father leaving... And Quaylon really doesn't seem to be too happy with the Mother. So it seemed correct to add someone into the house.

As to exactly how that will play out, we'll have to see. I have to admit I had not imagined it being a black girl. Will have to think about that one.

I really like the Jobeo I'm seeing in this development, more aggressive and crazy, more similar to Jobeo from the Bully era, Jobeo from the Reparations era was more light and careful, however despite the fact that he is developing fucked up situations he is doing it calmly without forcing the sex scenes or the plot, that shocking boxing scene with Quaylon and Trish was intense, I love those kinds of scenes I wonder if things can get even a little more gore... At the moment it seems that Lamondre will take the girlfriend and the older sister and Quaylon will take the mother (Trish) and the twins (I still don't know all the names).
I love this chapter, depravity and injustice returned, Jobeo returned!

Thanks! Yes I think the story has definitely gone in more of a Bully direction but I think the story is more coherent and makes more sense than Bully ever did.

I definitely agree on the forced sex scene piece... I think I overdid that in Reparations. I was a bit nervous with this new game that it would not be well received but I think people appreciated it. The first part of the chapter was getting to know everyone and the second part picked up the pace a bit.

It will be challenging to control though going forward into future chapters. I always seem to want to speed things up. Have to control that somehow.

I dont get all the negative reviews. Very few femdom games even try to do SPH or forced bi and this game does it perfectly. I used to think Mantis was the best femdom game out there but this will probably overtake it.
I'm glad you appreciated the forced bi aspect. I did not add that as a tag but that's definitely what I consider those scenes. I thought that was a really fun angle of the storyline but it hasn't been mentioned too much. Especially when Marlena was coaxing him into the cage... I thought the dialogue was very good but maybe I'm the only one who saw it that way.

SPH... Just no way I can't include that in a game I have such strong feelings about it. The whole 1 inch genital customization was literally one of the first ideas I had when I started working on the new game.
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Game Developer
Jul 4, 2017
I'm still working through your comments guys we're almost caught up!!

when Karsyn sees what Quaylon has done to her mother, she is afraid of the BNWO and wants to run away with Karina and leave everything behind, my deduction for the future is that Quaylon will deceive or convince Karina to obey and be a "good girl" and Karsyn will suffer, Karsyn will probably take longer than Karina to succumb to BNWO
I have big plans for the twins. I see them as a major storyline. I will have to be careful to do it right. It could evolve as something very interesting or else collapse and not be very good.

Good start, as with your other games not everything appeals to me so I avoid those that doesn't. The other stuff I've really enjoyed and looking fwd to seeing where this goes from here:)
Thanks. Yes I think everything is setup in a very good position. There is a lot of momentum going into a next chapter.

It's very fucked up. I don't get the thrill or sexual fetish of including heavy drugs that in reality turn alot people into ugly meth zombies. But its devs choice, maybe for some edgy shock reason. Other authors write gory murder novels and film scripts, Jobeo includes heavy drugs, will just have to deal with that and ignore.
Strangely I think meth has made its way into every single one of my games.

I think a better critique of how I included it this time was that Marlena seems to show no effects from using it... she smokes meth and then seems very normal.

I haven't heard of too many sub males who love submitting to girls for "being gay", its definitely not my thing.
Go on iwantclips Top 100 Categories list... "Encouraged Bi" is the top 3 fetish category out of 100. It used to be called Forced Bi but for legal reasons they switched it from Forced to Encouraged.

Having hot girls call you homophobic slurs is something massively popular in fetish porn.

Personally I have about 3,000 forced bi clips so it's definitely something I'm into.


Engaged Member
Dec 16, 2019
Go on iwantclips Top 100 Categories list... "Encouraged Bi" is the top 3 fetish category out of 100. It used to be called Forced Bi but for legal reasons they switched it from Forced to Encouraged.

Having hot girls call you homophobic slurs is something massively popular in fetish porn.

Personally I have about 3,000 forced bi clips so it's definitely something I'm into.
I get it and I am by no means denigrating the forced bi fetish, but for heteros who are not bi, this does not really count as femdom, for a very simple reason: we are not bi, nor gay, we love women and want to serve them. Classic femdom is about submitting to/being submitted by females for their pleasure, that is, its not about being punished for secretly being gay or using a female to chaperone you into serving males <- which is the very antithesis of worshiping the females themselves.

So, while its nothing wrong with forced-bi, personally I am into female domination and not into maledom with a female proxy.

As I said before, just disregard my take, you have to make a game the themes of which you are passionate about, regardless if some of us like it or not. That's what I would do. I still enjoy the femdom scenes in the game Bully [I had to skip all the scenes with the fat black bum guy tho].
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Aug 23, 2017
I think a better critique of how I included it this time was that Marlena seems to show no effects from using it... she smokes meth and then seems very normal.
yes, in games you can smoke cyanide with no side effects or rip off someones arm without them bleading to death, because ingame reality is just a glitch. Anyway, was just my take on RL association to meth, which I find unappealing for recreation or sexual corruption unlike the more common MC/corruption drugs. But it's your fantasy game to meld and form. I don't care that much about the meth, there are some elements I really like in your games others just not so much.
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Game Developer
Jul 4, 2017
if someone is not into maledom in parallel with femdom

I definitely see this as one of the core changes in the game, as compared to the previous ones. The idea of the black men dominating the women. People have asked me for this many times in the past and this is the first game where I thought it made sense to include it.

Putting that content on a completely different path would be challenging. I've never really been a big fan of hiding/removing content from the game. I didn't even put a pussy hair hiding option in Reparations.

So ya for this game black men > white women > white men and I don't think there will be any way to avoid that.

1 dose made Izzie suggestable, 2 doses turned her into a willing submissive and the 3rd pretty much turned her into a whore.
Izzie's storyline is definitely an interesting one to me. Will have to be careful. Some people will want it to go slow, others will want it to go fast. Also, she has developed a rivalry with Candy... which could turn out many different ways.

Jobeo when do you think chapter 2 will come out?

Very good question. I will say that I have not announced any commitment to creating Chapter 2, yet. I have also not lost interest in the project. I think right after one of the Reparations chapter releases I put the thread On Hold cause I knew I was probably done.

At the moment I'm gathering feedback and thinking about where things should go in the storyline. I know it all seems very easy and very obvious but I put a lot of thought into Chapter 1. As a result, I think it turned out amazing.

If I rush and just crank out another chapter in a couple weeks, there would be content but would it be any good? Would the chapter be loaded with good ideas? I think that type of rushing is what I've done in the past and then I paint myself into a corner and the whole thing goes down in flames.

So to answer your question -- stay tuned!!
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Oct 26, 2017
"The legendary game creator returns with a brand new masterpiece." Legendary for not finishing games apparently (jokes, jokes). Jokes aside, while the NTR category is pretty under represented regarding stories that have actual effort put into them, your games don't do it for me personally. I enjoy NTR because I don't self insert and am interested in the corruption of female characters aspect. Your games seem to be more about humiliation and submission. Framing wise, this puts the emphasis of the corruption of the story on the MC rather than the female cast. While I do appreciate that you clearly know what you're doing and put clear effort into the writing of the game, it bums me out that one of the few people trying frames the story opposite to where I prefer. That isn't a dig by any means, I fully understand that is what interests you and your target audience and I'm not complaining about that at all. I suppose I just mean to say thanks for putting effort even if its not for me while complaining about the state of games on the site in general in regards to my preferences.


Jul 25, 2017
Jobeo the truth is that I would like to see romance in interracial scenes from time to time, I mean, normally the scenes are very dirty, corrupt and hardcore, which I love, but a little romance and sweetness from time to time is also cool, for example, Izzie is too beautiful to miss the opportunity to make a beautiful and sweet interracial scene... In fact it might even be interesting that Candy discovers Lamondre making love to Izzie instead of using her as a toy and Candy feels very jealous and furious, her rivalry with Izzie will probably increase a lot!
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