This game is thoroughly bad.
The writing is poor. It's like the author planned out a series of sex scenes, but put no effort into justifying why any of the characters would behave in those ways. Girls will go from being raped to being in love in two lines of dialogue, or they'll go from outraged shouting to meek submission declaring everlasting love and back several times in one conversation for no good reason. As the title suggests, the MC is constantly doing things that people around him would hate, but they all cave in instantly when confronted. It's like having a scene where someone walks up to the Pope, says "Hey, I hear Islam is pretty good", then the pope says "You're right, I'm a Muslim now." Aside from just being too unreal to ignore, it also misses a huge opportunity for content- there are entire games made out of the journey from a girl saying "no" to "yes", with plenty of sex in between which is made hotter by the submission, corruption, or romance (depending on genre) that it takes to get there, but in this game, it happens in an instant.
The grammar is also frequently really awful, but that's relatively minor by comparison.
The renders are also often poor. First of all, the "son" definitely looks too old to match the story, which is a fairly big problem in an incest game where he's a high school virgin living with his parents but looks to be about 25. Most other model selection is fine, tough a couple of the women you have sex with look to be around sixty to eighty when they could have easily been younger according to the plot. Quite a few of the renders are grainy and generally low quality, many of them are shots of a single person who might not even be in the same room as whoever else is in the conversation, and the two-frame animations will often only move a single part of the model in a way which looks worse than if it weren't animated at all. Some of the locations have had absolutely minimal effort put into them, like a scene where the son suddenly takes his mother to see a fortune-teller who has a table set up on a featureless grass plane. It looked so unreal I actually assumed it was a dream sequence. I assume every other room is exactly the way it came from the asset store, but at least most of them have furniture.
The player is given an option to skip gay sex scenes, but then when it would happen or the dialogue would mention it, it says something like "This scene skipped because you chose to skip gay sex." The author could have so easily written around it so it just didn't happen- especially considering the quality of the writing everywhere else is so poor, it's not like one more logical inconsistency or jarring transition would hurt- but instead chose to fourth wall-break in order to make sure the player knew there was gay sex between father and son right there even if it wasn't shown. It's like he resented having an option to remove it and wanted to make sure the reader still knew it happened.
The writing is poor. It's like the author planned out a series of sex scenes, but put no effort into justifying why any of the characters would behave in those ways. Girls will go from being raped to being in love in two lines of dialogue, or they'll go from outraged shouting to meek submission declaring everlasting love and back several times in one conversation for no good reason. As the title suggests, the MC is constantly doing things that people around him would hate, but they all cave in instantly when confronted. It's like having a scene where someone walks up to the Pope, says "Hey, I hear Islam is pretty good", then the pope says "You're right, I'm a Muslim now." Aside from just being too unreal to ignore, it also misses a huge opportunity for content- there are entire games made out of the journey from a girl saying "no" to "yes", with plenty of sex in between which is made hotter by the submission, corruption, or romance (depending on genre) that it takes to get there, but in this game, it happens in an instant.
The grammar is also frequently really awful, but that's relatively minor by comparison.
The renders are also often poor. First of all, the "son" definitely looks too old to match the story, which is a fairly big problem in an incest game where he's a high school virgin living with his parents but looks to be about 25. Most other model selection is fine, tough a couple of the women you have sex with look to be around sixty to eighty when they could have easily been younger according to the plot. Quite a few of the renders are grainy and generally low quality, many of them are shots of a single person who might not even be in the same room as whoever else is in the conversation, and the two-frame animations will often only move a single part of the model in a way which looks worse than if it weren't animated at all. Some of the locations have had absolutely minimal effort put into them, like a scene where the son suddenly takes his mother to see a fortune-teller who has a table set up on a featureless grass plane. It looked so unreal I actually assumed it was a dream sequence. I assume every other room is exactly the way it came from the asset store, but at least most of them have furniture.
The player is given an option to skip gay sex scenes, but then when it would happen or the dialogue would mention it, it says something like "This scene skipped because you chose to skip gay sex." The author could have so easily written around it so it just didn't happen- especially considering the quality of the writing everywhere else is so poor, it's not like one more logical inconsistency or jarring transition would hurt- but instead chose to fourth wall-break in order to make sure the player knew there was gay sex between father and son right there even if it wasn't shown. It's like he resented having an option to remove it and wanted to make sure the reader still knew it happened.