12. Continue with the Quest Log
- Studio 15h
- DO NOT return to the Studio
13. Wait Tanya' call -
She called me after 15h [v0.99.6]
Bonnie: Event 2 (Beach)
14. Return to the Studio
Bonnie: Event 3 (Trigger automatically)
I see I already asked that, then I completely forgot... sorry! Growing old my memory is not what it used to be

And thanks for the patience and the link to previous post with saves and walkthrough.
I followed the walkthrough (from one of my saves) and after point 12. (- studio 15:00) an event automatically triggered (as soon I clicked on the circled blue "back" arrow to exit the reharsal room) with Alice inviting Alex and Tanya at her place to sunbathe by her swimming pool.
After that I was "teleported"
in front of the college.
Here I
advanced time by +1h multiple times to
wait for Tanya's call, but that call
never triggered.
So I examined the code and I found in
these lines:
label tanya_mes:
if bonnie_znak == 4 and rain_now == 0 and hour >= 15 and hour < 18 and (mesto == 1 or mesto == 2 or mesto == 6 or mesto == 7 or mesto == 8 or mesto == 9 or mesto == 10 or mesto == 11 or mesto == 12 or mesto == 13 or mesto == 16 or mesto == 17 or mesto == 31 or mesto == 32 or mesto == 36 or mesto == 40 or mesto == 42 or mesto == 43):
nvl clear
play sound 'mus/s/sms_l.ogg'
gg smile "Таня что-то написала."
$ nvl_phone.menu_style = "side"
$ nvl_phone.bg = "phone/bg2.jpg"
$ nvl_phone.name = "Сестренка"
$ nvl_phone.action("start")
window show
$ renpy.config.rollback_enabled = False
tanya "Алекс, ты не знаешь, где тут на районе можно искупаться? Мы с Бонни тут от жары просто подыхаем уже!{image=phone/heat.png}"
al "Ну, тут недалеко есть карьер с чистой водой и неплохим пляжем. Можно туда сходить. Я тоже не против поплавать.{nw}"
$ nvl_phone.type("Сестренка", [10, 12, 5])
What Tanya says on the phone
"Алекс, ты не знаешь, где тут на районе можно искупаться? Мы с Бонни тут от жары просто подыхаем уже!"
means (thanks to ChatGPT for translating)
"Alex, do you know where around here we can go for a swim? Bonnie and I are just dying from the heat!"
So this is the message I was waiting for.
I checked in the console and the value of
was indeed
, and it was NOT raining.
I advanced time many times, so I certainly passed throught the 15:00-18:00 interval.
So the variable not passing that
check must have been
I checked it in the console, and its value was
which is NOT one of the valid values to pass the
My friend ChatGPT informed me that "мéсто" means "place/location" in Russian, so
I wandered along the game locations to find the places having the valid values of
, that is
the places in which the phone message from Tanya can be received.
I just moved to
the park (
mesto == 40
) and advancing time +1h until passing 15:00
Tanya's phone messages triggered.
I updated your walkthrough adding the list of the places in one of which you
MUST be in order to receive Tanya's message to go swimming. Find it in the attached
Thanks for the hints, and I hope my little update can be useful.
P.S. In my opinion it is a
very bad design choice the fact that
you can miss Tanya's message (thus
locking yourself out of Bonny's events 2 and 3) if you don't happen to be -
by pure chance - in the
right place at the
right time!!!