- Aug 28, 2018
- 2,026
- 4,125
>Needing to right click before launching a game is more complicated than changing your system localeIf this is the only game you play that requires Japanese Applocale you don't play very many h-games.
I set my Applocale to Japanese years ago and haven't had any reason to bother with locale emulator and after hearing using it can cause issues(and not wanting to have too much unnecessary crap running) decided to never get it without a really good reason.
So yes, needing to right click before launching a game is more complicated than not needing to do that.
OOF. Okay man, if you say so, that's definitely some hardship, poor thing.
"...after hearing using it can cause issues..." I suppose next you're gonna tell me changing your locale has 0% chance of causing an issue and back that up with evidence? Because if we're being fair "I heard some shit" can apply both ways.