Yeh well, I never said I was an expert, even so I consider myself a pretty smart guy.
Last year I was playing the piano on the subway, then due to the pandemic I started watching tutorials on YouTube and here I am. Without programming knowledge, in less than a year I came up with a game made in another language, with software made in another language, watching tutorials in another language. Would you program in Spanish, watching tutorials in Spanish, without prior knowledge?
So ok...
I could try to do what you say, but I think I earn some support and chear up... since I suppose that despite its faults, for the most part, you guys enjoy the game right?
Of course, you couldn't know my story, but it's an attitude that I find quite recurrent here to say: "
hey asshole, why didn't you do this" instead of saying:
"hey friend, just a tip, you could do this, and it would be great"
Maybe it's just a cultural thing that I'm not used to.

in any case, thanks for the tip.