4.00 star(s) 176 Votes
Dec 29, 2018
These fucking white-knights on F95 and discord are really starting to piss me off. “dOn’T aSk AbOuT uPdAtEs AnYmOrE uRrR duRr”, “yOuR oPiNiOn Is WoRtHlEsS yOu PiRaTe ScUm UrRr DuRr”, “dOc HaS a PeRsOnAl LiFe UrRr DuRr”. Get the fuck out. There has not been a single point that any of you have brought up that justifies Doc’s behavior nor one that invalidates our opinions. This is a guy who milked the fuck out of you gullible bastards for 8 months straight, split his update into 3 smaller parts because he “couldn’t” (A.K.A. chose not to) keep his promise on the hard date he gave 22 DAYS AGO, and is now waiting for a fresh batch of March Patreon/SubcribeStar pledges before he finishes releasing them all. YOU are the ones who created and enabled this monster.

I’m done sugarcoating it; Doc is worse than fucking Icstor. At least with Icstor, we know not to expect an update until it just comes out of the fucking blue however many years later; but Doc here gets off on playing mind games with his fans. “Hey guys, I’m giving a hard date for the release on February 5th…” quickly turns into “Just kidding teehee. Let’s split it up into 3 different parts that I won’t release until they’re at least 2 weeks apart each. While we’re at it, I’m gonna go troll on F95Zone with all of my burner accounts and ban everyone in my discord who doesn’t lick the sweat off my balls :poop:.” This thread needs to be placed on Abandoned.


Active Member
Jul 22, 2017
I recommend DemonDeals from BreadManGames he is daily communicating with pirates & shares premium posts with freeloaders on DD thread and streams 3 times a week plus build 0.3 is around the corner.
Hmmm, thanks for the recomendation, the art-style seems nice. I don't know him that much but I'll check it out.

That being said, your comment was a bit offensive, but it's ok, I get it. And I'm sorry if opinions like mine vex you. I understand that a lot of people, beside the religious fanatic ones, are afraid that if a lot of users speak "shit" about their favorite developer, he will get angry and probably delay or cancel the game or something under those worries. On the contrary, I have no intentions of antagonize with anyone, not even OseoBones. It just happens that it really touches me the wrong way when certain individuals become powerfull enough and or abusive to the point of being detrimental to the freedom of speach, out of fear no less.

True, "I'm not supporting him" (I'll get there), and I never did. But who knows, if things change maybe I will. Also there is a ton of persons that can't afford the support becouse of their situation, or the country where they're from (my case), their currency is useless, or some don't even have the means. What I'm trying to say is that some of us are not freeloaders or pirates by choice.

Now, when I say "I'm not supporting him", that wasn't completely true. Something called "free advertisement" exist that everyone knows, the creators of this website (may Gods bless them!:love:) knows about it, even OseoBones, that works by simply given something "for free" to some audience, so the enterprise or in this case the developer, plants the seed of possible future clients/patreons. ALSO, even those who don't buy it, there is a chance they will recommend the product. Until a couple of days I was one of them.

I honestly think he is going to deliver, sooner or later. Although, I really don't care that much, I was drawn to comment becouse of the actions. At this moment, I'm trying out a couple of games that I discovered thanks to recomendations in signatures of some of you guys, so thanks for that :p. And I would recommend for you my dudes to do the same, express what you feel and move on. Because if we linger it could do turn into a mindless toxic angry mob against another :ROFLMAO:. Again, don't get me wrong, I don't believe the schelude is going to change anytime soon, next updates have a chance to take the same amount of time. So don't waste time, and while waiting, try new awesome games!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
Hmmm, thanks for the recomendation, the art-style seems nice. I don't know him that much but I'll check it out.

That being said, your comment was a bit offensive, but it's ok, I get it. And I'm sorry if opinions like mine vex you. I understand that a lot of people, beside the religious fanatic ones, are afraid that if a lot of users speak "shit" about their favorite developer, he will get angry and probably delay or cancel the game or something under those worries. On the contrary, I have no intentions of antagonize with anyone, not even OseoBones. It just happens that it really touches me the wrong way when certain individuals become powerfull enough and or abusive to the point of being detrimental to the freedom of speach, out of fear no less.

True, "I'm not supporting him" (I'll get there), and I never did. But who knows, if things change maybe I will. Also there is a ton of persons that can't afford the support becouse of their situation, or the country where they're from (my case), their currency is useless, or some don't even have the means. What I'm trying to say is that some of us are not freeloaders or pirates by choice.

Now, when I say "I'm not supporting him", that wasn't completely true. Something called "free advertisement" exist that everyone knows, the creators of this website (may Gods bless them!:love:) knows about it, even OseoBones, that works by simply given something "for free" to some audience, so the enterprise or in this case the developer, plants the seed of possible future clients/patreons. ALSO, even those who don't buy it, there is a chance they will recommend the product. Until a couple of days I was one of them.

I honestly think he is going to deliver, sooner or later. Although, I really don't care that much, I was drawn to comment becouse of the actions. At this moment, I'm trying out a couple of games that I discovered thanks to recomendations in signatures of some of you guys, so thanks for that :p. And I would recommend for you my dudes to do the same, express what you feel and move on. Because if we linger it could do turn into a mindless toxic angry mob against another :ROFLMAO:. Again, don't get me wrong, I don't believe the schelude is going to change anytime soon, next updates have a chance to take the same amount of time. So don't waste time, and while waiting, try new awesome games!
Telling people about a good dev how is that offensive ?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
These fucking white-knights on F95 and discord are really starting to piss me off. “dOn’T aSk AbOuT uPdAtEs AnYmOrE uRrR duRr”, “yOuR oPiNiOn Is WoRtHlEsS yOu PiRaTe ScUm UrRr DuRr”, “dOc HaS a PeRsOnAl LiFe UrRr DuRr”. Get the fuck out. There has not been a single point that any of you have brought up that justifies Doc’s behavior nor one that invalidates our opinions. This is a guy who milked the fuck out of you gullible bastards for 8 months straight, split his update into 3 smaller parts because he “couldn’t” (A.K.A. chose not to) keep his promise on the hard date he gave 22 DAYS AGO, and is now waiting for a fresh batch of March Patreon/SubcribeStar pledges before he finishes releasing them all. YOU are the ones who created and enabled this monster.

I’m done sugarcoating it; Doc is worse than fucking Icstor. At least with Icstor, we know not to expect an update until it just comes out of the fucking blue however many years later; but Doc here gets off on playing mind games with his fans. “Hey guys, I’m giving a hard date for the release on February 5th…” quickly turns into “Just kidding teehee. Let’s split it up into 3 different parts that I won’t release until they’re at least 2 weeks apart each. While we’re at it, I’m gonna go troll on F95Zone with all of my burner accounts and ban everyone in my discord who doesn’t lick the sweat off my balls :poop:.” This thread needs to be placed on Abandoned.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2017
I recommend DemonDeals from BreadManGames he is daily communicating with pirates & shares premium posts with freeloaders on DD thread and streams 3 times a week plus build 0.3 is around the corner.
If I had a pog emote I'd use it, but man if we're finally getting a better Urban Demons/X Life I'll be happy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
If I had a pog emote I'd use it, but man if we're finally getting a better Urban Demons/X Life I'll be happy.
It's way better, Urban X Life was abandoned, Urban Demons was completed but looks bad in h scenes or animations in general art looks very different/dry where as Demon Deals is on a whole other level as of right now it have only 2 builds but have so much content the women look incredible and the script is deeper


Jan 13, 2021
At this point I'm coming every day to this thread just to have a good laugh at the comments, most of you are right to question him but y'all know that nothing will help, he will deliver whenever he wants.
This is a lack of respect for the patreons for sure.
Almost 1k replies and 1kk views holy cow


Oct 4, 2017
It's way better, Urban X Life was abandoned, Urban Demons was completed but looks bad in h scenes or animations in general art looks very different/dry where as Demon Deals is on a whole other level as of right now it have only 2 builds but have so much content the women look incredible and the script is deeper
Urban Demons was very good looking for its time. The game literally was in development in 2015 or 2016 with Scarlett Ann as the artist and I have no idea WHY but Nergal swapped artists at the end. Maybe Scarlett caught onto him and said no more.

I never heard of Demon Deals looks interesting I will have to watch to see how that one turns out. I MAY have become jaded over the years but do not get your hopes up like I did. Nergal was amazing for like the first 3 years then fell off the wagon. Dude could literally do no wrong and that is how he hooked people.

Edit Wootch was great to people as well apparently :ROFLMAO: . Was not there for that ride.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
Urban Demons was very good looking for its time. The game literally was in development in 2015 or 2016 with Scarlett Ann as the artist and I have no idea WHY but Nergal swapped artists at the end. Maybe Scarlett caught onto him and said no more.

I never heard of Demon Deals looks interesting I will have to watch to see how that one turns out. I MAY have become jaded over the years but do not get your hopes up like I did. Nergal was amazing for like the first 3 years then fell off the wagon. Dude could literally do no wrong and that is how he hooked people.

Edit Wootch was great to people as well apparently :ROFLMAO: . Was not there for that ride.
You got here something wrong, Scarlett did the art for "A Zombie's Life" the first game from Nergal, the art for UD was made by his gf. There was one artist consistent on both games no one was "swapped".
The development of Urban Demons began in 2016 but it was completed only in 2020 and no it doesn't have the content worth for 4 years development time, Scarlett dawdled a lot he didn't do shit for a year or two.
He always blamed it on personal problems or some kind of illness like so many other scammers.

Sure BreadMan can also change and become shitty but as of now he is very reliable connecting with his fanbase quite a lot and is very friendly even to the "evil" freeloaders

Wootch is complete garbo he spit on UXL and made a post after some years with "Had a car accident that's why i went dead silent but trust me i will finish the game in the coming months" what happen after that statement ? we never heard anything from him again ! He tried to milk his remaining supporters how long he could but Patreon closed his page because it had forbidden content ingame.


New Member
Jun 23, 2018
Years half-halfheartedly following this shitstorm and only today do I learn doc is a fellow countryman, by process of elimination this is truly the peak of modern Uruguayan literature. I am utterly delighted to be witnessing history in the making.


Nov 25, 2017
I agree, and this is older as humanity itself. Like the church, they hold a leash of fear on the fanatics, "if you don't behave or do what I want, I'll get angry and I won't bless you and you won't be able to enter paradise or I won't throw you a bowl of bread". Sadly, it's human nature at its finest. I recomend to take a break for this forums and check back in a month, you can be sure that you won't miss a new update.
Found Dr Bones' burner account
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Sep 9, 2019
Lucile, you absolute fucking semen demon.

I'm on the edge, edge of my fucking seat about to finish up with Martha. I'M READY TO GO MAN, I'M RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW BROTHER. Finish up the fucking bathtub scene, accidentally click the first option so it's straight to HJ city again. It's okay, Martha with a load near her mouth is A-OKAY with me DOYLEY BOI, BECAUSE I'M READY TO DELIVER STRAIGHT TO HER BOX.

Night strikes, I sleep, and this sneaky fucking semen demon descends into the pantry.

I know how this session ends. I KNOW WHERE MY NIGHT CONCLUDES, AND IT IS NOT THE PLYMOUTH ROCK THIS SAILOR WAS AIMING FOR. The horny tide takes me out into the pantry, and the semen demon feigns fear. Ass. To. Cock.

The waters get rough. Grind. "Faster". "Faster". Sex.


Fuck you, Lucile.


New Member
Jan 11, 2022
Lucile, you absolute fucking semen demon.

I'm on the edge, edge of my fucking seat about to finish up with Martha. I'M READY TO GO MAN, I'M RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW BROTHER. Finish up the fucking bathtub scene, accidentally click the first option so it's straight to HJ city again. It's okay, Martha with a load near her mouth is A-OKAY with me DOYLEY BOI, BECAUSE I'M READY TO DELIVER STRAIGHT TO HER BOX.

Night strikes, I sleep, and this sneaky fucking semen demon descends into the pantry.

I know how this session ends. I KNOW WHERE MY NIGHT CONCLUDES, AND IT IS NOT THE PLYMOUTH ROCK THIS SAILOR WAS AIMING FOR. The horny tide takes me out into the pantry, and the semen demon feigns fear. Ass. To. Cock.

The waters get rough. Grind. "Faster". "Faster". Sex.

View attachment 1682245

Fuck you, Lucile.
  • Haha
Reactions: TrialRagnarok
4.00 star(s) 176 Votes