Thanks for taking the time to submit feedback. As a query, could you clarify the following:
1) How far have you managed to get in the game? You can see the event list by pressing the light button.
You've implicitly gotten at the heart of why I wrote a comment, not a review

I'd say I paid for the most part decent attention until the end of "Liberation of Dione" main story; then I clicked through a bunch more main story stuff (New Power 2 is where I'm stopped right now). Most of the Misc events, all bit one character backgrounds, 1 sidequest, and the reporter event.
2) Are you familiar with the map interface?
I assume so? Presumably you mean the "Google Maps" marker left of the light bulb? That's why I said I didn't think the gameplay loop was such a big deal (as so many complain about the game being grindy); you can fast forward, click on which planet to travel next, and it shows optional and story events ... works well, convenient to use, no complaints from me in that regard.
... however, it doesn't really change that "trade" is effectively looking at a column of numbers and spotting the biggest gap between what you can buy where you are and what you can sell in either of the other two options. Not that interesting.
As such, the later portions of the game should be far stronger than earlier sections.
I accepted that the Prologue might be variously rushed, a sort of "okay, let's get to the real story quickly" (I'd have recommended a more vignette style backflash prologue here though; roughly as, uh, Casting Director handles its intro at the beginning, to get to the actual game) - otherwise, tbh, I might have stopped then and there. But I can't say I found a notable improvement in the script as it goes.
Again, visuals and such are fine. And I don't really have a problem with the story beats per se. It's really about how they are written.
PS: Frak is a 'tip of the hat' to Battlestar Galactica. On reflection, not the greatest game decision I have made.
I've encountered this in a few scifi series, especially mil-scifi ones, so it's not that I'm unfamiliar with it (but I guess not being a BG fan it just doesn't warm my heart ^^). I probably wouldn't have had a problem with (perhaps pointedly only) the humans saying it, or specifically a nerdy character, or maybe some alien that learned human culture through watching classic human culture (winkwinknudgenudge ... yeah, that's all cliché territory too, but I'm not saying I expect you to write the next Tolstoy novel).
But, effectively, it's just a good example of my "same voice" issue. The alien from a remote planet uses the same vocab as a soldier with a questionable history or an ex-stripper or a porn actress turned doctor. That's just not good. And while it's most obvious with that bit, it's really true for everything they talk about.
Well, anyway. That's all just my take; going by reviews it doesn't seem to be a too common complaint.