New VN style game also going to have some activities like sandbox game had, like random events at various locations like a bar or a park, but it’s added as an activity. As our Natasha used to run every day at Queens, so she can run at this new park, and we can add some random events after or before the run, as well I am transforming a sandbox-style game to VN, so some effect will be there too.I actually didn't mind the sandbox much. The sandbox format makes the world seem larger, but you have to populate it with events or risk looking barren. If you don't have enough events planned, then VN is the way to go.
As for the last update, we do add some events at lesbian path, but it's not a Hot Scene, as a Patreon complain about the presentation of the revenge scene, so we add some build-ups as well engage clarie more to these events as clarie will play an important role in this revenge plot. As well changed a conflicting event on the lesbian path on Monday afternoon at the Locker room.As for the last question, as someone who also played the MC through the lesbian route, the choice to avoid would be appreciated. Or, at the very least, the choice to decide how the MC feels about the interaction. Like, it's hard to immerse in a lesbian path when the MC automatically swoons over interactions with men.
Also, what was new in 0.5? I restarted, and didn't seem to find anything new.
From now on we will make sure to add some Hot Scene at the lesbian path on every update as most of the time my game has been discussed or liked by lesbian lovers...