How to crack (version 0.14)
1. Download Fiddler Classic
2. Allow HTTPS Decryption
3. Launch the game
4. Put this as code
5. Let it fail once
6. Go on Fiddler, Rules > Automatic Breakpoints > Before requests (or Press F11)
7. Go back to the game, put the code again
8. Go in fiddler, get the latest request that has get-patreon-info.php at the end
9. Double click the request
10. Click on Break Response
11. Go in the TextView tab,
12. Decrypt the request
13. Put this instead of the other text
{"errors":[],"expired":false,"info":{"first_name":"Fuckin","last_name":"Genius","full_name":"Fuckin Genius","image_url":"","patron_status":"","tiers":[],"userid":0,"whitelisted":true,"blacklisted":false,"last_charge_date":"","last_charge_status":"","pledge_history":[]}}
14. Click Run as Completion
15. Go back to Fiddler > Rules > Automatic Breakpoints > Disabled (or Press SHIFT F11)
16. ENJOY!
Sounds a bit long but it should be done everytime to play.