so. well damn. after that update i may have just found my next subscribestar. love the premise, loving the girls. so nasty and fun with hailey. omg the carrots, especially her help at the end.

fuck yea, just keep it coming dev.
loved hina, loved her looks, her reactions, so nice of us to help her get ready for being married. she does have that kinda korean plastic surgery kpop star look. i love it. "you will get used to it." best. line. ever.
looking forward to seeing what you do with riley. i feel like there's all kinds of potential all over the place here. those planned tags yum yum. also looking forward to meeting the morrisons at some point, since i think its heading that way. i hope they have an all kinds of fucked up family. what a ride of a game. kinetic totally fine with me, scene to scene to scene. just keep em coming