The good:
- Gameplay is mostly functional and doesn't get old too quickly, there's plenty of combat encounters but also a fair amount of minigames.
- The dev is a powerhouse: it's been a year and a half of work since the first release and the game not only gained a completed start-to-finish route but also a decent variety of side content.
- Mod support: the community has more than tripled the amount of playable races thanks to it.
- Simple but effective graphics.
- Lots of customization options for random encounters.
- Each route seems to exist in a vacuum, actions in one scene almost never have consequences outside of that specific route: you just finished beating up and humiliating a prison guard that caught you stealing, and an instant later she's back to her usual spot, ready to have a friendly conversation. And that's not even the most jarring example one can encounter.
- Even worse, quite a few scenes don't even have consequences within their own route: doesn't matter how many times you curbstomp the elevator guard, not only he won't call for backup but the option to intimidate him will always fail.
- Certain routes have events that fire off only ever X days, or require grinding progress through actions you can only do X times per day: this should become less of a problem as more side content is added, but as it stands it means a lot of waiting and repetition.
- Way too much RNG in combat, with tons of half-hidden modifiers making it nigh impossible to figure out the actual odds of success.