Others - Carnal Crawl [Demo v0.1.0.3] [PixelPanzone]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Played version Demo

    1. Catchy background music
    2. Animated pixel art death animation
    3. Game over animation and victory animation for the boss

    1. Most NPCs in the UI are shown as gray transparent silhouettes. Art is missing or bugged.
    2. Moving from one arena to the next doesn’t reload your weapon
    3. Standing far enough away from a spawning NPC causes it to not engage. You can shoot and kill it from afar without it moving.
    4. The portal to take you from one arena to the next looks like a dangerous lava spot. The first time you see it you stand around waiting for something else to happen because you don’t want to touch the danger zone
    5. Some enemies can be cheesed by the way you move, causing them to never hit you. Big green guys.
    6. Store page makes a point to collect all 14 legendary artifacts, but there’s no collection viewer to see which you’ve collected and which you haven’t.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Elf Truck

    Review for Demo v0.1.0.3
    This is a 5-10 minutes demo with little content, but it shows a promising base for a game. Nice pixel art, simple gameplay that's quick to pick up and feels good to play, workable silly plot, it might be a good game in the future.

    - Items are super powerful, like +100% health, +60% damage, fast regeneration. You're dead meat without them, with them the demo is super easy. A lot of balancing needed here.
    - Maybe there should be some area hazards or temporary bonuses on some maps? Or more complicated maps with stuff like lava rivers or barriers? Right now it's only a rectangle arena and enemies, that will get boring fast.
    - Different weapons or firing modes would be good.
    - Generic enemies are not very sexy. Might be intentional.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    (Initial launch)

    It's got potential. Leaps and bounds over what the creators have made previously, with an actual level of gameplay involved. Very early to call, though, and there's more bone than meat here unfortunately.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Good start
    The demos difficulty spicks after 2 rooms but with the amount of "angel dust" (currency in game) you get from the first two and the pricing of items doesn't make it feel unfair. My only grip is that there are only 2, and I use this term loosely, sex scenes. One is the defeat screen and the other is when you beat the boss. Mind you this is only the demo that I'm reviewing so I'm sure more will be added later.
    Art: 4.5/5
    Gameplay: 5/5
    Da good stuff: 3/5
    If your here to fap now ain't the time. But if you want a quick challenge then try it out.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Great art.
    Animation seems to be overly done. (Especially main character)
    Game play is... okay for a porn game.
    And... that's about it.
    Nothing too special.

    I see too many game that goes so soft these days (even though it's a porn game!), and they are all so similar to each other. Hope to see this game grow into something greater.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Really fun shooter, mechanics feel a little bit thin but I expect those to get more fleshed out as the game progresses. I think the difficulty right now is fine, but I feel like as soon as more enemies are added it will become practically impossible, really just needs invincibility frames, because as it is, you can get hit 3 times in less than a second and instantly die.
    Overall though, good graphics and gameplay
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Fast paced run-n-gun gameplay, you have different equipment you can buy for extra damage, movement speed, reloading and many other effects,.

    The story is, you are some kind of a degenerate male angel and you are tasked with defeating and collecting magic dust from fucking demons. Enough said, 5/5.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 for the potential that this game has.

    -Animations are excellent
    -Very striking look
    -The gameplay is enjoyable
    -Difficulty is a game in the right measure of challenge
    -Character Evolution

    I really hope that the developer finishes this game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    so far the demo is Very promising, the pixel art is well made and sexy.
    the game runs pretty smoothly (i played the online version). it got crazy at once point due to how many enemies are on the screen at the same time.

    in short: hell of a great and sexy demo with lots of potential
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Let me just say, WOW a nsfw game that has good gameplay? Now im sold.

    The game is a rougelike with purchaseable upgrades and both sex scenes on death and by winning.

    - Great art
    - Fun gameplay, this is a game i would play even if it wasnt nsfw.
    - Not too hard, not too easy (depending on build ofc)

    Changes i would like to see (once the game is complete):
    - More music variations.
    - Hardmode
    - Submissive mode (not just domination when winning)

    Great game!