Played version Demo
- Catchy background music
- Animated pixel art death animation
- Game over animation and victory animation for the boss
- Most NPCs in the UI are shown as gray transparent silhouettes. Art is missing or bugged.
- Moving from one arena to the next doesn’t reload your weapon
- Standing far enough away from a spawning NPC causes it to not engage. You can shoot and kill it from afar without it moving.
- The portal to take you from one arena to the next looks like a dangerous lava spot. The first time you see it you stand around waiting for something else to happen because you don’t want to touch the danger zone
- Some enemies can be cheesed by the way you move, causing them to never hit you. Big green guys.
- Store page makes a point to collect all 14 legendary artifacts, but there’s no collection viewer to see which you’ve collected and which you haven’t.