I think a good phrase that sums up this game is "not enough."
The story that is here is pretty good. However, there's not enough of it. And because of that, it is spread across too thinly. A good example of this is that you can't beat the first boss until the 14th day. Did they fill the previous 13 days with story? No, they could have reduced the requirement to 7 days without sacrificing story pacing.
The gameplay is pretty good. But you never have enough. If you play on normal or higher difficulty, you would have to grind so much just to make the simplest amounts of progression. On the other hand, if you play on the easiest difficulty, there's so little to do that you spend most days sleeping or roaming the school.
Another issue is the game's attempts to guide you. The first boss is easy. There's an EV sign to her room, you are told where the boss will be, and if you talk to the boss before you meet all the requirements, you'll be told what you need to progress. The next boss, on the other hand, does have a hint system, but it only showed up days later. And it is in the classroom, but it's not normally visible after you attend class. You have to leave and come back. So there's a quest guide system here, but it's not enough.
Honestly, I love the setting for this game. When you have a game about mind control in a school, you usually play a female protagonist trying to resist the corruption. Rarely do you play the male protagonist corruping the school. However, there aren't enough scenes with the main girls. There are a decent amount of scenes with the generic girls, but that's because the game has the same animations for each girl. You'd think a game about hypnosis and morality would have a bunch of scenes for a good path and an evil path. But no, while there can be some variations in the scenes, the scene progression is pretty much linear. No actual control on what each girl goes through.
Not enough is the constant thought I had with this game. I think this game could have been really good. And if this game were to be updated to include more scenes, more story, more paths, and less grinding, then it would be great. But as it is right now, it's a meh.