[QUOTE = "Сакрилас, сообщение: 5775431, участник: 262944"]
Да! Мы всегда открыты для идей и привносим в сюжет больше фетишей.
Единственное ограничение - мы не хотим вовлекать в сюжет Гор, ампутацию или насильственную смерть.
Мы многое запланировали, чтобы это произошло, и дыра в унижении может зайти довольно далеко.
I hope that there will really be a lot of fetish. Exhibitionism is good, but you can't make a game out of one thing. I want to see an anal tube, a remote-controlled vibration, a faithful belt and a piercing. It would also be great how to introduce female domination (although in this game it is difficult). But, perhaps, blackmail will force the heroine to submit to the sister or the school bully, or in general to any other woman.
Agreed, you are very correct in saying a game needs many fetishes and all the fetishes you suggested sound fun

, no disagreement with you there but that said;
I think you are slightly confused about what is intended by the term 'exhibitionism' and this is a common misconception that many people make. Because exhibitionism isn't really so much as an independent fetish, all on its own but rather, it can mean anything from simply flashing in public, right up to getting fucked and performing all aspects of anything remotely sexual, down to the most outright and unmentionable taboo.
In other words, exhibitionism is more of a relationship choice, than a fetish, because any fetish you can imagine, can be considered exhibitionism, as long as it's done in front of an audience and this is the part some people find confusing - they think exhibitionism is simply flashing in public and while - yes - it is that, it is also much more too and can really be any fetish you can imagine but it must be done in front of an audience to please the fan of exhibitionism too. With the exception of one fetish perhaps, which is, if someone's specific fetish happens to be private, romantic sex, or private threeway/fourway... - or any other fetish really but is specifically put off by having an audience of any kind, which is absolutely fine and indeed many would say much more normal and healthy but let's be honest, Casey's Fall has demonstrated crystal clear that, we don't seem to be headed in that direction!
Which brings us to another excellent point, is a gangbang, or let's say an orgy, or a threeway considered exhibitionism? Hum... a bit of a gray area there but I would argue technically no (if everyone is naked then there is no exhibit), unless it is performed in front of a fully clothed audience, in which case, yes they are all considered exhibitionism (because the people performing the gangbang are the exhibit, being watched by the audience)!
Either way, yeah, the more fetishes explored the better and I'm sure no matter what the devs do, it will be hard to please everyone but hopefully this game could also serve as an example of how diverse and exciting the lifestyle choice of exhibitionism can be. And how there really is no shortage of how wide ranging and exciting the content can be. Alenja'a Adventures is a good example of this; notice how even scenes in the game that are usually the most mundane and boring (and let’s be honest, most of us either power read, or skip entirely) but not with this game, because in Alenja's Adventures even a scene as ordinary as walking through the forest becomes erotic and how? Well, it is simply because the MC is naked most of the time. The game is so damn hot to play, every minute of it is erotic, not only the sex/fetish scenes but also the having random conversations, eating lunch, running from enemies, doing exercises and carrying out general tasks such as jobs, or hunting, all become sexualized and this is because the whole game becomes one long fetish scene. From what we have seen so far, Casey's Fall looks to be headed wisely, in the same direction.