3.30 star(s) 7 Votes


Active Member
Apr 20, 2018
I found a little bug with Ella Hughes the exp you get from her are going to the Culture Sector but they should go to Recreation


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
I hope we get an update for this soon. I'd hate to see it abandoned, it's such a good game.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
I hope we get an update for this soon. I'd hate to see it abandoned, it's such a good game.
Games development is put on pause for the moment due to quite a bit going on in my personal life at the moment. In addition my fire for putting the time in has died down a little bit, but I'm sure I'll get started again on it once I get a new idea or something along those lines.

I also have a few issues with the current version and am puzzling on where to go with it all, namely:

  • My god-awful coding has resulted in an absolute massive twine file. On the shitbox of a laptop I code this game on there is a 2-3 second delay on actions I do in the editor before they appear on screen, and it's driving me nuts. Possible solutions : Buying a non-piece of shit laptop (not going to happen), splitting the game file into parts and merging them together (maybe, if I can figure it out), or just stopping being a baby and deal with it (most likely answer here)
  • I still don't like the stats. Players can just arbitrarily pick residents and it doesn't change the game whatsoever. The game is still just picking your favorite pornstars and going from there. Another overhaul is out of the question, but I need to give it a little more life. Possible solutions : Tweaking stats so they aren't so normalized (pain in the ass), Changing away from the tax system to a goal/challenge system (more likely), alter the upgrade system to be more organic rather than just clicking upgrades to get new pornstars with no meaning (also likely).
  • The game needs more life. Currently whichever residents you have might as well be just numbers. I thought I could have residents interact with random events in some capacity, but I'm struggling. If I have a random event tied to a specific resident then I run the risk of having that event never fire because there's 80 goddamn residents. If I don't have the random events tied or interact with residents at all, then it makes it feel completely disconnected and the residents are still just numbers. The only solution I can think of is to just have a monsterous amount of events linked to residents, but the amount of work it would take to get it to feel organic would just be huge.
  • When I first made the game, I thought having a huge roster of actresses to the game would intrinsically make the game feel diverse and unique. Instead it's done the opposite as each resident is basically identical to each other with the only difference being Webms and stats. Solutions: Fuck if I know.

Its for the above reasons I'm stuck a little bit on where to go. Part of me wants to power through and keep adding to the game, while another part of me thinks starting a new project might not be a bad idea. But for now it's just thinking and planning.
Jun 25, 2018
Games development is put on pause for the moment due to quite a bit going on in my personal life at the moment. In addition my fire for putting the time in has died down a little bit, but I'm sure I'll get started again on it once I get a new idea or something along those lines.

I also have a few issues with the current version and am puzzling on where to go with it all, namely:

  • My god-awful coding has resulted in an absolute massive twine file. On the shitbox of a laptop I code this game on there is a 2-3 second delay on actions I do in the editor before they appear on screen, and it's driving me nuts. Possible solutions : Buying a non-piece of shit laptop (not going to happen), splitting the game file into parts and merging them together (maybe, if I can figure it out), or just stopping being a baby and deal with it (most likely answer here)
  • I still don't like the stats. Players can just arbitrarily pick residents and it doesn't change the game whatsoever. The game is still just picking your favorite pornstars and going from there. Another overhaul is out of the question, but I need to give it a little more life. Possible solutions : Tweaking stats so they aren't so normalized (pain in the ass), Changing away from the tax system to a goal/challenge system (more likely), alter the upgrade system to be more organic rather than just clicking upgrades to get new pornstars with no meaning (also likely).
  • The game needs more life. Currently whichever residents you have might as well be just numbers. I thought I could have residents interact with random events in some capacity, but I'm struggling. If I have a random event tied to a specific resident then I run the risk of having that event never fire because there's 80 goddamn residents. If I don't have the random events tied or interact with residents at all, then it makes it feel completely disconnected and the residents are still just numbers. The only solution I can think of is to just have a monsterous amount of events linked to residents, but the amount of work it would take to get it to feel organic would just be huge.
  • When I first made the game, I thought having a huge roster of actresses to the game would intrinsically make the game feel diverse and unique. Instead it's done the opposite as each resident is basically identical to each other with the only difference being Webms and stats. Solutions: Fuck if I know.

Its for the above reasons I'm stuck a little bit on where to go. Part of me wants to power through and keep adding to the game, while another part of me thinks starting a new project might not be a bad idea. But for now it's just thinking and planning.

Just played your game and I've been enjoying it greatly. Keep up the good work on it. My two big suggestions, other than just more girls, is making the upgrades do something more than simply allowing to horde more tech points. Also I think it would give the game more flow if each different sector's upgrade costs scaled for the individual sector rather than a pooled total. Combined with the previous suggestion, so far I'm just forces to focus entirely on one sector as much as possible since there is little incentive to spread out.


Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Games development is put on pause for the moment due to quite a bit going on in my personal life at the moment. In addition my fire for putting the time in has died down a little bit, but I'm sure I'll get started again on it once I get a new idea or something along those lines.

I also have a few issues with the current version and am puzzling on where to go with it all, namely:

  • My god-awful coding has resulted in an absolute massive twine file. On the shitbox of a laptop I code this game on there is a 2-3 second delay on actions I do in the editor before they appear on screen, and it's driving me nuts. Possible solutions : Buying a non-piece of shit laptop (not going to happen), splitting the game file into parts and merging them together (maybe, if I can figure it out), or just stopping being a baby and deal with it (most likely answer here)
  • I still don't like the stats. Players can just arbitrarily pick residents and it doesn't change the game whatsoever. The game is still just picking your favorite pornstars and going from there. Another overhaul is out of the question, but I need to give it a little more life. Possible solutions : Tweaking stats so they aren't so normalized (pain in the ass), Changing away from the tax system to a goal/challenge system (more likely), alter the upgrade system to be more organic rather than just clicking upgrades to get new pornstars with no meaning (also likely).
  • The game needs more life. Currently whichever residents you have might as well be just numbers. I thought I could have residents interact with random events in some capacity, but I'm struggling. If I have a random event tied to a specific resident then I run the risk of having that event never fire because there's 80 goddamn residents. If I don't have the random events tied or interact with residents at all, then it makes it feel completely disconnected and the residents are still just numbers. The only solution I can think of is to just have a monsterous amount of events linked to residents, but the amount of work it would take to get it to feel organic would just be huge.
  • When I first made the game, I thought having a huge roster of actresses to the game would intrinsically make the game feel diverse and unique. Instead it's done the opposite as each resident is basically identical to each other with the only difference being Webms and stats. Solutions: Fuck if I know.

Its for the above reasons I'm stuck a little bit on where to go. Part of me wants to power through and keep adding to the game, while another part of me thinks starting a new project might not be a bad idea. But for now it's just thinking and planning.
I completely understand. I've developed a couple of games too, and have been working on one that's getting ready to be released. I can offer some advice, that may or may not help. I've never used Twine, so I don't know how easy or difficult these kinds of things would be to change, but I think they would help.
  • That just sucks. I can't even imagine trying to make anything on a shitty laptop. I've got a fairly decent desktop and it still struggles with too much going on sometimes.
  • The best solution I can think of for the stats, is to standardize them, and add bonuses for each girl of the same type you have. Like, make it so every girl in the recreation sector will get 1 recreation point. And instead, create a multiplier for each sector. So that if you have 2 girls in the recreation sector, they will each get 2 points every time. This will make it so that if the player has to think more about what they have and what points they need/want, and will give the game some more depth.
  • This is something I struggle with too. It's happened a couple of times where I have a great idea for a game, but then once it gets made and I start playtesting or even once I release it, I find out that it just doesn't work well. The game feels like a slog or is just boring. The best thing I can suggest is just adding more context or story. Like, when you choose a woman, have a conversation with her first, or maybe add in some text to the scenes. I know it seems a bit pointless to add text to a scene that's made up of videos, but it can help add a layer of depth and make the scenes feel more alive, which will in turn make the game feel more alive. Another thing that can be done is to add areas. Make it so that you have a map for navigation instead of just a single a menu with a list of girls. Like, have your office or house or whatever as the default location, then have text at the bottom for you to choose which sector to go to. Have multiple areas in each sector with different women in each one. Having some exploration will help the game feel less like you're just clicking things and getting stats, and make the world feel more alive.
  • The things I mentioned above will help a lot with this. Especially adding text to the scenes. You'll be able to give each girl more of a personality than what shows through the webms.
Honestly, the best solution to all of this may just be to say "fuck it" and move on. You can use the same assets you used to make this game, and just make something else. Sometimes that's just for the best when you get stuck and can't move forward. I've had to do it before too, and it sucked, and people were disappointed, but a lot more people were understanding. It got me past the roadblock and onto another project. One I'm a lot more satisfied with. You can always come back to this later if you end up having any ideas, or just decide you want to give it another shot too.
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Feb 19, 2018
Its for the above reasons I'm stuck a little bit on where to go. Part of me wants to power through and keep adding to the game, while another part of me thinks starting a new project might not be a bad idea. But for now it's just thinking and planning.
All right first things first, I know jack shit about Twine, so if this is just so much nonsense, feel free to disregard.

Okay, so yeah, maybe writing separate events for 80, maybe 80++ girls in a game's a little too much to do- so why not tackle things from another angle? Maybe you could write wider-scale events happening every X or Y turns- maybe on Turn 25 a plague breaks out at a nearby Haven, and you have to contribute to saving it; maybe you send some Science points their way to help manufacture a cure, focus your Economy points towards buying supplies, use Culture points to educate their people on do's and don'ts, or just house their would-be rescuers with Recreation points. For rewards, maybe you can get some Super Pornstars™ with good stats, around whom specific events can be written around.

Of course, this doesn't address the matter of the girls who are already in the game, and I think that they might be a lost cause (which is a pity, as I have a MASSIVE porn crush on Cory Chase). That said, you could mitigate things- maybe tag certain girls with one or more characteristics, like say [STUDENT] or [HIGH-POWERED EXEC], and randomize their usage in larger-scale events. Take the plague problem above: have a paragraph for each possible solution, and in the first a [SCIENTIST] or [KIND-HEARTED] girl would advise curing the Haven with Science, while in the second paragraph a [HIGH-POWERED EXEC] or [COWARD] girl would just want you to send resources while staying far, far away.

It might also help to have a 'soft' ending, where you reach the end of a predetermined storyline, but can keep playing without events and stuff. This lets you add in events later if you wish, while allowing players a sense of progression, advancement and ownership. It could also help foster some kind of 'brand awareness', for lack of a better term.

Honestly though, as porn games go, this is p. good (though since my other favourite porn game is Free Cities, I might be biased), and if all you do is add new pornstars with each new release, that's cool. And since I'm here anyway, could I suggest:
  • Cadey Mercury
  • Lexi Belle
  • Anna Bell Peaks
  • Morgan Layne
  • Julia Boin
  • Sora Shiina
Assuming you DO decide to work more of them in, of course.

EDIT: Maybe I've been playing a little too much Frostpunk lately (good game, but a little repetitive- wait till they release a sandbox mode or buy it during a sale), but a few hard decisions can do wonders for player immersion.

For example, maybe during your research you stumble on a chemical cocktail that permanently lessens the effects that your hormones have on women. Option A is to simply throw that stuff down the drain, and the game continues as usual. Option B is to administer the stuff, which adds upkeep and hiring costs to the women as well as reduces the rewards you get from having babies. However, their now-working-at-100% brains add their research points to your XP levels, ensuring that in the long run you'll still run a higher profit than someone who decided to throw away that stuff in the first place.
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Life's pretty Straight without twisties
Nov 16, 2016
Why not rather Watch some films for ideas or have a co coder to do some of the coding as for film idears Think Along the lines of tv films or movies or cartoons example there's a Live action Porn Parody of the flintstones Called the flintbones witch is a porn comedy based On the Flintstones only Names are Changed Fred Flintstone becomes Red Flintboone
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Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Not sure why this is getting necro'ed but whatever.

Why not rather Watch some films for ideas or have a co coder to do some of the coding
I don't want to get other people involved in the project because I don't want to be waiting on someone else, especially if they ghost me. The same pressure would also be on me, for when I stop giving a shit about the project I don't want to feel like I'm letting someone else's work go to waste.

a remake in the same format as the original? Wouldn't it be better to use Ren'Py?
Because it was an overhaul of the old version and for what I was wanting to do, TWINE is the easiest and best engine to use.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Not sure why this is getting necro'ed but whatever.

I don't want to get other people involved in the project because I don't want to be waiting on someone else, especially if they ghost me. The same pressure would also be on me, for when I stop giving a shit about the project I don't want to feel like I'm letting someone else's work go to waste.

Because it was an overhaul of the old version and for what I was wanting to do, TWINE is the easiest and best engine to use.
Oh! So the remake is in twine?


Engaged Member
Jul 23, 2017
Interesting, but I hate the fact that the graphics are stolen photos. Maybe because I used to do porn photography, but it's really lousy to take other people's stuff.

Carmen Sandiego

Active Member
Game Developer
May 17, 2017
Interesting, but I hate the fact that the graphics are stolen photos. Maybe because I used to do porn photography, but it's really lousy to take other people's stuff.
You do realize that this is a pirate site, right? Basically everything up here is "stolen" with the few exceptions where games are free, like Summertime Saga, or the devs upload themselves or allow for others to upload their games. That's probably less than 1% of the shit available though. Your distaste of the situation is quite hilarious in this regard.
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Game Developer
Aug 16, 2017
Interesting, but I hate the fact that the graphics are stolen photos. Maybe because I used to do porn photography, but it's really lousy to take other people's stuff.
Yeah, it's a shame. The drive mostly is that I wanted to imagine/play a game where I knock up all my favorite pornstars. None such game (or even fantasy content) existed, so I made it.

But I made sure I collect no money off the game. I don't have ads or use adlinks, and I don't even have a patreon/donations. I don't want to come close to even a cent of financial gain from the game.

And to be honest, the jpgs of each girl is taken from google images, and the videos are a grand total of less than a minute of 30-50 minute long videos. I figure I'm pretty low on the most wanted list I guess.

In my future games (which thus far, haven't gotten much past the conceptual stage) the intros include a plea to go to each actresses social media and buy whatever shit they're selling. I have debated including direct links to it, but I'm kinda not wanting to be so brazen.
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Feb 19, 2018
In my future games (which thus far, haven't gotten much past the conceptual stage) the intros include a plea to go to each actresses social media and buy whatever shit they're selling. I have debated including direct links to it, but I'm kinda not wanting to be so brazen.
The game Incubus City has an FAQ page that lists down the names of the pornstars featured in the game; maybe you could do something similar? Just an extra page identifying each pornstar, along with links to their social media and Babepedia/Boobpedia page profiles. IIRC the latter two also have links to the pornstars' media, so that could save you some trouble.
3.30 star(s) 7 Votes