There is fully new script and connected both versions, so old saves are not working.Saves don't work for the third straight update. Same "marg1" and "marg2" errors as posted above. Not starting over again or wasting any more time trying to back track to find a place where I can start over by replaying content I've already played twice sooooooooo....I'm out.
Great...GREAT...bordering on outstanding game but just too much hassle from version to version imo. Perfect example of a beautifully crafted, gorgeous game w/knockout models and a solid story that is 99% creatively and artistically perfect. Problem is that 1% technical (programming or testing) failure torpedoes everything. Once? Ok, Twice? Irritating but we'll make it work...AGAIN. THRICE? Frustration, nope, buh-bye.
Wish the dev and dev team luck w/this one as it truly has SO MUCH potential. Would love to come back and play one day when game is more stable.