Personally, I'm not sure that this is my thing as I'm neither a fan of celebrities nor deepfakes, and the former are overrated and the latter are almost always non-consensual with many celebrities being very open about their opposition to such content being made using their faces. I would prefer real porn games to stick to pornstars and nude models who have (hopefully) consented to such content being made, even if the pictures/videos themselves are pirated.
That aside, I think that this has a decent UI and not a whole lot more - it is, in its current form, a glorified GIF player. There is, in my opinion, not really any game to play here. The "classic economy" mode has no actual economic mechanics and the only thing that starting money affects is how many GIFs you can watch before having to restart. You also can't revisit celebrities that you "own" after you exiting their page. It is not made obvious that there is a reason to pay for the same service multiple times to see all the GIFs for a given celebrity - I only found out by reading this thread.
Contrast this to
Time of Cherries - it is made very clear how much content there is for each model and how much you have unlocked. The main gameplay loop is returning to models to unlock the photos for each tier as they become available. There is also a purpose to having money beyond choosing how long you want the "run" to last - getting upgrades that help with unlocking photos and later paying the upkeep for your concubines (which in turn help with unlocking photos by lowering your stress).
Another feature of Time of Cherries that may be worth considering is the mod support. Games like these that are at their core a gallery with strings attached benefit from making it easy to add new content, with the added benefit of letting the developer spend more time on features while players provide unofficial content. More players' tastes get catered to without causing the development to stall.
The GIFs themselves seem to look fairly good (although I didn't play for long) but as has been pointed out in a different comment the bodies used for the deepfakes don't always look like the celebrity they're meant to portray, and the base GIFs are reused for multiple celebrities. When the main *thing* you can do in the game is try to see every GIF, why would I bother playing if I'm just going to see the same 3-second porn clip with a different face smushed onto it over and over?
Apologies if this seems critical, but as it stands I can't say that there's anything here to make it worth the hefty download size. If there's no gameplay, you might as well host a website like Celeb Jihad and upload the GIFs without the obstruction that is an RNG dice-roll deciding if you actually get to see them all or not. I'm not sure that the FMK game mode would be any different - what would be the difference between "fuck" and "marry", and what would be the point in choosing that mode over the standard one in which you never have to "kill" a celebrity whose scenes you might want to see? There's not enough information about the "ladder-style" mode to be able to tell you if it sounds like a good idea or not.
TL;DR: visuals are decent but you might as well just open the assets folder in your media app or browser and watch them normally. I don't see this changing in future updates unless the dev thinks about what direction they want to take the game in.