Art and premise is promising as fuck. Been a fan of Bleach, so creating a game where you start in a place as unexplored as the Maggot's Nest is amazing. It's a shame you don't actually spend more time down there. Why not create a prison break unintentionally created by the appearance of Ikaku and Hisagi? That'd make it plausible for them to not be able to find you. As it stands, it doesn't make sense that they let you out of the cell and around other insane inmates who attack and could possibly kill you.
Biggest complaints:
The map is dreadful. I feel like this won't be an easy fix, but anyone who has played any half decent RPG is not going to forgive this. 1: Walk speed is mad high. Lower it. If you're worried about people getting bored of going from A to Z or whatever, just lower the size of the maps.
Combat is alright, aside from the portraits. The block portraits really make the game look cheap as fuck. It's actually shockingly easy to remove the background from the pictures, highschool stuff where I'm from.
I don't like the breaking of immersion that happens, for example, if you fight Hisagi and Ikaku, they have (holding back) next to their names before the first blow is even dealt. 1: Why tell us? Let us find out ourselves through the narrative or gameplay, not some damn sign. 2: Why use a picture of Ikaku all beefed up when you're fighting his "(holding back)" form?
More on the (holding back) stuff. It makes no sense. Hisagi and Ikakku holding back to the point where they let a dangerous prisoner beat them unconscious, where they could play skinny dipping with their guts for all they know. This is even worse with Hitsugaya because he lets you run around killing Shinigami left and right after you beat him.
Caps lock is something children or unhinged twitter drones use. Please don't ever do it. At least bold your text. Also, if the narrator isn't talking, but your inner zanpakuto, you need to mark his speech. I literally though the narrator was screaming at me a couple of times.
You have huge open areas with nothing to do, and maybe it's just because I chose illusion, but talking to people was a pain in the ass because they'd drag me into a long, drawn out fight because I'd already spent my mana and had no items to refill my mana. Either cut these areas or add some stuff.
The biggest by far, though, is the narrative/dialogue. They are horribly formatted and sometimes reads like MTL even though the original language is English. This seems to be a very common problem with H-games made by singular people. But it has to be dealt with. After all, porn in H games is 100% about context and agency. Otherwise we'd be fapping to pictures.
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Nobody is going to take the narrative of this game seriously while this level of quality exists in it.
Homie has a discord, so there HAS to be people out there willing to help. I love this, though. I want it to be the best it can be. Took me way back, too. Even the reference to Mayuri Kurotsuchi once being in the Maggots Nest cells had me fanboying.
I won't rate this right now, but I think this was way to rough to be officially releasing in any capacity.