Likeable MC.
Love interestes are likeable and unique.
Low stress pacing .
In spite of the more "porn inspired" elements of this, the MC mostly acts like a dumb teenager in over his head which I appreciate.
Decent sex scene animation.
I like the diversity of the love interests, it's nice to see a bunch of "realistic" looking women (as in they're not all 10/10 supermodel divine beings and would paralell pretty well to a real person in their same situation.)
I'm always a big fan of having a wide range of body types to go with too instead of the standard early 2000's pornstar build.
Character art and models are dated and can look a bit bizare in the still images.
Story is something we've already seen many times (not a bad thing if you like that kind of story).
Animations are a bit stiff and repetative.
Lack of a Gallery.
Time between in game events. (makes it harder to focus on a single story line)
The type of sex scenes are pretty tame and they can get a bit repetitive.
This is my first tangle with this game at v0.29 and I like it so far. I was a bit put off by the character artwork at first but they really started to grow on me. The story is pretty interesting and the women are all pretty unique with a wide variety of personalities and body types. I feel like the story can be a bit of a slog to progress with all the waiting but that's pretty standard with these kind of games. The animation is pretty good too for what it is, however I would like to have a bit more interactivity or variety/control. different angles or something? always a big fan of an in game gallery and this game doesn't necisarilly need one but it would be a nice to have.
Likeable MC.
Love interestes are likeable and unique.
Low stress pacing .
In spite of the more "porn inspired" elements of this, the MC mostly acts like a dumb teenager in over his head which I appreciate.
Decent sex scene animation.
I like the diversity of the love interests, it's nice to see a bunch of "realistic" looking women (as in they're not all 10/10 supermodel divine beings and would paralell pretty well to a real person in their same situation.)
I'm always a big fan of having a wide range of body types to go with too instead of the standard early 2000's pornstar build.
Character art and models are dated and can look a bit bizare in the still images.
Story is something we've already seen many times (not a bad thing if you like that kind of story).
Animations are a bit stiff and repetative.
Lack of a Gallery.
Time between in game events. (makes it harder to focus on a single story line)
The type of sex scenes are pretty tame and they can get a bit repetitive.
This is my first tangle with this game at v0.29 and I like it so far. I was a bit put off by the character artwork at first but they really started to grow on me. The story is pretty interesting and the women are all pretty unique with a wide variety of personalities and body types. I feel like the story can be a bit of a slog to progress with all the waiting but that's pretty standard with these kind of games. The animation is pretty good too for what it is, however I would like to have a bit more interactivity or variety/control. different angles or something? always a big fan of an in game gallery and this game doesn't necisarilly need one but it would be a nice to have.