What a horrible game! As much as I love fighting games with sexual moves, this one truly sucks. It doesn't really work.
First, you find a section "controls". So you can find out the key bindings. You learn that the WASD keys are used to move around, the J key can be used for hits, C to block and K to grab. This section claims that the H key can be used for "combinations" and that the space key does something as well.
In the game there is a "how to play" section. This section gives a different explanation as to what does what. You learn about the I key and some combinations.
Here is the pronblem: it doesn't work. The combinations don't work, the hits basically just swing empty or when hitting the opponent, they pretty much have no effect. The grab move doesn't do anything at all. You basically watch a couple of characters swing around empty or grabbing air. Sometimes, when they grab, the charcter meshes opverlap, so it looks as if they are grabbing through each other or punching through each other, but ultimnately, they come up empty or with no effect.
The H-moves barely ever take effect as you have to do the shaddow boxing excercise for a pretty long time to get the other fighter knocked down and then you get to do one move for a few seconds and it is right back to shaddow boxing.
There are 7 characters. 3 of them are straight out ugly. Of the other 4, three of them wear glasses which is a bit odd for an MMA event. But whatever at this stage.
So, the game doesn't really do much.
First, you find a section "controls". So you can find out the key bindings. You learn that the WASD keys are used to move around, the J key can be used for hits, C to block and K to grab. This section claims that the H key can be used for "combinations" and that the space key does something as well.
In the game there is a "how to play" section. This section gives a different explanation as to what does what. You learn about the I key and some combinations.
Here is the pronblem: it doesn't work. The combinations don't work, the hits basically just swing empty or when hitting the opponent, they pretty much have no effect. The grab move doesn't do anything at all. You basically watch a couple of characters swing around empty or grabbing air. Sometimes, when they grab, the charcter meshes opverlap, so it looks as if they are grabbing through each other or punching through each other, but ultimnately, they come up empty or with no effect.
The H-moves barely ever take effect as you have to do the shaddow boxing excercise for a pretty long time to get the other fighter knocked down and then you get to do one move for a few seconds and it is right back to shaddow boxing.
There are 7 characters. 3 of them are straight out ugly. Of the other 4, three of them wear glasses which is a bit odd for an MMA event. But whatever at this stage.
So, the game doesn't really do much.