So, after all the "bullshit festival" we've had in recent months like "Christmas update is ready" but we've never seen. "The regular update is ready. I just need to test it". But that we have never seen either.
After all that you come to lure us with a few renders that a dev can do in a few hours. Don't forget Rainces was doing this for a long time and now we know he wasn't even working on the game.
And after several months of lies, you reappear as if by magic but without evoking any development progress, nor a release date.
I rather believe that you are a liar and that you are no longer working on the game. Like Rainces, you do this to keep as many idiots as possible to support you without having to provide the slightest effort.
We will discuss this again in six months when there will still be no update...just like Raices

P.S. if I'm mean it's not because the update is delayed, rather because you lied several times...something that presumably announces the beginning of the end of this game.