Unity - Completed - Castle of Temptation [v1.1] [Poring]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It's definetly one weird game. It really lived up to it's premised that this is a "Trial".

    One one hand if you want H content, the game has plenty and diverse set of enemy that can scratch that itch. Noone and not even the game tells you to wake up from this castle of temptation, heck you can unlock most of the H sceen without getting the true ending

    But after post clytus, you really start to see the real picture in stage2 latter(doll house) that test the player observation with sprinkeled hint and basic knowlade that this is very wrong and I want out
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game, with a lot of work on pixel art animation. The gameplay is quite classic, but the atmosphere and content are impressive.
    This is one of my favorite games in this category. there are quite a few games of this good quality, play it!
    Go see what the creator zell23 has done as other games that are worth it.

    ( the text is in french sorry if the translation is not good )
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Now, it might just be me, but I didn't face any real issues with the parkour... it was pretty easy. As for the delayed jumps, they are pretty easy to adapt to. Besides, the only hard part is finding a damn guide to help me. Even if I try my best to fafo, it would still be impossible for my brain to discover secrets. I need a guide, but there is none really. Enough guide yap, i will now state the:

    the good thing abt this game is it's packed to the brim with content, i mean i can keep playing it 10 times over (each run lasting around 2-3 hours) and i'd still not be 100% complete on the content..... the animations are also very nice, to call this game well made (in terms of animations) would be an understatement.

    -random ass lag (mind you i have a very high end gaming pc and wifi)
    -tideous tasks:
    for example, the dollhouse key puzzle: it's very VERY confusing, like not even in the intended way, it eats up like 30% of my runs, theres no clue on what is the right button, miss it? bam, get to slamming the keys to escape.
    not only that, like i said, you are given like no clues as to what and how many endings are there (when i first played with the idea of paradise keys, i got em all but i didnt see a single guide or so mention the chapel boss)
    -wonky controls

    that done, game is hard hitting, nice graphics, the parkour (controversial opinion) is quite easy. keeps you curious all the way through to explore for other endings, 4/5
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I just don't understand the appeal of games like this, the motivations are all wrong. You're punished for engaging in the H content and while the content is nice the game itself is pretty bad. There's just not really a reason to play this.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    I've had this game on my radar for a good while, but only got to play it now.

    Unlike what I expected from the screenshots, the sex scenes are really bad. The anatomy, the movements, the effects, etc, are unsightly, making the scenes quite disgusting overall. You can't have disgusting sex scenes on a hentai game, so this is an instant drop.

    Platforming (movement in general) is janky and slow.

    Music gets incredibly repetitive after 5 minutes.

    Art looks good from a distance, but that's it.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent H animations. Horrible jank platforming in a game that would benefit significantly from clambering and other post-stone age (post-1900's) quality of life benefits. The dev is getting about $3000 a month to work on this. You should expect better.
  7. 5.00 star(s)



    1. шикарные Анимации
    2. хорошие механики ))
    3. множество девушек с разными анимациями ))
    4.хорошая фоновая музыка

    1. нельзя покрыть девушек (жидкостью) как обычно делается в похожих играх
    2. немного кривая система сложности ( девственность и все в этом духе лично я не понял работает она или нет !)
    нет реакции на то что гг голый ! ( реакция на то что он в халате и без одинаковая что с ней что без ! увы)

    Eng translate:

    1. Gorgeous Animations
    2. good mechanics))
    3. Lots of girls with different animations))
    4.Good background music

    1. You cannot cover girls (with liquid) as is usually done in similar games
    2. a slightly crooked system of complexity (virginity and everything in this spirit, I personally did not understand whether it works or not!)
    there is no reaction to the fact that gg is naked ! ( the reaction to the fact that he is in a bathrobe and without is the same , what 's with her what 's without ! alas)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    pretty short game but the gameplay itself is fun and challenging.
    the pixle art is pretty hot and theres a ton of enemies with varried animations to go with them, best part is that not all of the H animations are death scenes but instead you just take damage from them unlike other games
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    some random fellow

    Very good game, it has a wide variety of scenes for almost any taste
    the game's main drawback is often tedious and frustrating platforming, alongside cryptic puzzles that take long to solve on the first time around.
    On top of this i experienced a bug in certain fight which freezes the game, forcing you to close and reopen the game application.
    However, to make up for this, the game has lots of content, albeit there are only four stages, each has tons of secrets and hidden scenes to find.
    On top of this the game actually has lore for some reason, i played the prequel to this game (attack it devil legion) and i was surprised by the tone shift between the two, this game has lots of worldbuilding and if you played and ended up liking the previous game, you might like this one alot just like i did.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A rare gem! An high quality femdom game with a lot of fetishes and pixel-animated scenes. As a platforming and puzzle game it is quite avarage but the mediocre gameplay is overshadowed by the amazing scenes
  11. 3.00 star(s)

    Mr. Cofman

    "Fucking doodle jump, can you believe it?! FUCKING DOODLE JUMP!"
    "Pfft!~ I can see what the developer meant by "development started to decline"
    "What about the story then?"
    "As always, nothing is as it seems...~"

    *sigh* v1.1

    Welcome to the castle of a tempting frustration!~
    70% of the time you will be experiencing a fine material for a nice horny brain rot, sure.

    Just walk... and look how your character is being killed... via amazingly pixel animated scenes~
    Or... just run away from enemies...?

    20% of the time you will be looking for secrets.
    Lore, story, even items that will affect the ending... all behind the walls...


    10%... 10%... 10% of the time, you will be questioning the last boss.
    All that work just to play a fucking doodle jump... which is also quite buggy and difficult.


    Believe me, I wanted to give this game 5 stars, but...

    "But Mr. Cofman is a cry-baby and thought of cheating instead of getting good~"
    "Fucking fairy... I won... and without cheating... what the hell..."
    "Won like a loser! Kyahahaha!~"
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    A pixel puzzle platformer with a lot of variety in terms of content that is brought down by buggy or frustrating features and a horrid second act. The second area is a great example of where the game shines, a fun and interesting environment to explore, unpack and solve. Where the game fails completely is in the second act where you have to choose between the bad ending or looking up a guide to find a bunch of very hidden shinies and then suffering through some genuinely awful platforming and boss fights. A fine experience if you go through normally and enjoy the good scene variety and look up the other ending and grab a full save, but as a game it falters a lot.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Platforming sucks, one boss is very buggy, and the puzzle stuff needed for true end is overly cryptic.
    All of that is massively overshadowed by a diverse and plentiful amount of high quality scenes. I've had a very good time with this one.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Overall not that enjoyable. The gameplay is a bit stiff, with some stuff requiring more precision that consistently doable. The scenes are fun, which was the only saving grace for me, otherwise I would have stopped way sooner.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    OKAY sure, yeah, it's a great game. I'll be real though, I might slap the dev for those last two bosses (especially with the stuttering during the climb).

    Frustrations aside, great monster girls that make use of their monster features in the h stuff. Awesome. This guy gets the interest in monster girls. The animations are great.

    The game plays like a puzzle platformer. You can't attack anything and must avoid all enemies/traps. The controls are very simple. I had some fun with the game.

    Everything around getting the 'true ending' is well-hidden and thus, you will likely need a guide. I don't quite like this, as some of the hidden rooms and such are outright obscure with no in-game hints. Example: Standing on a very small platform that's blended in with the background. Like uhhh... Why???

    This is worth a play, especially if you like monster girls. Just do realize the game isn't afraid to be challenging.. Sometimes a little too challenging.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This is probably one of the most frustrating 4/5 I have ever done because on one end this game's presentation is top notch and a damn decent game for someone's second major project

    But on the other hand it is often fighting between being boring, going through the motions, to a casual knife in the balls. To the point where it would be a 3/5 if it was made by more experienced Circles or devs.

    Like if you play through this game normally and reach the end no keys, it's ok for the most part and then you go after the good ending and the whole game becomes frustrating. Take the Lab key where in order to get it you have to activate the portal in the room with the dead robot. to activate the portal you have to step on a piece of background next to her and press the interact button. like how am I supposed to know that? I get the more obtuse things for the collectable lore books but come on.

    Then you have the platforming where the MC has a delayed jump which is fine until you need to obtain the chapel items to reach the boss and have to do tight platforming with moving platforms over what are essentially instakill hazards. Right before fighting hands down the most confusing and frustrating boss in the game. These random spikes would come out of nowhere and suck so bad that I had thoughts of going screw it and just grabbing a 100% save so I can just enjoy the pixel art on display.

    What irons it out is the infrequency but damn did I want to quit with how bullshit this games lows can be.

    Outside of that I liked horror aspect. It's mostly unfair that people dock the game for it since it's ultimately just a preference (you know if you don't like it ignore it/don't get caught and all) But I believe the game does a good job slowly easing into it's fucked up elements and shows appropriate amounts of brevity from time to time. I've played a lot of fucked up games on this site that for some reason doesn't believe in restraint so it's extremely refreshing whenever a game understands the term.

    Castle of Temptation is a solid game. While I do think the game aspect of it has its rough patches, they are so infrequent and shielded by a dose of good sprite art that it's hard to really stay mad at it for too long
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is enjoyable (though frustrating at times). The Chapel stage really could have used an in-game map. The secret boss was gross (and takes way too long), so I didn't bother to complete that part.

    The pixel art is top-tier.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved it! It was enterteining, with good quality and interestings scenes.
    Of courses wanted a bit more scenes with feet worship and feminization <3

    Though I've completed the game, I see that there's still lots of levels to explore.

    I look forward to more projects from th edeveloper.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I might be biased since I already liked "Attack It! Devil Legion", but I overall did really enjoy this game.

    The animations are solid and there is quite a bit of variety.
    The gameplay is good enough to keep you playing.

    One of the main drawing points of this game is obviously the Femdom, but unless you actively despise it for some reason, you should check out the game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually really dislike action style H games and subsequently dismissed this game whenever I saw it here for the past few years. Finally gave it a go and oh boy was I seriously mistaken.

    Every fetish itch that you have can be scratched with this game. Only issue I had was the fact that there was no guide or walk-through which is fine for people who want to play the game but I also think that a lot of people are missing out because they don't want to put in the 1% effort to figure things out (which they have the right to do).

    Definitely in my top 10.