Dev should've stayed silent, all the speculation was like free press

But oh well, that's done now.
No. Not really. Maybe it happened one single time long ago, and everyone is still traumatized.
You see, certain people can't just try a game, have fun with it, enjoy a good story, enjoy some good sex scenes. That's not enough. They need to own all the precious waifus, while simultaneously making sure nobody else so much as glances at them. Like some kind of Walrus King simulator. And they like to yell about it the second a thread is created.
I'm not a fan of that, it makes things very unrealistic and silly just to fit into an overdone trope. Being serious about the story, plus having different paths and needing multiple playthroughs to see all the scenes, that implied to me that you wouldn't do the harem thing. But either way, I'm here for it. This was obviously a great first release, kudos for the size and quality!