I finally finished the game

Is nice!
7/10. I don't know what the consensus is about its duration, but it took me a good fifteen hours... I played without cheats, on an android phone, but i have to warn you about my gaming quirks, cos the force of autism is strong with this one. Because of my OCD I read every NPC's answer no matter how many times it was repeated and talked to each one regularly clearing all options, as well as mining every obsidian and amethyst rock in the game. In the end, prior to the last confrontation
, I had ten pieces of each consumable, food and potion, 500 skulls, and I finished at thirteenth level, with the mastery in Endurance (I had to impress Lilith, you know

), and two levels for Tongue Twirler and Charmer skills... I haven't even finished all the epilogues, as I pursued only the endings of the girls I was interested in, namely Talice and Shyael...
Talice for the best girl! I liked her model and personality the most and was delighted when she would let me graze her butt hairs

At the end of her path, I was contended in the role of the footstool and human bidet for my ebony goddess! Speaking about goddesses I was also infatuated with Malthara and now we come to the crux point of my post... I want to be spoiled about her mysterious appearance and backstory, as I failed to pursue any meaningful relationship with her, besides choosing to service her instead of Khadra... Does she even have an individual path, and is my assumption that
true? I could read the walkthrough on the Darktoz's official site but I think it's more convenient to ask some willing soul here... Thnx and stay kinky friends!