Well, there's fuck all to this ..erm.. game?
The scenery is lovely, and even more appreciable when all the over excessive graphics settings are turned down to Low.
I've explored all that the land has to offer - annoyingly is bumping into invisible walls when following paths.
And it seems when ya hit the 'X' or 'C' button, it takes you to a completely different area for you to do only 3 things =
1) get a key, 2) save a woman locked in stocks, 3) watch a 3-sum. ... big whoop!!
I saw no bugs nor glitches, but still, the game is so broken...
I mean, half of this thing is a exploration adventure with I think 2 quests -
1) to save a cat-human from a trap. Done that ✔
2) find a cart wheel that went yonder. Never found it ✖
and the other half of this thing is what I said above when hitting the 'X' or 'C' button, which is an area that's not found in the first half while exploring.
About the only thing I found exciting in this whole game? is Alex's giant trouser snake

Rating: At the time of writing this for version v0.4b, I give it a 2/5 -
1 for the lovely breath-taking scenery.
and 1 for Alex's gift
