-Jiggle physics
-The sex animations
-Character models. Most of them do kinda look the same, especially the faces, but at least the look isn't butt ugly all the time like so many other 3D games.
-The world is stupidly big and 90% empty
-The player's max movement speed is a third of what it needs to be
-You have to hold sprint at all times or you go even slower, and there is no important reason to ever slow down. There is no "always run" setting.
-The only part of the game that gives you any specific directions is the quests. Unless you're following an external guide you pretty much have to pray you stumble into what you need. The first 10 minutes or so is the hardest part.
-Most important interactive systems in the game are managed by specific NPCs that are spaced anywhere from 20 seconds to 2 minutes apart from both your farm and each other. You will have to waste a frustrating amount of time running between them. And the ones in Hedon Township can be randomly unavailable because of the stupid stockade thing.
-You don't unlock fast travel until relatively late in the game, and it's not even that useful once you do. You can't initiate it from a menu, you have to run to a portal every time, and the one at your farm is a 20 second walk from the important parts. And even after finally unlocking it, you have to manually go from portal to portal repeating the same pointless interaction to actually open them.
-The sex animations have to be unlocked, and the process for doing so is incredibly obnoxious. Like the portals, it involves going from far flung location to far flung location repeating an interaction with a specific NPC, but in this case you have to expend "Favor", a resource you get by sacrificing your breeding material to a different NPC, and this NPC is of course a 45 second walk from your farm, if you're quick about it.
-The NPC mentioned above is so badly implemented it deserves it's own bullet point. It has two functions, sacrificing breeding material for favor, and sacrificing breeding material to increase Essence. And every time you want to do one of these things, you have to go on a short hike. The game would be substantially improved if all of this NPC's functions were just menu buttons you could use at any time. It doesn't even tell you how much favor you'll get from making the sacrifices, it doesn't even show much favor you currently have in the menu, and you can only sacrifice one at a time, slowly; no bulk option.
-You can only check what you need to upgrade Essence from the barns at your farm.
-Essence level (which determines the quality of wild Nephelym) is set per variant instead of per species. If variants were things you could specifically breed for that would be fine, but typically in this game there's just a male variant and a female/futa variant for each species and which one pops out is completely random. Shameless padding.
-There are stats, which don't seem to do anything at all other than serving as requirements for quests and essence upgrades.
-A lot of traits are broken or placeholder
-Once you have a specific thing you're trying to breed for, the game consists almost entirely of RNG and waiting. And by waiting, I mean spamming the sleep button at your house until your pregnant nephelym (or self) give birth. This gets tiresome almost immediately.
-There is no fanfare to birth whatsoever, once the pregnant% maxes out the offspring just quietly pop into existence in your barns. Not even a notification or anything like that. This seems to be by design, and I think the dev said way earlier in development that there are never going to be birth animations, which is disappointing to me personally.
-It's painful to organize. While there are filters for species, sex and traits, at your farm, there are no sorting options whatsoever. Whatever order your nephelym display in is what you're stuck with. You can rename them (of course, only from the barns) and that's your only real organization tool. And you'd better, because otherwise past a few generations they're all going to be named "X's offspring's offspring's offspr-"
-There are no detailed graphics settings beyond quality (whatever that means) and resolution, and even on max quality the render distance is tiny.
-You can trust that many years from now, all of this will be the same or worse.