Unreal Engine - Breeders of the Nephelym [v0.761.59A] [DerelictHelmsman]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is absoulutley perfekt
    grafics good
    story good

    maybe they could add some anal

    but i love this game
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    -The models look nice.
    -Breeding mechanics are at least somewhat interesting, passing on traits and sizes that a species may not normally have.
    -Decent variety of species.

    -There's no sprint toggle in 2025, so you have to hold down the shift key for hours unless you enjoy wasting your time. This is compounded by a hilariously oversized game map with absolutely nothing in it but empty space and trees. Even with the teleporters you unlock it can still take 5-10 minutes of running to get from the start to the monster girl spawn areas. Then you have to run back to home unless you use the cheat to instantly warp back.

    -It's been years but there's still no goals to the game. Currency is worthless once you've built all the 'huts', and most of the monster girl stats are completely meaningless because there's nothing to do with them other than breed.

    -The MC never learns new traits, so they're useless to use a breeder.

    -Content regression; features that were immediately there before keep getting moved behind grind walls. Meanwhile nothing new content-wise ever gets added. Bonus negative points for the dev insulting you if you use the cheats to skip the pointless bullshit grind.

    -Tentacles spawn everywhere until you complete a quest that allows you to turn them off. Of all the features they gated behind grind, why isn't this one an opt-in feature?

    -Optimization is not great, and even with a modern gaming PC you can hear your video card running full blast while running this.

    Overall, this game has been in development for eons and frankly hasn't improved much over the years. Simple QoL changes and shrinking the map would vastly improve things, but it never changes. Try it if you like, but don't expect more than what you see now.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    }> V <{

    BOTN is not a bad game but there are a few things that makes it not worth playing and there is at least one thing that makes it a total waste of time. Here is what i liked and disliked.

    Liked: Gameplay, Story, Map, characters.
    Disliked: Useless MC, Forced Tentacles, Infertile Trait, Incompatible Saves, Animations.

    MC's Offspring only get level 1 traits which makes them completely useless as a breeder, i mean being a legendary breeder was the whole point of their existence so there should have been a way for mc to earn and upgrade traits.

    Tentacles are forced by story which means they can't be disabled in fetish menu, Surely dev is aware that not everyone like that stuff but i honestly have no idea why that questionable fetish was forced while allowing us to disable other fetishes.

    Infertile trait spawn rate is extremely high, 90% to 99% offspring's from incest spawn with infertile trait which feels a bit unfair, i get that its meant to punish/stop incest but i still think a chance around 50% would have been much more fair.

    Animations are not that great and there are only a few, so don't expect too much of left hand "magic" in this one, if you are looking for only that or too much of it then i recommend finding another game.

    Saves become incompatible on every update which makes playing the game and story a total waste of time because no matter what you do you will have to start fresh on every update.

    Final Thoughts: If you value your time and money then i recommend finding another game, yes you get the game for free here but you are paying power/electricity bills for playing it and i don't think there is any need of further explanation on how you would be wasting your time and money on a game that does not allow users to keep their Saves/Progress but feel free to play if you don't care about it.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all, I want to say kudos to the developer, DerelictHelmsman is clearly an incredibly talented bloke.

    The attention to detail is staggering, the amount of customization you can achieve is nothing short of amazing. The guy clearly saw Breeding Seasons fall and thought "I can do it better", and he did. The graphics are amazing, the physics are good and theres a lot of different species/positions to enjoy. Its very clear the guy has an eye for detail...

    Unfortunately, theres where the praise stops. It very much looks like the developer (Like the Some Modeling Agency's developer) got lost in the sauce, constantly improving graphics/physics/customization but completely forgetting about the gameplay. The game has an amazing amount of things to see, but the gameplay itself makes you bored before you even see a 10th of what it has to offer, not to mention the tedium of actually breeding the monsters after you have a certain amount of them.

    All in all, the game is great, and it could become incredible if the dev took a step back and started working on more gameplay aspects.

    However, I do think the guy deserves a break, hes literally giving the game away for free on Steam, which is amazing when you see how much time he has put into the game. (Yes, I know he has a Patreon, but could you do the same? Can you honestly say you wouldnt put it on Steam and charge just a little rather than make it completely free?)
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Ever dream of becoming a furry pimp? Look no further... Anything that can walk, can be bred... except for the first npc. Mate with different races and sell off your offsprings to actually progress in the game.

    Game has a lot of potential, but ended up being WAY too much of a grind.

    Character customization is so detailed... spent a good chunk of time designing my blue scaled futa human. (Best part of the game) Dropped into a world with no instructions. After an hour of getting ravaged by foxes and wolves, then dying, I finally tamed one. Had to lookup a guide to figure out where to go from there.

    Map was way too big, we get an army of furries to breed, but can't use them as mounts?

    Probably 10 hours into the game (way much longer without a guide), monster quests had tasks that require specific traits on your sacrificial offsprings. The breeding menu is a pain to go through when pairing up couples to mate. I gave up at this point and I found cheat code commands online. Used it to speed things up.

    Cheats used: Always reproduce, add money, infinite lust, and go home (thank god for go home).

    At the end of an gruesome 110 hour grind and completing all the monster quests, I get rewarded with... nothing. No endgame cutscene, no closure. Just get out there and keep banging furries. Save yourself!
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Remember Breeding Season? Yeah, remember how it turned out? Yeah, buckle up ladies and gents, you shall experience yet again the disappointment which came about when that shit got abandoned, now in glorious 3D graphics!

    hbomb3d here did us a real solid with this game!

    Experience dead eyed, lifeless sex scenes, with unfinished gameplay mechanics and storyline, now with jiggle physics! Ooooh!

    Alright, alright. To be real, this is a poorly maintained and underdeveloped sex simulator where you have to grind literally hundreds of hours in order to get a fursona which you would be willing to have a real sloppy, uninspired, lifeless, unfappable sex with.

    If that sounds like your thing, be sure to check this joke of a game out...

    An open world without anything in it. A walking simulator without the scenes. The little content in the game which would give it the potential, gets padded further and further with the added grind every 2 years or so just for the illusion of progress for the rabid furries on patreon.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This game does not respect your time.
    You will spend more time running from place to place than in any other gameplay loop. All the nice graphics and smooth animations and extensive character customization do not make up for the amount of time you're wasting on nothing.
    You know how all of that could've been solved? By either making your movement (something you do for about 83% of the game) fun and fast-paced, or just outright remove walking in favour of clicking a place on a map.
    Just look up the animations on some porn site, because it'll save you an hour or twenty.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with a lot of future potential, the world could do with some fleshing out, to make it feel less empty in parts, and it can be somewhat grindy and repetitive, but if you enjoy breeding games, and monsters, absolutely give this game a go.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    playing for a few hours (0.761.52)

    animation and character model are good, nice movement and sex scene.

    but the map is overly big but with nothing to do (maybe for now). we need to literally run over here and there but movement is quite slow, and teleportation is locked. there is no direction and map. i mean, i know from the name we need to become breeder, but how? usually, we will get basic need like item and thing for the first time.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like the quality of the graphics in this game. The game physics are very good and obviously take a long time to develop. Luckily I have a pretty strong computer to be able to take advantage of the intricate graphics. Gameplay can be a little time consuming running around but improves as you unlock fast travel. Was glad when more sex positions came available and allowed for more size variations. Would like to see more stages of the sex acts but for now it is a fun challenge trying to get the traits to combine so you can breed the Nephelym you are shooting for.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I used to be a huge fan but honestly the dev has really let up since a long time. Gameplay is cold and boring as all hell and development happens excrutiatingly slow. It was a game with a good amount of potential. but its no ones fault but the developer when he decides to hoard all the patreon money and drag this cash cow out instead of hiring assistants.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the best games with this system (breeding), but sadly with an eternal long wait for updates, more bugs and glitches , still is my favorite of that kind of games... but sadly cant expect much as dev take years for just add minimal changes and broken the game with each update...
    Love/hate with that game >< 3/5 stars for the lazy slow dev, for other 5/5 about i like the style, the concept,...
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    -Jiggle physics
    -The sex animations
    -Character models. Most of them do kinda look the same, especially the faces, but at least the look isn't butt ugly all the time like so many other 3D games.
    -The world is stupidly big and 90% empty
    -The player's max movement speed is a third of what it needs to be
    -You have to hold sprint at all times or you go even slower, and there is no important reason to ever slow down. There is no "always run" setting.
    -The only part of the game that gives you any specific directions is the quests. Unless you're following an external guide you pretty much have to pray you stumble into what you need. The first 10 minutes or so is the hardest part.
    -Most important interactive systems in the game are managed by specific NPCs that are spaced anywhere from 20 seconds to 2 minutes apart from both your farm and each other. You will have to waste a frustrating amount of time running between them. And the ones in Hedon Township can be randomly unavailable because of the stupid stockade thing.
    -You don't unlock fast travel until relatively late in the game, and it's not even that useful once you do. You can't initiate it from a menu, you have to run to a portal every time, and the one at your farm is a 20 second walk from the important parts. And even after finally unlocking it, you have to manually go from portal to portal repeating the same pointless interaction to actually open them.
    -The sex animations have to be unlocked, and the process for doing so is incredibly obnoxious. Like the portals, it involves going from far flung location to far flung location repeating an interaction with a specific NPC, but in this case you have to expend "Favor", a resource you get by sacrificing your breeding material to a different NPC, and this NPC is of course a 45 second walk from your farm, if you're quick about it.
    -The NPC mentioned above is so badly implemented it deserves it's own bullet point. It has two functions, sacrificing breeding material for favor, and sacrificing breeding material to increase Essence. And every time you want to do one of these things, you have to go on a short hike. The game would be substantially improved if all of this NPC's functions were just menu buttons you could use at any time. It doesn't even tell you how much favor you'll get from making the sacrifices, it doesn't even show much favor you currently have in the menu, and you can only sacrifice one at a time, slowly; no bulk option.
    -You can only check what you need to upgrade Essence from the barns at your farm.
    -Essence level (which determines the quality of wild Nephelym) is set per variant instead of per species. If variants were things you could specifically breed for that would be fine, but typically in this game there's just a male variant and a female/futa variant for each species and which one pops out is completely random. Shameless padding.
    -There are stats, which don't seem to do anything at all other than serving as requirements for quests and essence upgrades.
    -A lot of traits are broken or placeholder
    -Once you have a specific thing you're trying to breed for, the game consists almost entirely of RNG and waiting. And by waiting, I mean spamming the sleep button at your house until your pregnant nephelym (or self) give birth. This gets tiresome almost immediately.
    -There is no fanfare to birth whatsoever, once the pregnant% maxes out the offspring just quietly pop into existence in your barns. Not even a notification or anything like that. This seems to be by design, and I think the dev said way earlier in development that there are never going to be birth animations, which is disappointing to me personally.
    -It's painful to organize. While there are filters for species, sex and traits, at your farm, there are no sorting options whatsoever. Whatever order your nephelym display in is what you're stuck with. You can rename them (of course, only from the barns) and that's your only real organization tool. And you'd better, because otherwise past a few generations they're all going to be named "X's offspring's offspring's offspr-"
    -There are no detailed graphics settings beyond quality (whatever that means) and resolution, and even on max quality the render distance is tiny.
    -You can trust that many years from now, all of this will be the same or worse.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is basically a rollercoaster of emotions. It starts off great actually, then you soon realize how shitty and repetitive everything is. All the different types of creatures you'll come across, they're all basically the exact same. Sex animations are repetitive. Breeding is redundant. And the quests aren't really quest, you basically just pray to the rng gods that you'll breed the right creature you'll need in the first couple tries.

    The development of the game is being milked simply for that sweet patreon money. So I don't really see this game going anywhere tbh. Between how pointless it feels to play, how un-hot and vanilla the sex is after 30 minutes of gameplay, and how progression is tied to mindless rng grinding, I would pass on this.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game, bought it on steam and have played it for over 30hrs so far. ive unlocked all gates and portals, and have a large collection of nephelym. tho the fact that incest is not allowed, does make breeding difficult sometimes. especially if you cant keep up with who is whos parent, grand parent, child, and so on. it does tell you who the mother and father are of each Neph, but if they are simply named wild neph then you got problems lol. but other then that the game is amazing and i hope to see more areas, more Nephelym, and more Quests! keep up the good work
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    game is cozy, music is awsome, idea same same, but there so tiny content. Bruh non futa on male? Too bad, too bad :/ Futanari need male cockslave, there is failure. i make to that woman without tits and add masculine but this is bad, not right, and awful T_T
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    At first glance this game always "Looks Good" to new players, But,

    The good looks wear off real quick after playing the game for a little while,

    Then you realize is the same face on all the NPC's
    Its the same sex positions for all with the same face,
    Its the same repetitive task with the same sex and same face's..
    Not much is done by the Dev to fix any concern for paying players..

    You goto the devs Patreon page, and ask questions about why the lack of content, Point out that he promised a "High quality game" Why not hire some talent to help with the project, as its getting more funding than most game development company's, watch as that wording was changed on the main page and get your valid inquiries ignored..

    Even unpaid modders on skyrim LL makes better animations, Hire those guys...

    The game has such an ENORMUS potential to be absolutely amazing, But falls into the patreon scam pit that so many enter...

    Lacks transition animations, You just "POP" into position,
    Lacks refinement to the existing animations
    (Check Wildlife for reference see what I mean)

    Frustrated you cancel your patreon funding, Realising the scam...

    Then you google, find a community like F95 and see everyone complaining about all the same things you noticed,

    Its the incompetence of this dev that set my standards for who I support now..
    And thanks to this Dev I now love F95

    3 stars for the game (as is today)
    5 stars for helping me find F95 community
    Negative 6 stars for being such a useless lazy and arrogant dev...
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game ever. Played it for houres with out end but you need wiki to help because its not that intuitive.

    I was realy amazed about th e quality. Huge content to explore and more.
    5/5 stars every day.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Basically this a must play game if you didn't tried before.
    Right now it feels polished and there are quests to complete.

    I like playing it for the second time but it's not so exiting as the first time.

    Most of the negative ratings comes from people that are angry because the game is still not finished. And to be fair Breeders of the Nephelym feels more like a actual "game" than Wild Life.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I have already spent so many hours on this game, it is so much fun I will definitely spend so much more because it is great to have a fun time.

    You can collect characters that you meet throughout the map and they join your farm, you can harvest milk and semen, it is really fun!