dude, there's been no update in over a year, if we exclude the last pathetic excuse of rework+single scene. The games is abandoned. The developer just makes empty promises that never fullfills. The game is like a decade old and still half finished. most of the scenes have to be yet implemented. Hence I'm assuming you are another of Bones' alt acc trying to cover his lazy ass.
Nope, I'm not an alt account for anyone, or connected to the game in any way other than having played it previously.
I'm simply someone who doesn't follow all of the progress for games I've previously played and not picked up in a while.
I literally wrote that I don't log into this forum much. So the notification and the Title change, to "Abandoned" merely made me go to the developers Discord, to have a look for myself.
*(I am sorry if you're confused by my language usage, or don't speak English as your first language.)*
However, as to your comments about a game being, 'old and still half finished', in my limited understanding a lot of games on this forum have seemed to take a downturn recently in association with progress, whether that be due to delays from newly implemented restrictions from other platforms' rules, or exerted effort by the developer themselves.
So, I simply meant that although the games may not be progressing as some might like or hope it would, it might make sense to ask the developer directly if they've truly "Abandoned" a game before labeling it such and bad mouthing their efforts.
Because in my humble opinion, anyone who is actively making Twitter "X" posts and related announcements on their games Discord, pertaining to the progress of said game, is most likely still working on its development.
Otherwise, it seems short sighted and semi childish (as in a child throwing a temper tantrum when they don't get desert before dinner...), to call a game "Abandoned" merely because it isn't available to "complete", as quickly as one might like.
With all due respect.
Post Edit:
To be completely clear, the only reason I invested any time in responding to the quoted comment is I was concerned, and honestly offended, by the insinuation that one can't have a non-biased opinion, even if it differs slightly than the consensus, unless they're somehow affiliated with, or "an alt account" of, the game developer.