[QUOTE = "Sergei33, publicación: 3016236, miembro: 1313619"]
Palabra más o menos es lo que puse arriba, no sé si le gustaría que alguien copie palabra por palabra de su Patreon
Yes please
Another short update:
Making progress with the Elorae Ending. I would say that it is
2 weeks away...but I cannot guarantee it because I might run into trouble with the implementation. If so, I will keep you updated.
The good thing about the implementation is that once it is done, the other endings can be done a bit faster, because for example the build up to Elorae's ending and Talice's ending will be pretty similar. You'll see what I mean when you play it.
Keep in mind that to unlock the ending you need a fairly high affection with Elorae (don't worry, I will make it fair and it doesn't have to be perfect or crazy high) and you need to have crossed the last bridge.
For the orc ending Grishna has to lead you out of the cave and NOT kick you from the cliff but enslave you (she will put you in chains if successful).
And yeah...that's it

. Not much else to say, so...
have a nice sunday and
stay kinky!