VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Blairewood [Prologue Rework] [BlackFeather]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly if it wasn't for the super high quality renders and character models id have given this game a 2 star.

    High Quality Renders and Character Models

    Pretty Confusing writing and intro
    Unnecessary Narration

    Story 3/10: I'll be honest, i had a hard time following the prologue. I have no idea what happened, or what's happening. It felt like a really vague movie trailer. Short and confusing.

    We are introduced to the MC childhood where he brutally beats the shit out of someone for saying he wants to bang some girl. so we've got a Schizophrenic's Protagonist with a slightly disturbing childhood, Who went missing as a child and is also possibly a criminal. Other than that not much is said. We are shown a few other characters, but not much detail on them so far.

    The rest of the story is the MC Narrating the town which I'm assuming where the majority of the story will take place. Personally i would have liked to learn about the town and story more naturally, instead of the MC just breaking the fourth wall and narrating things to the viewer.

    Overall not much of anything on the story to be said, except that the writing so far is pretty hard to follow.

    Sexual Content: No Lewd Scenes as of now.

    Renders: Now the renders are fantastic, honestly some of the best quality out there.

    Character Models: The Character Models also look great, they are great quality along with amazing looks in terms of who I'm assuming is the main cast.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This is just the Prologue of the game so theres not much sense rating this, but i still will, cuz of some other ratings i read. Lets talk about whats there:
    The renders lokk absolutely amazing and can be counted to be nearly as good as the best ive ever seen (Where it all began remake). The Women also look absolutely beautiful so thats definetly a selling point.
    What we see so far from the story doesnt make a lot of sense, theres talk about a boy went missing which seems to be the MC, there are hints of the life you live now and hints of the life thet people you left behind are living. So far you could say its an introduction to the relevant parties in the story which will be connected and make sense later.
    So all in all i would say you should definetly wait with the judgement and see where this is going and the rate it again when there are 2 or 3 chapters out, when you can see where the story will go, how the people will behave, if they have character and if the dialogue is well written. All that you cant really tell yet as you cant tell if you will be able to influence the story with the choices you make.

    So id say wait a bit for more updates and lets see where this is going.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    After a year of development there's just a reworked prologue, rather short (and still confusing, with that peacemeal storytelling).

    ✭✭✭✭✭ Renders are great, models are cute. 5 stars.
    ✭✰✰✰✰ Story might be interesting, but too fragmented to make sense. 1 star.

    Conclusion: Apart from seeing a couple of pretty girls, nothing to do here. 2 stars + 1 more for the potential.

    [Prologue Rework]
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit dude, this is what I call perfect render quality, all of it.
    The story is a bit confusing, but since this is just the prologue, there is a good chance this will have a good readable story in the future. A lot has been introduced, let's see where the journey goes. I'm hyped to see more of this, even if this takes really long.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Renders are top quality imho, I like the girls design especially Claire...Claire FTMW,,,, looking forward to Chapter 1 cuz im very intrigued on what's the story is all about and looks promising.....Good Luck dev.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    4 out of 5 stars for the renders, and nice looking females. Minus 1 star because I just wish I knew WTF it is about based on the Prologue!
    Prologue seems to consist of three main scenes:
    1. A scene with the MC , as a kid, beating the crap out of another kid.
    2. Then to the MC becoming the narrator and giving a very brief clue as to what he is currently up to.
    3. Finally, we see the grown up Claire (MC's sister?, I hope so!) talking to her father about a compulsory sale of their property.
    Don't know who any of the other characters are and hope that the next update makes more sense.
    The quality of the renders and character designs are the only thing making me want to see more. Let's hope the next update gives us an idea of what this is supposed to about........
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I've never reviewed a game, because honestly I usually don't care much or if it's bad I just fuck off.
    But my God, am I the only idiot who has, for the most part, 0 clues as to what's going on?

    I don't want to be an asshole, but the only positive thing I can say is that the render's look good. That's it. Everything else in my eyes was terrible.
    Even though this was apparently a Prologue Remake, I really think the Developer should rethink the structure of how he want to tell the story.

    Of course this are my 2 cents and they're worth what they're worth.

    I still wish all the best for the developer and the future of the project.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 396172

    My Reaction for this game : Amazing i love it !

    ★ Gameplay : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Story : ✭✭✭✭✭
    ★ Spelling : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ renders : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Potential : ✭✭✭✭✭
    ★ Overall : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Girls physique : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Graphic : ✭✭✭✭✰
    ★ Creativity :✭✭✭✭✰

    Note :

    Definitely you should try it .

    ◉ All the best to the developer .
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Renders are amazing and the story is confusing because its a prologue and kinda rush on introducing characters. Hope there will be choices that matter and have impact on the story and with the relations with the girls, hope there is more choices to choose (instead of 2 to have 3), hope there is more girls that we saw on prologue,hope the girls arent all slutty, and hope the dev makes a story that explains everything. The game has potential to be great but the dev needs to pay attention to the progress of the story.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I typically like to rate games on their potential rather than what we see upfront, particularly with new games since things are early enough to change and improve. This game has really nice renders and new environments you dont really see a lot. The sounds and music are fitting. The character designed are spot on the girls are really nice (the ones introduced so far) Everything presentation wise is great. Narration wise is a bit trickier. Its a bit confusing to understand whats going on. It does jump around and characters are discussing things without context for the player to fully grasp the situation. I know its a prologue and this is a given with any new game but it seems to be more so the case with this game. I dont doubt it will better and more updates with more plot comes out but for now it was a bit confusing the timing pacing etc. Grammar/english wise its fine. Seems to want to present itself more as a movie style than a game, might be hit or miss in the future.

    Either way, its setting itself up to be a great game. Lets see how the dev moves forward.
  11. 3.00 star(s)



    Little gameplay well what do you expect it's prologue. Good renders that's a big plus. Well can't say anything about the story at the moment. One thing I understood by playing prologue is story is not cliche. Waiting to see how dev will execute it in the next updates. Absolutely loved how MC is introduced by beating the hell out of a douchebag. ( Not like waking up on hospital with no memory, not like saying about future plans etc. ) Not a cliche introduction loved it. Yeah MC got some attitude. It would be nice if you add some extra thud sounds while fighting.

    one req is don't give us faster and meaningless sex scenes like many other games here. It will ruin the game's standard. Keep up the current pace. Good luck dev

    Overall it's a good start. Waiting for next updates yeah surely change the rating according to updates.

    EDIT :

    Prologue rework

    With this rework some confusion are gone about the story. But stil there's only little content. Dev did a good job with credit giving scene. Dev did it like it was in movie.

    Edit 2 : sadly there's no update so far. Seems like it's abandoned.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    It's probably a bit early, but here's my review for the game so far:

    Game prologue

    The renders, and also the models of the girls.

    The game' s technique. Nice start screen, but long loading time. The game runs without problems - however, since there are no choices in the game yet, this is to be expected. No animations so far. Some nice audio effects, but no music (-> KoGa3...?). Maybe the story - but we don't know so far (see below)

    Definitely the storytelling. It's a confusing hopping between - I think - different time periods, locations, whatever. Maybe this should be stylish as in movies like Pulp Fiction, Sin City etc... but it does not work here. I got quickly bored because of that (even the prologue is really short!) I had actually no clue what the story is about. Not good: the devs already had to explain that these "scenes" are somehow tied together in later updates...
    Also a bad sign for me: the game uses an ingame narrator (maybe also imitating some mentioned movies...)

    The game is confusing so far. It has its good parts (renders), but the storytelling in the prologue (where you should actually get an idea of what the game is about) is all over the place. In my opinion needs a complete rework in that.