
Apr 2, 2019
Will the old version still be updated or is the Unreal 5 one the only one getting updates from now on? Cuz that's way too high for my rig...


Feb 4, 2022
Will the old version still be updated or is the Unreal 5 one the only one getting updates from now on? Cuz that's way too high for my rig...
Im pretty sure thats it for the ue4 version of the game. They are now completely focusing on ue5. First to get ue5 up to speed with the content of ue4.
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Jan 20, 2018
Holy shit talk about a downward spiral if I have ever seen one. Used to be a patreon, decided to come back and check the game after 9 months and holy shit am I disappointed from what I saw. UE 5???? Why??? There was no need for it. Ohh wait ye, they are just milking it at this point. FML.
Exactly what I have been arguing with a zealoth in here, but not to worry, this guys will support the game for the next 10 years and we just have to remember then to try the finnish product. We should have a nice 5 hours worth of gameplay by then XD.


New Member
Jul 14, 2020
i would like some help im trying to fine the missing sword do u guy know of the locaition or it may bug out bc i got the sword by accident
I find Lion sword north east from her position on island within corpse, but i don't have conversation about it.
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Feb 14, 2021
This will be the last time I say this. The reason they move on to Unreal 5 is because Unreal 4 will be getting no new updates which means no bug fixes for dev teams Unreal 5 is the next best thing. The saying "Stagnant fail, Innovate success" oh why do I try everybody will just think I'm a zealot as soon as something changes and don't like they'll hate but once it gets good they'll come back doesn't matter pc or console all the same.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
Exactly what I have been arguing with a zealoth in here, but not to worry, this guys will support the game for the next 10 years and we just have to remember then to try the finnish product. We should have a nice 5 hours worth of gameplay by then XD.
If you paid any attention at all to my interactions instead of making a vague comment immediately after reacting to my post, you'd notice that I engage completely differently with complaints that are grounded in reality. Actual concerns about the game as it is right now, based on trying the game rather than just complaining about an engine upgrade the developers opted into for a variety of reasons, include but are not limited to:
  • The player control system is a technical nightmare that is difficult to interact with and simultaneously very exploitable, since actions are animation-based rather than animations being action-based.
  • The game's introduction and storytelling is often disjointed and incomplete, leaving the player scratching their head and trying to figure out what is going on and what they're supposed to do.
  • The developers still have ongoing issues with programming logic. It is very easy to break things with simple actions like picking up a quest item before starting the quest, or loading from a quicksave.
  • The sex scenes in the game (the few that currently exist) still have the same exact problems as they did in UE4. Limited camera movement, clipping, etc. (Fun fact! This is one of the developers' current major projects, and they shared two screenshots of the new insertions and how they can now properly deform orifices just yesterday.)
  • There are significant QA concerns with the map which can result in a variety of issues from softlocking the player by getting stuck in a hole to just seeing places the player shouldn't see.
  • The game's UI has significant issues that vary from settings not being properly retained to being able to softlock the game when you manage to open one menu on top of another.
These are actual, entirely valid complaints about the game. Some of them are very significant problems, in fact. And they have far, far more relevance than unfounded accusations that the developers are somehow not actually putting work into this game and just coasting off of the income.

This game has a lot of things that both can and should be criticized. The developers' work ethic is not one of those things. On the other hand, I've questioned their ability to follow through since the very first time I played the game and broke all the quests in the process.
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Nov 28, 2018
Just as a disclaimer, I bought this game on Steam I while ago and am not a supporter on patreon.

That said, there are some valid points of criticism as mentioned above by TheInternetIsForThis but they've always delivered and lots of devs changed to UE5 and looking at this release it is far more polished then other, better funded projects, cough, wildlife cough.

I still do and will have my gripes with some stuff that this game has, awkward running cycles with the bow out, no free cam, no penetration animation, broken quests, only one variation of pussy (I like em puffy) etc. but the point is if you only focus on bugfixes the other side will complain the progression is slow because you didn't add new stuff or animations. The biggest mistake a dev. can make in regards to his project is listen to supporters how the game should be developed. Don't get me wrong they should listen to ideas and bug reports for sure but not on how to plan their project or when to implement new stuff.

Unreal 6

Jan 21, 2018
question is jump to unreal 5 from 4 realy gives any real advanteg ? is it simpler to use or more complex? curently i dont realy see much point for them to the change the u5 beta dosent realy look like they changing much in assents used right now it jsut looks like they staring from zero for some reson by changing to 5
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
question is jump to unreal 5 from 4 realy gives any real advanteg ? is it simpler to use or more complex? curently i dont realy see much point for them to the change the u5 beta dosent realy look like they changing much in assents used right now it jsut looks like they staring from zero for some reson by changing to 5
So a few things about that:
  • Unreal Engine 4 is no longer supported. That means that if they run into an issue, they cannot get any help from Epic. If there is an issue with the engine, Team Carnal is left on their own to attempt to fix it.
  • Unreal Engine 5 has a different asset development pipeline from UE4, and according to CI's developers, the differences work better with their own development workflow.
  • Despite the complaints about UE5 having higher minimum requirements compared to UE4, it actually allows the developers to do some things more efficiently than they could in UE4. Most notably, a lot of the UE5 upgrades are tied to more effectively creating immersive and open game worlds in ways that UE4 just isn't capable of handling.
The trade-offs here are pretty obvious. They're rebuilding the game from scratch, which means that a lot of the work that went into UE4 is effectively lost. Same with a lot of the UE4 content. And as mentioned above, UE5 has higher minimum requirements than UE4, so people with older computers are left with a worse experience.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2019
How does one use this cheat engine, am new to this.
I. You need the program first (Cheat Engine 7.1) either start it before launching the game or after. If you have launched the game (I would also go into the gameworld immediately) you need to select the process in Cheat Engine by clicking on the blinking button in the top left of the Cheat Engine window.

II. Make sure to gain 1 level so you have 3 attribute points when sitting down at a campfire and select "level up" (as in e.g. Dark Souls basically, if you ever played that). Before allocating any of your points tab out again to your Cheat Engine Window. You will see the buttons "first scan" and "next scan" as well as the empty line below those. In that line type "3" and click on "first scan", wait until it is done scanning.

III. Go back into Carnal Instinct, spend 1 point (only 1) but do not finalize the changes, just spend the point. Go back into Cheat Engine, replace the "3" in the search line with "2" and click on "next scan", wait until it is done scanning, go back into Carnal Desires, spend another attribute point (just as before don't leave the level up screen), replace the "2" with a "1" and click "next scan" once more.

IV. There is a good chance the results will still be too many things so go back into Carnal Instinct, remove 1 of the points you've spent, so that you go up to 2 spendable points again, go to Cheat Engine, replace the "1" with a "2" and click on "next scan" and the result should be only a few. If you then go back into Carnal Instincts and remove the final point you've allocated (so your points go back up to 3) you can go back to Cheat Engine and you should see that 1 of the addresses you've found before has the value changed from 2 to 3, it will be red, so you should be able to identify it easily. Ignore anything that constantly changes the value while you are in the window & instead choose the address that changed to 3 and that remains at 3 while you look at the window.

V. Double click that address and it will appear in the field at the bottom of the Cheat Engine Window. There you can either edit the value "3" into something higher, or (as I did it because it's easier) check the box "active" because that will make it so the value doesn't go down to 0 when you spend points in the game, tab into Carnal Instinct, allocate attribute points as you see fit, once you are satisfied confirm the changes and return to the gameworld that way. While you are standing right beside the fire try to save your game in the menu (press Esc) and if your game saves there (which it might not do at every location during the 1st part of the tutorial, but it should at the first camfire) you can tab into cheat engine again and just close that, don't save when it asks if you want to save the changes made, not sure what that is good for and it's not required for anything relevant to playing with the attribute points.

Edit: if this isn't clear to you I will try to help if I can but I don't think I can explain it in more detail, I've done my best to describe literally every single step.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2019
That's not exactly a straightforward process, especially when a game doesn't have a cheat table. covers a lot of what you can do, but it is likely to be an uphill learning curve for many people.
True, but thankfully the attribute thing doesn't need any fancy calculations or the like.
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