Seath Black I haven't played this yet, despite seeing several references to it in other VNs I've played. But I just HAD to drop a comment here about the game within the game you created. You know, the "other" game about the DeLucci family you did..."Fall of Netorare" had me laughing so motherfucking hard I shot coffee outa my nose, n I think I woke the neighbors!
And even outside of that, you have one of the top-3 sense of humors of ANY VN I've ever played, if not THE top...I wish other designers knew how much better it makes the experience, n storytelling, be when there's good 4th-wall humor (btw; wtf does "META" mean?). so here's to all being well in Smolsville, n I'm about to take the twins to "Lola"-con; n once I finish this, I'm SO starting BHH...I hope Kenzie gets to host all of Marcus' daughters at her camp, n am DYING to know what kinda "activities" she has going on in cave #3 (n I'm assuming the rest of the caves?)
oh, btw...YES, I ALWAYS read the intro/prequel/backstory stuff of every VN I play; never know when there's some juicy details, or relevant info, that affects the main storyline. n OF COURSE I watered Karl

; Marcus might be a soulless, black-hearted SOB, but he still enjoys a hearty sense-of-humor! hell, he even let the Akeymu stick around (poor Paz

) there any difference who's room the cast of "friends" moves to? b/c I decided on the twins' room for now, since they're about the only ones that haven't terrorized anyone in the gang yet...BAD AKEYMU!!
P.S. Doc is having WAY too much fun with "Redneck Girls In Japan"; I'm sure RoboGrant had something to do with it, n surprised Uncle Buck didn't make an appearance

will never be able to watch another Godzilla movie the same way again