RPGM - Abandoned - Bones' Tales: The Manor [v0.20.0a] [Dr Bones]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I know that the game hasn't been updated in ages but still.
    This is one of the best 2d incest games out here. I personnally like the art a lot, the scenes and the concept are very good, you're here corrupting your family with the help of the ghost of a guy who did the same thing like a century ago. How cool and fucked up is that ?
    Martha is the GOAT.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Saw this coming a lightyear away.

    Another game which gives you 'promises' and 'potential' instead of actual content. A placeholder isn't a contract--it's lazy bait to lure in suckers for 'financial support,' i.e. money for nothing.

    If you want pretty porn images, go to any of numerous image boards which have talented artists providing quality, diverse content for free. And all that without requiring you to do mundane chores, loosely called gameplay.

    If you want good gameplay, frankly just go to another website, or find the few gems with a [Completed] tag here. And hey, support the developers who actually finished their game--often before asking for anything in return.

    One star is one more than this deserves, because a rating implies a game exists to be rated.

    My actual rating is N/A, not applicable.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has been in development for what like 5 years now? Why the hell is every scene still "placeholder" or "coming soon". I don't know how people are still falling for this. two stars because the art is nice, the gameplay is boring and so so grindy. Also its 2023 why the hell can't we use mouse to control the character!?
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Recycled content due to a poor game designer trying to milk a community

    Overall found the game play good however lacking in both content and creativity

    One of the best things about the game was the srt style which im fond of hence the three stars
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best rpgm games I've ever played so far, it's fun, the art is beautiful and it's different from the other games with the same engine. I'm looking forward to more updates in the future. keep the good work ;)
    Likes: Hone1
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    RPGM games are my favourite since I enjoy gameplay of them. However gameplay of this one is bad. No mouse clicking really? Also where can I track stats or what to do next or how much stats I need to unlock what? Terrible design...

    This game was published in Feb 2018, I’m playing this game for the first time, with everything I interact with is either "Placeholder will be reworked" or "not implemented yet" are you kididing me? This guy has 3k ppl on subscribestar this game is 5 years in development and you pull shit like that on me from the start of a game? What a joke.

    Art is actually nice, but not nice enough to overlook things mentioned above, therefore this game doesn’t deserve more than one star.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Had to edit this review. The game is good I cant say its not but the dev just will not update it or provide any info on whats happening whilst he gets 3k a month from ppl who still support him its crazy. Theres still placeholder popups at the staft of the game and as a game thats 5 years in development. update your game you fat cunt
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    [v0.19.1 review]
    The art is great and the setting is quite cool.
    That fucking grind. It ruins all the fun, seriously.
    Sometimes it's not clear at all how to advance further.
    Old ass RPG maker with small screen resolution.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Some of the BEST Games here at F95!

    +Beautiful Artwork
    +Hot Scenes
    +Good Story
    +Very good variety of Scenes

    ~Sometimes a littlebit grindy but there is a work around

    -There are errors in the wording BUT I only knew maybe 2..

    @Bones Keep going with this game its my favorite!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, i love the animations, the possibilities and the pacing of the story, i really hope that this gets improved upon indefinitely. I would love to see lots of more options, possibilities, a lot more freedom in game, like how many things you can do with each girl could be damn near endless.. well if i ever manage to make it in life, ill be damn sure to pay enough to keep this game going.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm a huge fan of Bones' work here. There are multiple ladies to get with, and multiple paths with each lady to scratch every itch you have.
    I would highly recommend the walkthrough, as some of the best anti-frustration features can be tricky to figure out on your own. Not to mention both unlocking and selecting your most-desired path with each character.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game ever, I like the imagination behind that gets to the scenes, also would love to see more play with the horsea ;) also more doggo milf and little sister scenes would make it special, keep up the good work!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Over all I think the game is quite good, the overall images are done well, the language here and there is not quite on par, but from my understanding Dr Bones is not a native English speaker. So good on that. Understandably since t they are a one person doing everything , it takes some time between updates, Great at responding to requests as well as others comments. Keep up the work I think it will only become better as time goes by

    EDIT: a couple of years later and gotta say, i did not expect him to abandon this game, once he switched platforms things look like he is just trying to get the systems and art on that platform. still a great deal of good artwork, i wouldn't mind helping out!
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Jake the flake

    I think I´ve pretty much completed all the available material. Really like this game, hot scenes. Gets a bit repetitive when trying to grind out scenes, especially since I mostly played without a walkthrough. Will be keeping an eye out for future updates, as well as leaving a tip for the creator on his patreon or whatever.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is so bad, I could not do a single thing cuz the game refuse to give hints or tell me what to do next. So what if she like to take baths in the mornings how does that help me move the story along. Also from other comments you will need to do same thing over and over again to build up trust, lust etc. STOP ADDING pointless grinding to games.

    To ANYONE that wanna make a game like this. Do not do what this dev is doing and you will have a good game.

    Not worth the time, SKIP IT
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Ah yes. Bones'tales the manor. Game where every time there is a new update I just watch the best scene (glory hole) get a quick wank and forget I was supposed to check out new content. There is a reason why this game is so popular - it's a solid game with good mechanics good dialogue and unique art.
    Art 4/5
    Story 4/5
    Gameplay 4/5
    Fapability 4/5
    Originality 4/5
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Ok, this is going to be a very subjective Review, as I have been at the beginning of this game supported this game and eventually gave up on this game.
    I don't like where the art is going.
    I don't like where the story is going. (well story is not going anywhere anyways.)

    If you like a story in a porn game (shocking I know) don't play it, this game squandered what ever left of its story.

    After this part there will be Major spoilers, so read it at your own discretion.
    This will be a brick so be advised.

    This game, and its story and its tid-bits have been around for years now, I was here when version 0.03 that's how long I have been fallowing this game, and I have supported Dr. Bones for a while as well. Now the background is established, let's talk about my grip with this game.

    First one is art, over the years Dr. Bones developed and enhanced his art, but around 0.13 when he decided to "revamp" the game I realised characters changed but especially "martha" has changed the most eeeverything was just 'more' more curves more boobs, change a little bit nipple colour, making the inverted nipples more visual, all was there and all was acceptable to a degree. But with this 0.19, the changes in martha's design is horrendous to me, in most shots (the new one especially) she is just "look boobalicios is she not?" and to be honest no, no she isn't, up until 18B martha had a decent "curvy, big milkers big ass" vibe now she is just "biiiiig" and to me it shows the way Dr. Bones decided to take the design of this character, and with the story as it is (or the lack there of) turns this game from "must follow, must support" to "get it the fahk away from me", for example in 0.18B (well to be honest since 0.15) martha's basement secene made sense, if you were on the passionate route, she was playful and while she was giving you a crazy fellatio she also pleasured herself, and you both "finished" in the new version she somehow miraculously "finishes" all by the act of fellatio itself, and I was sitting in front of my computer and thinking "how? how can you take a scene, a good scene, and make it worse, both graphically and its vibe" but that's what we got, and this neatly brings me to my second problem with this game it's story.

    What is the point of MC in this game? to do things to the people who lives in the Manor and to have fun I am guessing, there is a ghost, and possibly it has some powers that will be ass pulled in the future. You have 4 "girls" that you can interact with, and their states (which hasn't been worked on for years) change their interaction. Now I like the "permissive Martha" bath scene more than the "passionate Martha" bath scene, but with this last update, she is not just permissive to the mc but doggo too? why?

    Years ago when Dr. Bones wrote doggo and Martha scene because a high paying patreon asked for it, but now it is a recurring theme she just lets it to what ever he wants every morning? why? my ass pull theory is that "doyle's powers" so now as the story develops we see that doggo goes around and does the same thing MC does there are 4 girls and he can have fun with them, what is the point of the MC in this game? why not make the doggo MC then? like that japanese game with dog and idols? and when you think about it, "permissive Martha" goes to the basement every morning to be "taken advantaged " (I don't wanna say rape because she is "permissive to both doggo and the MC") by the doggo, and then goes to the bathroom and gets taken advantaged by the MC, possibly without being able to clean herself (well they do soak in the bath though), why? why doesn't she stop this? if the permissive tag allows doggo to "have fun" with her too why is it in passionate state? let say DR. Bones added more "spicy" scenes with doggo for the passionate state because martha is passionate and doyle powers allow doggo to have fun with her then questions comes again, WHY do we have the MC just make the doggo the MC at that point. The beasty made sense for Vera and Mia because, Mia is "special" and so she is "specially curious about everyhing" and Vera has been developed since day one to be have feelings for the beasties. But for Martha what is the point? permissiviness? why? and this is my major gripe with this game. Its story while already was bare bones, does not make sense anymore, and I play the games for their stories and for their PLOT, I mean I gave "Votan's Ring OF Lust" a 4 star review because it follows a very simple story and it has a lot of PLOT in it, and it is a snack to finish between updates, and then you come to this game and everything is in shambles, and I know some people will say "just turn off the beastie that is optional" and my answer will be look at the last update one big beastie update 3 little vanilla updates one of which makes an established scene actively worse, plus I had no problem with beastie actually had fun with it on Vera's story line because it was developed properly and made sense, but as of now, the game does not make sense anymore it is just jumbled scenes together with a thread that you can maybe call a story which is constantly slashed by the scenes themselves, also the art of it goes bad with each update (at least for me), so I am doing what I have done to Doctor Who and MCU, for me this game is abandoned with 0.18B there never was a 0.19 and it was a good game, shame it got abandoned.

    Thank you for coming to my tedxxx Talk.
    Thank you whom ever actually read all of my frustrations with this game.
    Have an imaginary cookie.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I liked the visuals and the settings, but the story doesn't seem to go anywhere. To the point where 30 minutes into the game you actually wonder if there's any story at all past the very few first quests.

    I see some past ratings talking about the decent plot, but I actually haven't seen a plot yet.

    Putting that aside, very grindy game. Very little details to what the requirements are to view the next scene.

    This was not enjoyable and seeing this game being developed for the past 4 years I think the developer should question himself at this point.

    Not worth the time
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    With regards to v0.19.1

    This game is fenomenal, great characters, pretty decent plot, awesome corruption system/progression, beautiful art and great animation.
    Overall a masterpiece.
    This Dev is known for his work having amazing quality, and this is just another great example.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Let's tease a topic, then not touch it for years, then tease another topic, then not touch it for years, then introduce a new character because it seems like we don't know where we're going with the story because we develop 5 minutes of gameplay every 5 years, and ignore that as well for years. This game is just a bunch of spaghetti story that goes nowhere, and that's just the tip of the iceberg of why you should avoid this game.