Ah man I miss this game...too bad the team that started this got robbed of it and now Cloud Meadows is what it became to be and it sucks in comparison to this game.....the sad times hurts soo much......
S-Purple, the "dev" who started work on Cloud Meadows, was the lead artist on Breeding Season. He released the demo, which was a complete rip off of Breeding Season. When HBomb approached him about what's going on, he got silence. Than when S-Purple finally officially quit, HBomb tried to buy his art assets off of him (HBomb made the mistake when he hired S-Purple to let him keep ownership of everything he created, along with splitting all the money the game generated), and S-Purple pretty much flipped him off and threatened to send a lawyer on him if he continued to use his art assets.
So HBomb decided to just quit rather than go out and find a new artist and re-do all the art for the game. He was royally screwed over by S-Purple.
The project failed and was abandoned this is the last version.
S-Purple backstabbed HBomb, Breeding Seasons creator and stole the entire idea behind Cloud Meadows for his own financial gain.
look like ancestor of "cloud meadhow" (or name like this) , very similar, and maybe created before and abandonned , then someone saw that and decide to create cloud meadhow. (or meadow, or whatever the name is , i guess you got wich game i talk about

Cloud Meadows is basically S-Purple's rip off of Breeding Season. He re-used a lot of his art assets from Breeding Season and the plot is similar to it.
Long story short: this one falied and someone decide to make cloud meadow with the same artist
It was the artist of Breeding Season, S-Purple, who made the game fail and stole the idea from HBomb, the creator of Breeding Seasons, to make Cloud Meadow.