And then there are those who are representing:I'm sure someone in this thread feels like they're representing (even if they're not able to recognize it):
Hello, I am an anonymous person on the internet. I may have family, friends, a partner... even children. Study, work or live from the fairy tale...
But here I am, spewing venom every day because an artist doesn't upload at least one or two quarterly updates. How sad I am! I'm a functioning adult (or not), but I'm crying like a little girl because I can't masturbate to Bones' art because he's lazy, slow, and a money thief. Damn dr. Bones!
I will finish your game, even if it is through AI. I swear by the Muslim gods who conquered Spain! Or the beard of a Buddhist god without a razor!
Let's continue laughing at the bastards who pay Bones $3-5 a month. They're going to be ruined! lolol hahahaha xdxdxd how smart I am for not paying $3-5 every month and how stupid they are for doing so xdxdxdxd.
Mom must be very proud of me.
Yes... Very smart and male alpha. xD
"Hello, I am an obvious troll who is obvious. I have even less to contribute to the discussion than the people I mock, yet I've somehow convinced myself that calling attention to this fact makes me look smart."