The UE5 build will start players at the beginning of their journey, rather than at the midpoint (as in UE4). The weapon options are far more limited to begin with, as are genitals; these things will be earned and discovered over the course of the game (alongside all-new ones). Forms must be unlocked with essence and various other content simply lays outside the playable area for now.
We want it to be more significant when the player obtains an enchanted longsword, or an heirloom khopesh, so these won't be littering the dunes in the starting zone; in UE5 the tombs will serve as the primary source of powerful unique items. As these are added it will mean players only enjoy the rewards once they take the risk. The same is true of rare forms, which can only be found in the most dangerous depths of forgotten catacombs.
UE5 should be considered a large chunk of new content that will gradually expand to encompass all of the UE4 content, as well as bringing the new story quests and other playable additions to the world.