- Dec 29, 2018
- 398
- 645
These fucking white-knights on F95 and discord are really starting to piss me off. “dOn’T aSk AbOuT uPdAtEs AnYmOrE uRrR duRr”, “yOuR oPiNiOn Is WoRtHlEsS yOu PiRaTe ScUm UrRr DuRr”, “dOc HaS a PeRsOnAl LiFe UrRr DuRr”. Get the fuck out. There has not been a single point that any of you have brought up that justifies Doc’s behavior nor one that invalidates our opinions. This is a guy who milked the fuck out of you gullible bastards for 8 months straight, split his update into 3 smaller parts because he “couldn’t” (A.K.A. chose not to) keep his promise on the hard date he gave 22 DAYS AGO, and is now waiting for a fresh batch of March Patreon/SubcribeStar pledges before he finishes releasing them all. YOU are the ones who created and enabled this monster.
I’m done sugarcoating it; Doc is worse than fucking Icstor. At least with Icstor, we know not to expect an update until it just comes out of the fucking blue however many years later; but Doc here gets off on playing mind games with his fans. “Hey guys, I’m giving a hard date for the release on February 5th…” quickly turns into “Just kidding teehee. Let’s split it up into 3 different parts that I won’t release until they’re at least 2 weeks apart each. While we’re at it, I’m gonna go troll on F95Zone with all of my burner accounts and ban everyone in my discord who doesn’t lick the sweat off my balls
.” This thread needs to be placed on Abandoned.
I’m done sugarcoating it; Doc is worse than fucking Icstor. At least with Icstor, we know not to expect an update until it just comes out of the fucking blue however many years later; but Doc here gets off on playing mind games with his fans. “Hey guys, I’m giving a hard date for the release on February 5th…” quickly turns into “Just kidding teehee. Let’s split it up into 3 different parts that I won’t release until they’re at least 2 weeks apart each. While we’re at it, I’m gonna go troll on F95Zone with all of my burner accounts and ban everyone in my discord who doesn’t lick the sweat off my balls