RPGM - Completed - Brainwashing Academy ~Cursed Vessel of the Enchanter~ [v1.17] [U-ROOM]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It has good character development and somewhat wholesome, however the RPG aspect and horror may not be for everyone.

    The lore is quite deep so it's not suitable for a quick fapping session. The battle mechanic in this game is quite demanding and you'll need to really think on how to progress the fight even on the easiest difficulty.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    First things first. THIS GAME IS NOT FOR EVERYONE (this is not meant as to gatekeep, but to WARN people to set their expectations). The game is RPG and STORY first, H game second. So most of the time you'll spent playing this game as an RPG and reading the story. THIS GAME IS NOT A NUKIGE/ QUICK WANK GAME. You can just download saves/ unlock the full gallery/ view it on FULL CG websites if you want to look at CGs.

    IT TOOK ME 34 hours (your playtime may vary) completing 3 playthroughs to get to the true ending. I did not rush the game and enjoyed playing the RPG mechanics of the game. You can instantly unlock the true ending/ truth route from the start BUT THE STORY WON'T MAKE SENSE/ BE AS SATISFYING IF YOU PLAY THE TRUE ENDING FIRST. The character developments in truth route only "FEEL DESERVED" if you go the two bad end routes first.

    Following the previous critically acclaimed game of this developer, this game really lived up to the reputation of this developer. This game touches upon different topics, like philosophy, cynicisms, and other complex discussions.

    Finishing the game though, yeah the game seems lacking in amount of CGs compared to other H games, and most of the unique CGs are barely reused. THE ANIMATIONS though are extremely REUSED and minor changes only per girl look.

    Gameplay is deep enough but easy enough to grasp once you've bothered to spend a little amount of time reading tutorial and the in game guide.

    The ending is satisfying but it may leave more questions about certain characters that I hope some future DLC/ Game addresses.

    I also hope that this game gets an official steam Release and actual in person translation since while Dazed AI TL often is great at understanding 95% of the story, the 5% is calling male characters a girl, or vice versa (a big downside in H GAMES) and the deep philosophical discussions of this game may not be properly conveyed in translation by AI. There were also some parts that may be untranslated and you may need to update the patch of the AI TL or (MIGHT REQUIRE A FRESH SAVE FOR THE TRANSLATION TO work).

    TLDR: IF YOU A FAN OF H RPGs WITH ACTUAL RPGS AND DEEP AND ENGAGING STORY TRY THIS GAME! If not and want a quick wank, there is 10,000 + games in this site that will suit your taste (or just unlock the gallery for this).
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Most of the reviews below are just ass. This game's storywriting is among the best in class both in hentai genre and non-hentai genre too in the past 3 years. If you expect a quick fap, this game is not it.

    Story: 9/10
    If you finish all the endings, you will find that the mysteries are multi-layered and most of them actually have satisfactory conclusion in the end. The story also explores the nature of human morality and beliefs, but I guess it's a minus for most people here who come for a quick fap. If you know a lot about Western and Eastern philosophy (especially Buddhism), you will find that their concepts are referenced here a lot.

    Gameplay: 7/10
    For a turn-based game, this one actually has quite diverse mechanics and characters can have different builds beyond just "do as much damage as possible". In fact, in the true ending route, you have to carefully read what each character does because you need 5 separate teams at once. However, the mid-game grind is quite a slog and you will often see the same complaints here and there. The solution? Use the in-game auto-leveling mechanic that spend your stamina for all-member training as much as possible until everyone is at least level 40.

    H-scene: 8/10
    This one depends on your preferences, but U-Room aesthetic is around the same compared to their previous games. This one comes with a bonus of a lot of animated scenes too. And yes, there are lolis in the game so that's a massive plus.

    Special mention - music: 8/10
    This one is my preference but if you go full evil route, the music ramps up significantly. Try it yourself.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    There are a lot people complaining about the amount of grind, when literally you have a pig in your room that changes the difficulty. Just play on story difficulty and forget all the grind.

    Good game in general:
    Good amount of scenes
    Good story
    2 routes - 3 Endings
    17 hours of gameplay

    My only complain is the bad translation, because the author what to give the player some philosophical questions. Philosophical questions are complex, now imagine with MTL translation

    This game isn't a masterpiece, I prefer prey game (same author game), but wasn't that bad, people are giving bad review because they choose the hard difficulty, then blame the game for being too grinding. So I have to give a higher ranting, to balance it. For me it's 4.1 star
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    A game like this could conceptually be good, however Brainwashing Academy isn't for one simple reason: It does not respect your time.

    The general gameplay loop could be okay and conquering dungeons to cast common sense altering spells is cool, however after playing the game for more than 4 hours I have barely unlocked any scenes (not counting the rape command you have, since it IMO is the worst use of the mind control setting, while also being implemented like an old hentai flash game)
    It's not even just a slow burn like other games, you just simply don't get many impactful scenes.

    If you are just looking for some quick scenes downloading the game with a full save for the gallery could be worth it, but that's about it and if I were to judge it based on the gallery I might have given it a 7/10.

    Edit: Only just noticed that the game is by the same dev as Pray Game, which honestly makes the pacing issue even more jarring, since I believe that Pray Game was paced very well overall and is still one of the best corruption games out there.

    I do believe that there are people who will really enjoy this game, however for most people it will be way to slow. The dev is certainly good at making games in general and I will look forward to their future games, but this really missed the mark for me.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Went into this with nothing but the title and tags, and was not disappointed.

    The focus of the corruption/brainwashing/hypnosis is on the entire school instead of an individual, which is executed well. This does come at the cost of the character depth and story, but it still has its moments despite this.

    Gameplay is typical rpg turn based combat with a few small skill trees for each character. You go around looking for targets to put under your control, which you can then interact with/command them in various ways, includung adding them to your party. Depending on your choices and the commands you give your victims, the school/story can go 3 different routes.

    H content is scattered throughout and the art/animation is good enough to enjoy. There is a lot of opportunity for rape/virgin loss along with the gradual escelation of the school's lewdness, if you choose to increase it. If you are just here for the H, you can fully unlock the gallery after completing any route.

    If you care at all for the story, you have a tedious grind ahead of you. While your stats/levels/gear/skills carry over through each loop (if you choose to), progression is almost exactly the same each time. You can choose which part to start on, but only after you've completed that route.

    TLDR: A basic RPG formula with branching story routes, setting changes with your choices, and good H content, hindered by bland characters and bad pacing at times. Defintely worth at least 1 playthrough since the gallery can be fully unlocked when you complete any route.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I think a good phrase that sums up this game is "not enough."

    The story that is here is pretty good. However, there's not enough of it. And because of that, it is spread across too thinly. A good example of this is that you can't beat the first boss until the 14th day. Did they fill the previous 13 days with story? No, they could have reduced the requirement to 7 days without sacrificing story pacing.

    The gameplay is pretty good. But you never have enough. If you play on normal or higher difficulty, you would have to grind so much just to make the simplest amounts of progression. On the other hand, if you play on the easiest difficulty, there's so little to do that you spend most days sleeping or roaming the school.

    Another issue is the game's attempts to guide you. The first boss is easy. There's an EV sign to her room, you are told where the boss will be, and if you talk to the boss before you meet all the requirements, you'll be told what you need to progress. The next boss, on the other hand, does have a hint system, but it only showed up days later. And it is in the classroom, but it's not normally visible after you attend class. You have to leave and come back. So there's a quest guide system here, but it's not enough.

    Honestly, I love the setting for this game. When you have a game about mind control in a school, you usually play a female protagonist trying to resist the corruption. Rarely do you play the male protagonist corruping the school. However, there aren't enough scenes with the main girls. There are a decent amount of scenes with the generic girls, but that's because the game has the same animations for each girl. You'd think a game about hypnosis and morality would have a bunch of scenes for a good path and an evil path. But no, while there can be some variations in the scenes, the scene progression is pretty much linear. No actual control on what each girl goes through.

    Not enough is the constant thought I had with this game. I think this game could have been really good. And if this game were to be updated to include more scenes, more story, more paths, and less grinding, then it would be great. But as it is right now, it's a meh.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    for a rpgm game, the battle mechanics is somewhat decent. nothing great.

    but the reason for the 2 stars is the insane amount of grind for very little story. not worth it. and I say this as I played easy and story mode. U-ROOM (this dev) is responsible for my personal trauma that is Thug Hero Party and I know a lot of people do so as well.

    I guess the score really reflects how far U-ROOM has fallen. It really is downhill from here.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I like this game, however it has ONE BIG FLAW, the slowness between days. When there is nothing left to do, you have to rest and there is no real indication (at least, I did not find any).

    However, the game is nice without being revolutionary.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    The game has a good start, good mechanic and also very good artstyle. Information gathering in a hypnosis game is kinda new to me, and the dungeon mechanic, which is needed to increase the lewd/violence stats of the school is also new. This game has potential, but there are also flaws. The game feels like it's still ongoing, with decent amount of bugs, the map is incomplete, especially corupted worlds. They give the objective check item but no guides whatsoever and the dialogues are also vague, making it hard to know what to do. This game need time, and with enough of it, this can be a very good game.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    One of the worse U-ROOM games. And I usually love this dev. But this is a dud.

    - Bland MC
    - Bland main girl
    - only a handful scenes with the main girl, 2 if you play the game the way it's intended.
    - bland CG

    Anyways, looks like the dev really weren't inspired. Too bad.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    A lot of RPG elements for a game not really worth playing.
    It's kinda sad because the fights are pretty ok. But the story is kinda lame and the sex scenes are pretty low quality.
    Need to invest a lot of time to understand some mechanics to get a couple of CGs it's not worth it in my book.