I'm not sure I'm following your logic here... you can find porn of all sorts on the internet and using that logic, most games on the site 'can be beat' by a simple search in porn hub... I'm also not following the bi drag queen in real life comment? Like what point are you trying to make with that?
I understand every game isn't for everyone, nor should they be. I just don't understand why every feminization game comes with the same level of absolute submissiveness. I can even see the link between being feminine and submissive, but the PC in most of these games are treated with no dignity or respect at all. And in all of these games, there are always feminine characters who are not submissive... so I just don't understand how every single (besides like camgurl mansion) ends up with the same plot points of you have a lil dick so can't please your girlfriend, that means you must get cucked and locked in a cage, turned into a sissy and treated as a foot stool... all the while supposedly enjoying it and feeling you deserve it. That shit's wild. But to each there own. lol