The remaster is finished, it was a fucking nightmare to port the game to MV, but everything works fine now.I knew about the port, i meant, have there been any more issues? What's the state of the update so far?
Sorry i didn't specify what i meant before
For now I'm working on the gallery, for those who understand RPG Maker, the game scenes will no longer run as common events, but as local events triggered by switches and by changing this I was forced to modify the gallery, MV will allow me to make the game longer so I'm restructuring a lot of things to save me headaches in the future.
I will release the port to my subscribers this weekend, so it will be public in April.
PD: Regarding the aspect ratio, I have had to add details to certain scenes due to the change of format, however the scenes will remain the same, here is an example


As you can see in this image, I had to add the rest of Eve's legs, and I had to do the rest of the Zombie's arms, this is to avoid stretching the image.
That's all
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