RPGM - Abandoned - Bones' Tales: The Manor [v0.20.0a] [Dr Bones]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game feels well thought out and the interactions aren't made of just crazy random sex. It takes a bit of grinding but the ability to pump up stats by skipping the day instead of having the same scenes play over and over makes it feel stream lined.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is something differen't in Terms of story, but have a lot of Problems when it comes to the development . The last two Updates have a combine waiting of 8 months and was not very big . Other Dev released in the same time 6-8 Updates with a 4 time bigger value of Content. If the dev will contiune this time shedule de game will finish perhabs in 10 Years .

    I have no Problem with dev thats take his time, but this is cow milking at it's best . When a dev get nearly 2300 $ every month and do nothing for it then that's is cowmilking. The last Update was over 4 month ago and he earned 9200$ for nothing.

    In my opinion this dev must get his money over a trustee after every update and get a title (master of cowmilking) for this.

    My 50 Cents on the 16.1 version :

    After a developmet time of nearly 4 mounth this Update contains only reworked scenes and ´1 new mini Scene . Have expected more than this . Even with a Potato PC you can make more renders.

    With that version you also get a lot of bugs , for example you cant dismiss Doyle anymore . IF the dev is too dumb to get his shit in the right then he must hire people, which are knowing what they do .

    This update is not playable at the moment and a really bugfixed version will took a long time . I can't recommend that game to anyone anymore and i also not recommend to support him anymore . The acting of him in the past has show why.
  3. A
    5.00 star(s)


    This game is beyond of my expectations, very good work, Mr. Bones. The illustration is great and the animations is priceless. This is one of the greatest games of f95zone, for sure. I hope the new content come soon, cuz I see a lot of people here getting crazy about the waiting.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2370550

    Extremely good art-style, typical but not disturbing story and a great potential. When it's development is finished, the author surely will have his recognition. I hope this game would be considered as a classic someday. Of course, writing is not ideal. Character specialisation surely is something that marks them, but Lucile is way too naive, Vera is too controversial. But again, the game is already deserves to be at the tops
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    An enjoyable experience, if a little generic.

    The art style put me off for the longest time, but it grows on you. The characters look much better in their scenes than in their "VN poses". Diversity in body type and personality is nice, and the pursuit of the characters really makes them feel different from one another and not just "character A for fetishes 1, 2, 3, character B for fetishes 4, 5, 6, etc.:". The intro is one of the better I've seen. Characters that are supposed to know you actually acting like they know you is a plus. The writing is charming, the scenes have a nice variety, the music is nice when it plays, and the game offers content filters and text skipping in an RPGM package.

    There are some things that hold it back from greatness though. The grind is slow, even with the +5 from spending the day with characters. I was working up the stats for everyone naturally, but when I realized I needed to get them all to 70, I had to break out the save editor. Additionally, since stats are not the only thing that unlocks scenes, there was a point I was unable to progress with Martha because I was missing a scene, and I spent maybe two hours trying to figure out what it was. The sound effects during sex scenes are robotic and hilarious, and pulled me out of the experience more than once. Doyle's ring is a godsend, but before you get it, going down to get Doyle every time is incredibly tedious. The animations that play between scenes (some time passes, etc.) are nice the first couple of times, but they're so slow that it severely exacerbates the slow pace of the grinding. The game also needs some proofreading; there's enough cases of double punctuation, incorrect homophones, etc., that the script would really benefit from a good once-over.

    I also felt the paranormal element was heavily underutilized; remove Doyle from the game and hardly anything changes. It's appreciated that the game doesn't get bogged down in a pretentious narrative when the majority of players are not here for it, but a little extra integration would help the game with it's identity. Maybe some scenes that Doyle enables that require a paranormal element to make work (in the shower and ghost makes her chilly so xyz or something).

    There's also some bugs, but there's always bugs.

    Finally, some small things. I loved the opening credits, but maybe time them so they don't appear at the same time as a text box so I'm not trying to read two things at once. The game is also packaged as a collection of loose files, so I need to create a folder before extracting the download, which is kinda annoying.

    The porn is probably a 4/5, and the gameplay is a 2-3/5, thus the rating. Eager to see where it goes from here.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    When I first entered the world of Erogames, I never saw anything really jump out and was quickly bored after rubbing the duck to the same boring vanilla tropes. That was, until I came across this absolute gem, albeit diamond in the rough. No overkill of vanilla tropes, lots of variation and different things you could do, even at its' early stages. I'll rate this using my F.A.R.T method:

    Fappability: 10/10: The taboo genres combined with the dark corruption-esque vibes makes you realize that you might like more than you initially think. From innocently touching butts to straight up ravishing holes, this game offers all types of scenes and busts to enjoy, which leads me to the next rating.

    Art: 9.5/10: This game is made by one man. But the art displayed in the version I am currently playing (0.15.2), makes you feel like you're basking in the creation of an entire team of artists. Each girl (unlike in many, many other erogames) is different to the point where their distinctions make you remember them. The same counts for the Main Character. Unfortunately, I remember him and the eldest Sister in a more negative manner: Their faces did not fit to my liking, which is more of a personal taste, hence the slightly lower rating compared to the previous one.

    Replayability: 10/10: In usual vanilla erogames, you get a couple different endings, with one path per ending. In Bones' Tales: The Manor, the developer has incorporated an interesting mechanic. Instead of having paths used as endings, they're used as a way to give basketfulls of variations to scenes in the game. The paths can be seen as behavioural states, with each girl (Who has their own specific personality type in the game) getting different aspects of their personality based on critical choices. This makes the game much more entertaining and interesting, as a state can change even the slightest detail in a scene or dialogue.

    Total score: 9/10: This game, as previously stated, is a diamond in the rough. It has great potential and opens up the door the door to a new milestone of RPGM-based games. The music, sound and art design is surely an accomplishment most erogame devs would dream of. But, the only thing keeping the rating from being a full 5 stars (10/10) is the fact that some art could use a touch-up, or rather, a face-lift. ;)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    love this game, can't wait till it finish. love every single char and Mia the new addon as well.. thks man.. need more games like this.. hope you make more this type of game. thank you thank you. :):):love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it!!
    I wish to see further developments. Please Don't abandon this game .I will be waiting for more updates ;)
    I like art,game play and how event goes(I m not much fond of beast tho)
    and I need more merchant scene .
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    maxx mad


    I played many RPGMaker made H-games and this one is clearly among the best.
    + Interesting story but not too much of it, the setup, scenes and atmosphere tell the story, not too much of it, just enough, it's a H-game afterall, very good dosage for my taste.
    + Nice scenes and models
    + Progressive Corruption building the tension slowly but surely
    + Already some content, worth testing

    On the down side (nitpicking) :
    = Some areas lag a bit early on (as if the running speed didn't trigger) and not anymore after some events are triggered, i've seen way worse but it's worth mentionning, mostly for the dev if he reads us (like the cellar where the skeleton is and outside of it before the events)
    = 0.15.2 version, it's going to take forever to see this one get completed, sigh ...

    Very good, would rate it 4/5 but rating it against what's done out there, let's face it, it's worth 5/5.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This is one of first RPGM games I've played EVER. I've been touch and go with this game since it debuted. The art is good, I'm an ass man so there's plenty of that in Bones Tales. There's also things that I don't like:

    The story itself has been dragging for the longest, in fact I feel that there isn't much of a story to begin with. So far all we know is that there's a pervy kid with Benjamin Button who's been "neglected" and wants to make up for lost time by smashing his long lost siblings and mom. They live in a big creepy house with a ghost who happens to also be... You guessed it a pervert. He then decides to aid you in your quest to fuck your family members guiding you down the path of corruption, which in all honesty is unnecessary seeing as how the MC is already pervy on his own. The story or lack thereof in all this time still hasn't gotten anywhere other than sex.

    We still don't know Doyle's true agenda, the identity of the mysterious merchant or what happened to Doyle's family. It's repetitive in the sense that you're stuck in this big house doing the same thing over and over again. Pretty soon even the sex scenes can get old fast, unless you're a hard up teenager. Not a bestie guy so there's that.

    Art/Graphics 4 out of 5
    Story 2 out of 5
    Gamplay/mechanics 2 out of 5
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Icarus Media

    I downloaded this one and HOLY HELL! Although sometimes confusing as to what you have to do, the scenes are really well done and animated. My bones, or just maybe the one bone was stood at attention throughout. I mean it was some star wars lightsaber activation. Seriously put a drill bit at the end and I could'da made it through walls man!

    So yeah animation nice, scenes nice. A HUGE dosage of 'dat ass' on most of the girls. A decent amount of events and corruption. Definitely worth a download an play.

    Oh and story is good too but....I doubt that is what is bringing people here...
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Love everything of this game, the story, the art, the music, everything. When Bones finishes it, i have no doubt that this will be one of the greatest 2D RPG H games.

    Gracias Bones por este juegazo.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I have been playing BT:TM since its earliest Version 0.10 and got hooked by the characters and the plot surrounding the game. After that, each single update has been a very pleasant surprise. Dammed good humor and the graphiscs got from awesome to awesomer! Thank you, Oseo Bones! Sos un fenómeno!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. I consider this game to be my number one. The game is currently unfinished. I believe the creator has his hands tied with making another game. He also got his funding cut from patreon as the website doesn't want these types of games on their platform, which sucks but is understandable. He posted this game on another platform where he can get funding, but it is nowhere near what his patreon had. Until he gets motivating to continue, i dont see updates coming any time soon. Hopefully the next game is good as this one and the game will get more updates.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I just LOVE this game, there is a real atmosphere and I love roaming around the house trying to see what's new in each update. The art is really great plus the Doc is improving each update!

    Some people might be reluctant due to the fact that it's an RPGM Game but believe me, it's not a game with a ton of fighting and running, the idea of having only the house and the garden on the map really suits the engine.

    Plus if you dislike bestiality like me you can just disable it. ;)
    In conclusion, an amazing game!
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Mr Vaporized

    I love the game, sensational, it's taking so long to update, I've been waiting for a long time, it's going to take a long time?

    I really liked the part of Vera, so there is a lot that can be added and mom has a lot to do.

    waiting for update!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Do you like Incest? You like bestiality? What about Loli's? or even ghost? and BIG tits? Everyone loves big tits

    Well you found the perfect game. It has all these and more SO much more
    so many references to other games and i love it, plus there's so much more being hinted at that's yet to come, My body is ready for it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Epic! Truly damn epic....i literally cant find any game remotely close to Dr Bones game and thats pissed me off for a while since im currently waiting for the next updates....thats just how good this games is, you really want to continue it but have to wait for the updates and while you wait you cant find any game close to Bones Tale: The Manor that can keep you occupied as good as this game Kudos to the Doctor
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    The secret worms

    The art, even if they are not consistant in quality, can be really good and erotic.
    The game is all about the story. The main plot is around the Manor and his past, you have a lot of mistery that you want to find out. The character doesn't feel like empty generic people. You can see that Bones tried to give some life to them. And you have quite a lot of exciting situation.
    Cons: RPG-Maker game, I know, it's more easy to use it but it's ugly and against our "immertion"(even thought I find it pretty for a RPG-Maker game). Not much content right now, but it's follow the right path.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is beyond of my expectations, very good work, Mr. Bones. The illustration is great and the animations is priceless. This is one of the greatest games of f95zone, for sure. I hope the new content come soon, cuz I see a lot of people here getting crazy about the waiting.