The writing is horrendously bad, the "story" is at best minimal, not to say vestigial. The inserts of Narrator taunts are 

, the sex scenes are abundant though, even if of low quality, they are many.
None of it made much sense, because the writing, as bad as it is, was made even worse by the atrocious translation.
Graphically I've seen worse. Not by much, but I've seen worse.
Out of 5, a 2 because of the writing.
My personal opinion: If you don't care about the story, it can be fun. But even then, it's not that good. Recommended to "read" when drunk or high.
None of it made much sense, because the writing, as bad as it is, was made even worse by the atrocious translation.
Graphically I've seen worse. Not by much, but I've seen worse.
Out of 5, a 2 because of the writing.
My personal opinion: If you don't care about the story, it can be fun. But even then, it's not that good. Recommended to "read" when drunk or high.