Gotta Have The Sauce
This game is very promising, I really like the art style. Glad you keep up the great work :biggrin:Indeed... Almost all scenes will be animated. The next build will be available for patreons at the end of the month... (or the first days of the next). It will contain (AT LEAST!) 3 animated H-Scenes... like 5 or 6 (multi-layer) echhi-scenes, and, of course a nice and organic continuation of the main story (I hope you like it). Oh!... I already implemented a few scripts to make the game more "user-friendly" (Fullscreen, resize windows, etc) I'm trying to imlpement Mouse control... but, it does not work like I intended... don't worry tho... I'm working on it.
EDIT: Aaaaaaaand YES!... the "thing" will have its uses.![]()